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do not disturb

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Everything posted by do not disturb

  1. ^theres no such thing as an exact release date when it comes to yamato. they try to get their products out by the projection date but it usually ends up getting pushed back.
  2. maybe i'm crazy but that doesn't look very MP to me, maybe toynami MP but not takara.
  3. very interesting. i'm all for the classic designs/mecha but something new in the ways of macross/robotech mecha wouldn't hurt. i look forward to getting more info on this.
  4. so moving off all these lame repaints and con exclusives... whats up with MP soundwave? are they making him? i hope they make him big enough so i can rock him on my shoulder like a boom box.
  5. that new scan just made my day. looking good.
  6. i don't care for yet another version of the VF-1 but i hope they make other macross mecha.
  7. i'd get any VF-1 1/48, its awesome in everyway, you really can't go wrong with this one. i'd pick up atleast one of the 1/60 valks(with the removable legs) just so you can have one to scale with some of the newer 1/60 valks like the VF-0, YF-19 and upcoming SV-51.
  8. neat! if your head ever does fall off, insert a metal pin connecting the head and torso, its works like a charm.
  9. possibly, but i think it had more to do with all the complaints that killed its sales, not to mention the price offered in HK was about $80 less. while it does seem more risky, if its one thing yamato has learned for the past few years, we'll buy almost anything, canon or otherwise. so far theres 3 varients of the VF-0 and i'm pretty sure theres another one coming, as well as the Ghost(2 varients so far). theres 2 varients of the YF-19(solo and bundle) but you know the blue version is coming, a LV version, and if they're smart, the super nova schemes people have been clamouring for. shoot, they might even release them in the M&M schemes and bet people would eat them up. they can milk the molds over and over again for all these toys, and if sales start dropping off, they can just slap "limited" on the box then everyone will buy it just because.
  10. maybe they'll include them with their future releases but i doubt they'll do anything for the 1/48, what a shame.
  11. i'm not happy with the prices of these either but if you wait a couple of months after the item is released, the price will usually drop. i.e. YF-19 was selling for $200+, now people can't get rid of them for $150...shipped! i think it'll be the same case for the SV-51.
  12. for real. what was the point of making so you have to hold the button down? lego did the same stupid thing with those light up lightsabers figs, its a cool feature but they made impossible to have fun with. i'm happy to report my Megs has made a few transformations the past few days and nothings broken., though i have a small heartattack when i have to fiddle with the arms and legs....could they have made those joints/hinges any tighter?!?!?
  13. looks like the MPC but i'll wait til theres more solid info.
  14. well seeing as it was made by takara, no. i feel you but this is bigger and more detailed than your average transformer, you know just plain ugly in every way. while the robot mode has a few weird things going on, overall i think they did a great job on it. while the scratching/es bother me, it doesn't bother me enough that i regret my purchase in anyway, it was a $100 well spent in my book.
  15. i don't own a real P38, maybe JsArclight(or other gun collectors) owns a real one and picked up the MP megs? that being said, it might look somewhat to scale if Andre the Giant were holding it. put it this way, if i was running around the streets with this cannon in hand, the cops would shoot first and ask questions later. i haven't noticed any gimmicks on it other than the LED. no two faces like the SS, no moving jaw like prime, just the additonal weapons/accessories. its kind of lame they couldn't incorporate some cool little feature into it but i'm still happy wiht my purchase. side note: after TF'ing back and forth once, i've inflicted numerous scratches all over it and its not from manhandling it. the transformation is so complex and flismy, the parts end up scratching against each other no matter how careful you are. its safe to say i won't be TF'ing this again for a long long time.
  16. i just finished transforming it to gun mode...boy is that sucker big! all in all its pretty cool but it sure did take long as hell to TF it.
  17. do you think theres a way to make some kind of resin attachment piece to cover/hide the internals of the legs? this would also make the legs look thicker which would greatly improve the robot mode. just throwing it out there.
  18. just wondering if anyone got their MP megs yet? mine shipped out today but i wanted to read some opinions/reviews of the toy for those who already have them, thanks.
  19. haha, i was just talking about this with my friend and how cool it would be if they made the truck/helicopter.
  20. that i would buy, these on the otherhand...well you know.
  21. a brick that transforms into a brick like robot, you might as well start collecting gobots.
  22. let me just state for the record, i strongly dislike southern cross. even if the toys are made i still wouldn't buy them as i just don't care for any of the designs from the show. southern cross is right up there with the level of suck as mac7, actually its worse than mac7....man i can't believe i just wrote that.
  23. you could be right but both the YF-19 and 21 are in the experimental/prototype stage in the show so heres a right back at ya. i dunno?, some of the macross universe makes no sense to me at all but i guess the important thing to keep in mind is that the toys are really cool.
  24. it doesn't take a genius to figure out that todays adult fans are paying out the ass for collectibles from their youths. any toy company thats researched yamato's sales/figures(or just on ebay) knows theres a huge market for this stuff and the numbers don't lie. i wouldn't be a bit surprised if southern cross toys do get made. if anything it'll be the last toyline to be produced when all other options have burned out.
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