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do not disturb

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Everything posted by do not disturb

  1. i personally have never tried but seeing as the TV pilots are rubber, the paint might not stick as well as you would hope. also, removing the paint might be an issue because it might melt/change the rubber in the process. i guess you could always sacrifice one of your TV pilots and take the plunge but i think you might be better off buying some recasts.
  2. the only thing that interests me are the missiles, since i could cut them off and put them on my doyushas. i'm glad i skipped these.
  3. i think this thread should be locked and a new one started. neova hasn't been around much and answering PM after PM about parts he doesn't have has to be annoying. just a thought.
  4. so you guys think this can stand on its own?
  5. honestly, the detail is so small that a perfect color match is totally unneeded. don't use baby blue but something thats fairly close and it'll be good enough. seriously, you're just going to drive yourself nuts, i say save yourself the time, money, and hassle of trying to buy every paint known to man just to match a tiny ass detail.
  6. its sad and funny all at the same time.
  7. i use citadel water based paint as its the easiest to work with. its for painting 40k/warhammer miniatures. i stay clear of oil/enamel paints as they require you to have some skills to use them.
  8. haha, the way you're going on about it, i'm waiting for you to suggest that we all meet up and burn our jock straps together!
  9. thats a whole lot of if only's
  10. we should try to run some sort of long term experiment with toy investing. basically each us would get an imaginary $200 to buy whatever toy we think will be worth something 1 year(or longer) from now and see if the value goes up. it could be fun. with my $200, i'd probably buy something in the ways of disney and probably some power ranger toys. i'm pretty sure the kids of today will be paying out the ass for PR stuff when they grow up and disney toys is kind of a given. i wouldn't really invest in macross or any other obscure toy line...though sometimes that kind of thing can work for you.
  11. for those who know better, no. why would anyone buy a subpar toy when theres a better version available? for those who don't know better, yes. as they say, theres a sucker born everyday. for those who have to have every version for the sake of it, yes....but i can't say they'd pay a lot for it. if they're into collecting like that, they'll know that the 1st issues of the 1S roy and 1A hikaru were flawed and won't pay much more than the latter versions IMO but thats just my opinion. but whos really to say? someone on ebay might pay $500 for it but that falls into the "they don't know better" catagory.
  12. i'm not married nor do i live with my GF but shes been whatevs about it. she thinks its totally dorky but its my place and i have just about everything in the spare bedroom. other than my aoshima dropship(still lovin it!), i don't let my toys seep out into the common areas of my apartment. i'm not sure what would happen if i got married, but i'd definitely need a "man room" so i can buck with my dorkiness.
  13. theres nothing set in stone as far as whats worth more other than the LV1 as that was limited. otherwise, just sell whenever you see the price jump. waiting out 10-20 years hoping these go up in price isn't happening. first, the only people who would be interested in buying these toys are guy our age and we're all already here and even if new guys come, theres plenty of these to go around. second, any adult who has bought these are keeping them in the best condition possible for the possibility of selling in the future. most of us aren't going to make the same mistake when we we're kids and trash everything. so even 20 years from now you'll see MISB ones as well as MIB ones that are 100% complete with no stickers applied and all that jazz.
  14. i wouldn't worry too much about weird prototype transformation pics. if its one thing that i noticed, very few toy companies know how to transform their own products properly. shoot even people selling the stuff are totally clueless at times.
  15. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=21130
  16. it really makes no difference as it would be the only one on the market. suckers will be lining up to buy this one no matter how much it costs, and by suckers i mean me. whatever company puts it out first will make money hand over fist. which company that will be remains to be seen, i just hope it isn't toynami.
  17. buy 2 valks to make one is by far the easiest but most costly. buying a cheap ass 1S roy and painting is the way to go IMO. i can't paint worth a damn but i still managed to do a decent job on other simple customs i've done in the past. all you have to do is use some masking tape and paint away, its really that easy. the hardest part is painting the tiny ass head arrows but you can cheat and just apply a blue sticker, then cut around the arrow with an exacto knife and remove the excess.
  18. and that right there is the deal breaker for me. i refuse to collecting any line that has chase figures. i'm not wasting my time and money buying cases of anything trying to hunt something down. anytime i see the words "chase" or "con exclusive", its automatically a no.
  19. i'm planning on purchasing one of the ghosts, probably the stand alone seeing as i have no interest in purchasing the bundle. i know the bundle is Shins version but i'll use my imagination and pretend like the white stripe is there. he, who knows, i might cave in and buy both.
  20. say word. the konig monster is one of the more original and unique toys yamato has put out to date. even though its 1/100 scale don't let it deceive you, the gerwalk mode(monster) is kind of big, the shuttle mode is big, but the battroid mode is frickin HUGE!. if you got some extra money to burn its totally worth picking up IMO.
  21. for the most part, i display everything but somethings are boxed up. once in a bluemoon i'll TF one but i have them displayed in all 3 modes, with and without FPs so theres no real point in doing so.
  22. my biggest complaint in regards to the 1/60(diecast ones) is the feet and shoulders. i wish the feet would move a bit for more poseability but the feet(or ankles) barely go back and forth. and forget about the shoulder design, it just doesn't make sense to me. the 1/48, its really a price issue(though its dropped some since its first release), outside of that, the oversized chestplate really ruins the battroid mode especially if you don't have the FPs attached. i like FP valks but sometimes i wish i could have a decent looking battroid without any of the FP armor. now going back to the newer 1/60s, as much as i love the YF-19, i still can't seem to get over the fact that it was a ripoff. even if it was the same price as a 1/48, i just don't feel i got my moneys worth. its has absolutely ZERO features...well outside of the removable visor and shoulder stock(which doesn't really add up to jackshit IMO). even the transformation is lacking in a lot of ways, you barely have to do anything to TF it. the origami style arms is probably the only thing that makes the transformation unique/difficult, otherwsie, the fun of TFing it is almost non-existent. as far as the VF-0, its awesome outside of the broken shoulder issue. out of all of the yammies toys i own, i feel i got the most bang for my buck with its purchase. i really wish they put that same kind of effort into the YF-19 but sadly no. i'll be picking more of these up when i get word of the shoulders being fixed. i love this toy but not enough that i can justify buying a wouldbe lemon.
  23. i just had an idea for contest. instead of having a contest of whos the fastest at transforming a 1/48(which i think you guys have done in the past) how about you have that same contest but do it blind folded. i'm not sure what the prize should be?, i'm guessing something good considering the people who enter will be potentially sacrificing a 1/48. anyhow just a thought to keep things fresh and fun.
  24. sorry for the stupid question but why do you guys keep calling bennett, HRG? also it looks like geico ted cleaned up a little. i guess all the caveman can do it references got to him.
  25. nah, probably july. no the stand alone ghost hasn't come out yet. if any new macross item comes out, you'll see a new thread dedicated to it with lots of pictures. i'm not sure how often you come to the site but stopping by twice a week or so will keep you up to date on all things macross.
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