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do not disturb

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Everything posted by do not disturb

  1. cool but not that cool, maybe if it was reasonably priced...who am i kidding, i'd still pass. the fold booster looks retarded and so do the shoulder and leg attachments. PASS!
  2. rubbing alcohol. i posted a template for the neck cover is in the yf-19 fix and mod thread in the other section. its the exact size it suppose to be, all you have do is print it then cut it out.
  3. haha, thats what i meant by obvious. with all that in mind, you're telling me all i can really do is hope they just stay on huh? unfortunately the yamato ones i put on a few days ago are already peeling. well not all of them, just the real little ones like the red triangles on the side of the fuselage. maybe i should opted to pick up a set of your stickers cause these yamato ones suck the sweat off a rhino nuts.
  4. takatoys, since your the resident sticker expert i got a question for ya. i like cutting my stickers down so theres barely any border left but the problem i'm having is the lack of adhension. with so little surface space left on a small sticker like the tiny triangles right above the upper vents/intakes, how you do get them to stay on? is there some kind of trick to this outside of the obvious?
  5. the crooked lightening printing? probably, but i certainly wouldn't consider it a problem since it doesn't affect the toys ability to transform in anyway. just TF it to battoid mode or just look at it from one side in fighter mode and it won't bother you as much. while it does bother me some, i'm not losing sleep over it. its is what it is.
  6. i got a 0A pilot with the same issue. keep in mind if a seller has a B&M store, his walk-in customers are going to open the flap(maybe even the box) and see which was is the most perfect and purchase the good one. now if that seller also sells online, its in his best interest you ship out ones with faults like the crooked lightening printing on the helmet, how else is he going to get rid of them? thats not to say everyone should blame the seller, had yamato did it right the first time, seller wouldn't have to sell valks knowing they have some kind of fault.
  7. i'm not trying to downplay anyones issue but i just don't get it? my tan tabs are exactly as they were, no sanding, no filing involved whatsoever and it transforms normally without a tremendous amount of force. the key to the transformation is actually pulling the fuselage away from the center section after you break the neck. i just don't understand why people are having a problem with this?
  8. wow, i applied some stickers but all those red "no step" stickers really makes it stand out. i imagine you used pencil for the panel lines?
  9. its only $18.14 w/free shipping at deepdiscountdvd.com but is it worth owning?
  10. i've looked everywhere(other than all 54 pages of the konig thread, you're on your own there). i'm surprised no one has it saved on their HD?
  11. whoops! i should've asked if it was the shoulder ball joint thats loose or just the bicep. my tip or Ignacio tip will help one way or another.
  12. first, remove the two screws in the back of the shoulder. when you split shoulder into two halves, you'll see the top of bicep slides inbetween them. apply the nail polish to which ever half makes contact with the bicep. its pretty straight forward. hope that makes sense?
  13. clear nail polish
  14. here ya go! [attachmentid=40274]
  15. as far as the 3 toys, the zero is the shiznit, even with all its faults. i feel the effort put forth in designing it was far greater than the other 2 combined. otherwise VF-1 all the way, its a classic afterall. just wondering.... VF = Variable Fighter or dare i say it, Veritech Fighter YF = ????
  16. now that graham has the inside info, hes probably busy setting up his auctions on ebay and selling off all the valks he know will be reissued. anyone know his ebay handle?
  17. wow dude, is this your first stab at doing ball and joint mods? it looks damn near professional, awesome!
  18. and here we go! if you look closely at the thighs and you'll see the extra hinge in the upper part of it. if you can't see it, i'll highlight it in red for ya. also note the "up" position of the backpack hinge in gerwalk. it should be the same for battroid incase you think you got a floppy backpack.
  19. theres hidden hinge in the thigh. give me a sec and i'll try to locate the pic for you, its hard to describe...
  20. you are correct sir! fun-tac, blu-tac, its all the same. i'm using some yellow funtac right now but i wish i could find some in black or grey just to disguise it better. i wish i had the pics with me but i had the 19 laced out with every missisle you could imagine, to the point where it there was no wings, it was all missiles...on both the botttom and the top. i actually had two 1/48 GP's underneath where the RMS missiles are right now and even had missile attached to the canards...i definitely went a little nuts with it but its all about having fun.
  21. you see how easy it is to be nice. and for that, here ya go. theres a bunch of old ones to weed through.... http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...e=paint+removal but in case you need more recent threads, check these out first... http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...l=paint+removal http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...l=paint+removal no apologies necessary. people tones are hard to determine when you're reading something on your screen. looking back i guess my "paint is paint" comment seems demeaning even though it wasn't intended that way. no harm no foul.
  22. and all this time i thought flamer was another way of saying someone is ghey.
  23. deleted for the good of all!
  24. theres no such thing as perfect matching paint. paint is paint, colored plastic is colored plastic. you'll have to mix your own and hope to get the color as close as possible. just wondering, but why would you spend an large sum of money to buy an LV1, only to mod it out? why not just buy a cheap valk and paint the whole thing the way you want it?
  25. more or less, it should sit at a 70 degree angle but nowhere near 90. the peg the red arrow is pointing to should rest where the blue arrow is pointing to, which keeps the LG from collapsing. [attachmentid=40228] hope that makes sense.
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