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do not disturb

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Everything posted by do not disturb

  1. mega - Would have been easy to give it knees and a head that could turn. But it's still an okay display piece. a non arguementive statement/opinion. hurin - I think it would be cool if it rode a unicorn, but it didn't have one in the movie! made your point, but no need for the sarcasm as some people will take it the wrong way. mega - the least you can do is to give it better articulation and stay away from a toy design that's completely outdated. avoids responding to sarcasm and replies with a non arguementive statement/opinion hurin - When you're designing a toy that is based on a design from a movie, you tend to want to make it accurate to the movie's design. a very polite response mega - Look on the box, the head is clearly turned to the right. Can't care less for the show btw. But I take it Macross fans are happy with inferior toys could've done better without the last part, so no argument there. hurin - sniped that a whole lot of unneeded sarcasm knowing the dude was getting all worked up but the princess leia figure had penis killed me! mega- No, you see the anime version on the box, and the head is turned on that one. ignores more sarcasm and use images on a toy box to make a point on a fan site. *note to self...never use box images to make a point. hurin - i call bullshit, prove me wrong. mega- post a pic of whats on the box, gets pissed and resorts to using sarcasm himself hurin - a polite response. mega - How does it walk then with no knees? Unless it's not seen walking in the movie? Anyway, it looks way better with a turning head, makes for more dynamic poses. a most silly statement as he clearly has no idea that the macross floats around, i laughed when i read his post. from there its pretty much downhill since everyone started using sarcasm to make fun of the guy and when that happens, its hard to not get pissed off. its happened to everyone atleast once, and i don't know a single person who enjoyed it. i'm not against or for anyone(and no i don't have anything against hurin, he and i are on good terms AFAIK), i just felt he(mega) got driven to the point of getting banned because people were so unrelenting. the initial comment he made about the toy turned into a flame war, and of course in true MW fashion, people busted out their electric powered fans because it fun....but i've been guilty of this too in the past so i'm no saint. anyway, this isn't my site, so its not my decision who stays and who goes, i just thought a banning required more of a reason than that.
  2. first off, let me say thank you for not starting yet another "which one should i buy thread"....theres way too many of those. now to answer your question... i'd hold off on purchasing either of them for the time being, instead wait the for reviews(and possible fixes) on the upcoming bundled YF-19 w/FP's and Fold booster release, as well as the bundled VF-0A shin w/ghost release. i know valkoholism is very difficult to fight but the bundled releases is an overall better value and they might have corrected some of the issues on valks that people have addressed(no matter how big or small). i'd tell you to read through the 100+ pages for both but i'll make it easy for you... YF-19: its has a crooked gunpod, the fuselage seems too tight for some to transform, and the rear landing rears don't come canted. none of those things are a big deal to me(as they are easily fixable) but its been a deal breaker for some. VF-0A: first, don't get the VF-0S, its shoulders are very weak, the feet don't lock into position and is rather loose straight out the box. there might be some other issues with the 0S but i haven't bothered to purchase it due to its known flaws. the VF-0A is a bit tighter overall but not by much, they fixed the feet so they lock in battroid mode but the shoulders are still very weak and prone to breaking. the YF-19 is better overall IMO, but i'd still wait for the bundled set as they might have fixed some of the things people have mentioned and you might save some money buying the whole shabang instead of buying the valk and booster/FP set seperately. that is unless you don't care for the accessories? i myself don't. the VF-0A is not worth buying. i love the design but the weak shoulders is whats killing it. if thats fixed, i'll gladly buy all the VF-0's varients but as is, no thanks. i don't need nor want to a purchase toy that will break all on its own. hope that helps!
  3. i agree. i'm sure he(nor anyone else really) didn't have any kind words to share but its very difficult when everyone is trying to get their jabs in. i say bring the dude back, i honestly didn't see what he intially said was a good enough reason for a banning? people have said/done alot worse publically(atleast this guy said it in a PM)and they're somehow still around? don't get me wrong, what he(mega)said was somewhat silly and it was kind of retarded to diss the site/series, but not so much so that people had to take their gloves off and get buck on him. i dunno, things here seemed so nice for the past few then all this, over a post about how knees would've been cool on a toy? words are just words and this is just plain silly. back to the topic at hand.... my purchasing and opinion on this toy could be swayed if there was a place i could actually see it and hold it. anyone want to send me theirs so i can check it out?
  4. though kicking this guy while hes down(and banned) is fun, i think we've all been here long enough(and mature enough)not to continue with it, so how about we get back to the topic at hand?
  5. theres no doubt poseable kness would be a cool feature for this toy, but they didn't make the toy with poseable knees sooooo.... moving along to a more logical discussion.... i still don't get why this is so expensive? and i highly doubt they'll be a shortage of these, vendors and distributors just say this to drive sales. i.e. the supposed shortage of YF-19s when there clearly wasn't any shortage whatsoever. they already spent the money to produce the SDF-1, so it would be in there best interest to make as many as the market will bare. if for whatever reason the price for these climb to some ridiculous price, wave will simply re-release them(so they make the money and not secondary market sellers)as yamato has for some of there valks. with that in mind, i'll pick this up when it hits $50 or so....though i'd be willing to pay more if the kness bent or something.
  6. do not disturb

    1/100 WF YF-21

    i don't know why people spend out the butt for these when none of the modes look all that great and its made of resin which will eventually warp. people got money to burn i guess but a 1/100 scale toy for $1000, maybe if i were retarded.
  7. haha, consider yourself lucky, mine last about 9-12 weeks, sometimes only 9-12 days! apparently, i don't take my life seriously enough for the women i've been dating, whats up with that? anyway, i'd hit Misa all day everyday. i always found minmey to be annoying and her flakey ways would piss me off. as far as kaifun, he would be the head of operation human shield.
  8. do not disturb

