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do not disturb

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Everything posted by do not disturb

  1. i haven't had to do it with mine but from his pictures and other options mentioned on the baords, his seems to make the most sense requiring a minimal amount of effort.
  2. i've been wondering that myself? same goes for the YF in YF-19/21, though someone said the Y does really stand for anything, only that its given to experimental fighters or something to that extent.
  3. are those painted 1/72's? sweet! and whats up with the 0S and reactive armor, i take it its a model? thats sweet too!
  4. i hope its a transformable figure and not just a fixed figure?
  5. my very first was the 1/55 1J hikaru. my dad bought it on a business trip while he was in korea/china/japan back when i was like 7 years old or something. more recently, the toynami 1/55 MPC 1J hikaru. little did i know how crappy it was and moved onto yamato, namely the 1/60 super 1J hikaru.
  6. don't read too much into the "Yamato 1/60 scale YF-19 problem thread". if you actually look through the entire thing, its just a handful of same small issues(really just the crooked gunpod). most of it is just people repeating their dissatisfaction due to mishandling or people just being too particular and demanding perfection. i've transformed mine over 40 times by now and i haven't had a single problem with it. it truly is an awesome toy, enjoy!
  7. gerwalk is my favorite since its the best of both, you get a little battroid action as well as fighter.
  8. i haven't checked this thread in a while and look at all i missed. archors, torpedos, even a little destroid and valk. things seem to be coming along very nicely.
  9. 4? its supposed to be 7. 3 of each mode displayed without FPs... 3 of each mode displayed with FP's... and one to keep MISB.
  10. www.xe.com 4700 yen(EMS shipping) x 2 = 9400 yen = $79.79 USD you might want to go with toy-wave or some other HK based seller, they'll probably be a little cheaper since they won't force you to ship EMS.
  11. welcome back pfunk!
  12. everyone knows red goes faster!
  13. i'll try to take some type of step by step pics and post them up for you tomorrow.
  14. your best bet is to put a dab of clear nailpolish on the pegs, that'll tighten it right up.
  15. theres only been 2 CFs released in 1/60 scale. the two CFs colors aren't even close, you can easily tell the difference. also, you can't attach the FP armor to any 1/60 scale valk other than the 1D....and of course the ones that came with FP armor but the 1D is the only valk that has all the FP attachment points. the CF does have some of the attachment points but no attachment point for backpack boosters.
  16. i knew i should've gotten rid of them when i had the chance, i just knew these would be re-released like every other 1/48. oh wellz...
  17. ooo! swissarmy valks!
  18. woohoo! it works now. and whats this IE you people are talking about? internet error?
  19. i love the new kite icon but was wondering why the little icon doesn't show up in my bookmarks? that would be neat!
  20. more good news! more competition usually means better toys...or atleast one would hope. i'll wait to hear the good word after they come out before making any rash decisions.
  21. its just a really expensive repaint that cost as much as a 1/48. the details/gimmicks on the otherhand are beyond awesome but i guess more people would rather have more valks or they're saving up for the new releases.
  22. yes the backpack hinge can break but it usually happens when taking the FP kit(fast pack) off. just be sure to use the same amount of pull/push pressure on both sides of the backpack when attaching and removing them. first, don't "force" anything, this is a no-no and should not be used when it comes to these toys. the best way to get the arms through is to leave them folded like they are in fighter mode and swing them all the way out first, then fold them down into the slots your having trouble with....does that make sense? its not tight, just snug. grab the heatshield with your thumb and pointer finger underneath the chest plate and pull it down gently. you might have to jiggle it a bit but it should slide into position without using much force. again, don't force it. its kind of tricky but when its in battroid mode and your TF'ing to fighter/gerwalk, you have to make sure to turn the head 180 first, then swing the neck piece around 180. from there, just slide BOTH head lasers through and thats it. theres only one thing to watch out for.... your wallet.
  23. the straight on rear view shot looks sick!
  24. nope not a nerd but i'm pretty sure i'm a dork!
  25. i wasn't trying to argue with ya. i just think its funny when people get all technical when it comes to toys, its just toys afterall. who cares if its correct or not?, if its canon or not?, its about having fun.
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