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do not disturb

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Everything posted by do not disturb

  1. what difference does putting on the "correct" stickers really make? its up to the owner how he wants to sticker his armor. besides even if you put on all the correct stickers, the GBP is still kind of bland, you gotta spice it up a little bit even if it doesn't make sense.
  2. do not disturb

    Graham's Sig

    VF-11B? looks like my mom will have to wait for her operation.
  3. i definitely want to purchase another one. i prefer the LV scheme otherwise any other scheme is cool.
  4. get whatever you like but i'd go for a 1/48, though they're kind of expensive, you definitely won't regret your purchase. if you want to start small, pick up the 1/100 toynami valks. i'm not a big fan of these(i like larger toys) but a lot of people seem to dig them.
  5. its says takara MP-1 Convoy and it came with the longer smokestacks. i only paid $90.02 shipped(MISB) for it so its not bothering me too much. i did notice that the piston at the feet pop out on one side when i TF it into truck mode but thats about it in regards to misaligned parts. the only other thing is the paintchips and it was chipped straight out the box. its no biggie, it would've chipped eventually and i have no intention of reselling it, i really like it.
  6. awesome but i would've bought some cheapy valk(probably 3 valks for the price of 1 LV) and made 3 customs. crazedness
  7. ummm....like dude
  8. looks dope! maybe i'll try my hand at a custom GBP one day.
  9. thanks for the info, i should've known to check there by now. i remember someone was selling all 3 MISB years back when i first got into the hobby and i ended up losing all 3 auctions. IIRC, i think they all went for under $50 a pop
  10. QQ for ya, whate up with these cyclones? [attachmentid=41151] what scale are they? are they of decent quality? do you(or anyone else) have these on display? any pics and info would be appreciated.
  11. so i finally got around to picking up the MP prime. its okay for the most part but after one transformation i had paint chips. the transformation sequence is pretty neat, not what i expected at all and it took a while to figure out how to get to truck mode without cheating. while the heft is awesome to some degree, i don't really care for how they designed the legs as posing is a bit stiff. ball joints/swivels would've been better but imagine the weight of the diecast would've made it a floppy mess. all in all its cool but its not all that, its probably that TFs are 2 modes toys and being that macross toys are 3 mode toys(and better in everyway), it leaves me wanting more.
  12. don't say that kind of stuff or it might come true! i can take invader-ish or whatever-ish but transforming robots with breasts is the stupidest thing ever. you might as well give the guy mechs peckers and the girl mechs twats, then we can ask ourselves why valks don't have nice asses.
  13. buy it from toy-wave, he's in HK so he only pays ground shipping within HK. his prices are fairly competitive and usually a bit less than HLJ. otherwise, you can purchase from other HK sellers. i'd say Neova but i think he close his shop.
  14. it comes to $167.25 USD after the *cough*'early bird not much of a discount'*cough* if HLJs got it for that price, someone will sell them cheaper, HLJ is kind of expensive.
  15. i voted for someone new. i'm kind of tired of paying out the ass for yamatos and you know bandai isn't gonna do anything. while yamato usually gets the praise, cm new legioss/tread is inspiring and waves SDF-1 seems to getting some high marks. we need some new blood if we're going to get better products and more competitive prices.
  16. LOL! most people in the military talk about how they miss their loved ones, yet you show up to say you miss your toys.
  17. haha, i've been using my brain to photoshopping my blue one, just so i don't have to buy this one. while it looks cool, i still prefer the original blue version. if they made matching valks for this, i'd be more inclined to buy it.
  18. dude, in your avatar, did you make you're own little LV2 using the 1/100s? thats awesome!
  19. do not disturb

    Please Read

    you know i've been thinking about why this is happening and came to a conclusion... maybe they screwed up the ball joint rather than the shoulder pieces itself? maybe its not perfect ball/sphere as they intended, instead slightly oval and thats whats causing the breaks? does any of that make sense? whether this is true or not i have no idea as theres no real way for me to test it....how does one test to see if something is a perfect sphere? either way i hope we get the good word from graham soon. i've pretty much avoided handling my 0A ever since this issue came to light and its killing me that its my favorite valk.
  20. well i think HLJ didn't stock as much as planned since as soon as pics were posted and a size comparison could be made, everyone was like WTF thats tiny! for how much? then people proceeded to cancel their orders left and right on HLJ before the item even came out. then HLJ changed the status from "preorder" to "discontinued" perhaps to entice people into purchasing the item anyway. i myself was waiting for a review before my purchase but as soon as i saw the pics of it next to a valk, it was an instant hells no, not for that price. seriously, the only people i'm competing with in getting this toy are other 30 year olds and i know we're eventually going to sell. i didn't realize my post came across that way but i honestly wasn't accusing you of anything. it was a general statement about what sellers would say, sorry about that. just because HLJ sells out doesn't mean WAVE sold out. what does WAVE's production run have to do with HLJ? there are other distributors out there and theres quite a few vendors carrying this item. when WAVE says "we're completely sold out" and none can be found readily on ebay, then it'll really be sold out. IIRC, they can't do repaints so they would have to charge a ridiculous amount of money.
  21. no prob dude, just don't preorder anything and get a POS. wait until people in japan/china get theres and see if the improvements and fixes were made to the VF-0A, then place you order, its not like a brand new toy will be sold out all over the world. as far as the problems with the YF-19, it ain't a problem cause this toy is Awesome with a capital A! i've TF'ed mine probably close to 30 times now and haven't had a single issue.
  22. you gotta yank the leg off. i know its seems crazy but thats how you gotta do it. from there, just tighten the screws and put the sucker back together.
  23. all those valks and you don't have a 1J max? maybe....
  24. but thats what any seller would say when they want to sell something. "its limited edition" ....if its limited, why doesn't it say so on the box? "rare collectible"...how can it be rare if it just came out? "very hard to find" .....well if its on ebay, then it ain't that hard now is it. "don't miss out".....miss out on what exactly? spending my money? "once its gone, it'll never be released again".....you work for wave? are you their spokesperson? sales people(i'm one of them) are satan's children. we'll tell you anything to make you spend your money...sometimes even give up your first born!
  25. no problemo. i would imagine your issue would be with the PMs he sent to guys(mods/admins) that i/we weren't privy to. i have no idea what he said but i'd imagine he used a good varitey of 4 letter words to release his anger! BTW, if you(or anyone else in charge) feels my responses are dragging this thread down in anyway, please feel free to delete them, it no biggie, or PM me to discuss further.
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