    Please Read

    graham, i'd be willing to do it for the US customers(and canadian, i love you guys too!) as it would save a ton of money for all involved. i don't mind doing the leg work, its been really slow at my job as of late and i got a lot of downtime to do what i want. just give a shout if/when you get the good word from yamato. edit: forgot about you crazy canucks!
  9. more like Geico Ted cause creating radiation is so easy, even a caveman can do it!
  10. why not take a stab at it?, just use some tape along the borders and paint away, its probably the easiest thing to paint. i mean its just missiles afterall not the valk itself. take a chance, live a little. if you're really that afraid, i'll paint them for free, just pay for shipping back and forth and cover any paypal fees. trust me, i won't screw up(nor you if you take the chance) and if i do, i have atleast 60 missiles clusters to spare at home. shoot me a PM.
  11. they're probably not going to do anything for you...most NYC stores in general will tell you to f-off. "you bought it and you broke it, its not our fault, thank you, come again"
  12. well since they already released a grey version of this, making a low vis version is kind of pointless unless they do the weathering like they did on the VF-1 LV. my vote goes for a real life camo scheme just so i can justify purchasing another one.
  13. i parted one out a couple of weeks ago. i sold the entire fuselage section to Kicker773, maybe he has some spare parts that might help? try shooting him a PM.
  14. awesome, can't wait to see how it turns out.
  15. will it? i don't think so. yamato has improved every single macross toy they've released and while it may of pissed off some of the fans, the majority have been more than happy.... 1/72 yf-19 - fixed in 2nd edition 1/72 vf-11b - fixed in 2nd edition and FP version 1/72 yf-21 - not really fixed but sort of 1/60 vf-1 - fixed when moving to the super and strikes 1/60 vf-1D - fixed to allow FPs 1/48 vf-1 roy and max - re-released with fixes. 1/100 konig - 2nd release fixed(not much of fix other than the hidden arm missiles) 1/60 VF-0S - fixed when the VF-0A was released as much as i hate not getting a good one from the start, atleast they make an effort to listen to their customers and improved their toys when needed...and i would imagine very few toy companies would actually do this at all.
  16. normally i would agree with you(i love me some diecast!) but i realized that transforming toys should be made of plastic since it involves a lot of moving parts that can scrape together. for fixed figures its all about the diecast, but for tranformable toys i say plastic please.
  17. looks promising, i'll wait...
  18. cool! looks like toynami missed the boat, not that it really matters cause if toynami puts one out, we'll all buy that one too.
  19. nice work and details. way to take matters into your own hands for a 1J max, awesome!
  20. 1. yes i think they will. they made 2 slots on either side of the backpack of the VF-0, what else could it be for? 2. probably the same amount or a little less than when the GBP armor was first released, then the price will drop as more repaints are introduced. it doesn't have as many features as the standard GBP so i'd imagine it wouldn't cost as much....but thats up to the people who place preorders at astronomical prices. 3. yes! but i was really drunk. 4. yes and no. probably yes unless they don't bother fixing/changing the shoulders. i really love the VF-0 design alot and even with the shoulder issues, i'm really fighting myself from buying a 1st release 0S. 5. yes as i mentioned when answering question 1.
  21. thinking more on this, you know what kills me about the price of this thing, what you get for your $50. just imagine you bought 2 fold booster kits, then compare that to just 1 GBP kit, its freakin ridiculous! not enough bang for my buck IMHO. when someone recasts the leg and arm armors, i'm in.
  22. so i got the toynami voltron the other day and all i can say is WOW, the thing is all sorts of awesome! toynami really came through with the goods on this one. the only issue i had was the green lions foot broke. i knew the tight feet was an issue on the red and green lions beforehand and only moved the foot so i could loosen the screw but as soon as i moved it, it broke....grrrr! but it wasn't a biggie, i fixed the foot then took apart the rest of the legs and modded them out(just some sanding) so it won't happen to the other feet. all in all i'm totally happy with this purchase. i paid $110 shipped for it and let me tell ya, just the shear weight of it alone makes me feel i got my moneys worth. i'll probably pick up another one some time down the road so i can display it in both lion and robot modes, yes i think its that great.
  23. i finally saw it the other day and i rather enjoyed it. i didn't care much for the cgi(kind of cheesed it out) but i kept my expectations low so it wasn't the ultimate suck. anyway, i'm looking forward to the next episode...errr movie.
  24. i think you hit the nail on the head. if half these whiners paid $120, they still be pissed but not as pissed. --------------------------------------------------------------- as far as speaking with our wallets, that might work on the US retailers but in reality, it doesn't matter if we choose not to buy their toys, yamato doesn't care about the US market anyway and according to many, we have very little impact on the greater whole.
  25. maybe i'm just lucky but i play with my YF-19 all the time, i've probably TF'ed it 30 times already and i haven't had a single issue, not a single one. while i handle my toys gently, who's to say those people with problems are also being gentle? keep in my "gentle handling" might be someones defintion of "rough handling" and vise versa so when someone says, "i was being gentle", it can mean anything. if people can't figure out how to handle the toy/transform it properly, they should just return it. sorry but the harsh reality is, people who are intelectually challenged(my nice way of saying too stupid to figure it out) shouldn't blame anyone but themselves. this i can agree with. i rather dislike paying out the butt for one of their toys and it having some MAJOR issues, but minor ones like the crooked GP and LG's don't bother me a bit, i think its just people having nothing else to talk about, no one else to blame, so they b1tch and moan about something trivial....yeah for the interweb!
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