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do not disturb

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Everything posted by do not disturb

  1. now that makes more sense and BBTS is usually bit more expensive(they got better CS) then most.
  2. weren't these like $17 w/o the FPs? now they(ebay seller you linked) wants $40? i have a hard time accepting that 3 of these $hitty valks cost nearly the same as a 1/48. that doesn't seem right to me but to each his own.
  3. i don't own a PS3 but i went over to a friends and played it this weekend. it wasn't anything special but its SF so its pretty fun. anyway, SF4 got me hyped so i blew the dust off the SF anthology and been playing that on PS2 for the past couple of days. yeah thats right, i said PS2! i'm always a console behind, everything is cheaper that way.
  4. as discussed in the past, brand new "manufactured" collectibles will not hold there value like an old toy. these toys are made solely for the highend collectors market. in short, these aren't really toys. in 20 years time, there will still be tons of these available, all in good condition because we're older and take care of our collectibles. real toys don't get taken care of at all, they get opened up, the boxes get tossed and takes its a fair share of falls, scratches and dings. if you want to collect toys for investment purposes, start picking up popular kids toys of today and stash them away for 10-20 years, then let that generation of adults relive their youth and buy your MISB power rangers, sponge bob or what have you.
  5. this thread is full of win. thanks for participating!
  6. to all the haters for the sake of hating. thank you for your posts. its exactly the reason why i don't come here that often. sorry i brought up the point that people COULD be spending their money on other things. i wasn't judging anyone here but of course in true MW fashion, the same 2 dudes as always(eugimon and hurin) make mountains out of mole hills...say it ain't so! as far as my toy purchases, much like you hurin, i've long since stopped collecting and sold off the majority of the toys i own. i also have other responsibilites and priorities that are more important than this hobby much like yourself but please continue to walk around with that chip on your shoulder from yesteryear, its shows me how much you've grown as a person. and really, you(hurin) of all people talking about someone else being holier than thou? you gotta be kidding me? you're like the most elitest poster i've come across on any messageboard to date. but as always, you win the interweb!
  7. logos, i know what things cost to produce, i agree that when they make less of something it costs more but thats besides the point. i was only using those items for simlar value(if that is the price) to show how much more you get for your money or other things where your money could be spent. if you can't grasp what i'm saying, thats cool but don't copy and paste the same tired argument for toy pricing since the first macross toy was released.....molds, R&D, cost of plastic, cost of oil, cost of shipping, cost of all the cigarettes shinjo smoked and all the beers he drank when he came up with the idea, blah, blah, blah, its all been said before. next up is the guy who will post about the laws of supply and demand that we all love to read about. sorry i know i'm being kind of rude but i've read the same crap too many times. i was only sharing my opinion, not stating it as fact.
  8. this same argument comes up every time theres any discussion of pricing but at the end of the day, $500+ is still a lot money for a plastic toy. if thats what people need to tell themselves to justify their purchase thats fine. i just feel i could do more with $500 than spend it on a overpriced hunk of plastic. the way things are going globally, i'd rather spend my $500 on something more meaningful than a toy that serves no purpose other than to wooo me. at the end of the day, its everyones choice to spend their money on whatever they want but if given the choice, i choose the latter. maybe i'm alone on this but i've been blinded too long by my childhood nostalgia. time to time i find myself staring at my collection and can't help but to think how selfish i've been and how i could've used my money more wisely.
  9. $500 is actally a lot of money for any toy. we're just used to seeing these $200+ priced toys that we've become desensitized to the outrageous pricing by manufacturers and their vendors. it doesn't take a genius to figure out that these toy companies/vendors are taking advantage. if you compare it to any similar priced item(including non-toys), do you think its worth $500? and itouch is less, and iphone is less, a flatscreen TV is less, the xbox/ps3/wii is less, you can get a decent desktop/laptop for the same price! i don't care what the thing does(outside of an actual fold manuver) its not worth $500 in my eyes. tooling, molds, R&D, all the BS involved with getting it made, should not equal a car payment for a frickin mercedes benz! toy prices have been getting out of hand for a while now and i'm over it. i really don't understand how some of you guys are still on it? i love macross as much as the next guy and it holds a special place in my heart but is this stuff really worth it? not to get all hippy on you guys but you could feed a kenyan family of 5 for a year for $500, instead some of us choose to own a toy. it just seems ridiculous. sorry for the rant.
  10. it looks awesome but you know its going to be a rip. i forsee a ridiculous price tag on this beast(not to mention the cost of shipping) but i'm sure people will be lining up to buy it. i would've been content with a 1/3000 scale one, the same size as the matchbox one.
  11. honestly, if i actually played with these toys they might be worth the money but every time i get a new macross toy, i'll transform it once or twice then display it on a shelf, thats it. at $200 a pop, the cost of admission is kind of steep when all i'm doing is staring at something. in the end, it could be the most awesomeness toy in the world but it just seems like i'm not getting much bang for my buck. as far as work, i work in furniture retail and run a skateshop on the side. the furniture business is sort of hurting but they're staying afloat. i'm actually looking for another job right now in case something happens, plus i'm kind of over working there any way. the skateshop(i run it out of my apartment) is actually thriving. its turning a profit and covering most if not all my expenses. i just need to give up drinking and smoking, then i might actually see some more of that money, ha!
  12. the economy sucks but that isn't what kept me from buying toys. its really the asking price for most of these toys. i'd like to get the destroids but for $100+?, they can smoke my cock. i await the VF-11FB release but i won't be picking it up until a few months after. i have no desire in paying the i-gotta-have-it-first-so-bend-over-for-me price.
  13. are these things still overpriced?
  14. the tailfins aren't too bad. theres only so much room in the calf to get a bigger tailfin in there so whatevs. its bigger than the 1/72 version so it was step in the right direction. when is this thing coming out? sorry i don't want to back track 50 pages.
  15. ass to mouth? too much porn lately?
  16. i knew there would be some complaints but damn. i'm glad i skipped it and saved my money for strippers.
  17. if its not at least the size(not scale) of a 1/48 valk, i have no interest. just like when WAVE put out that pointless piddly little SDF-1, retarded. i'd rather get something big and pay more, than get something small and still pay more...
  18. enemy mecha is seriously lacking as well as a decent sized SDF-1.
  19. ^ B&W? yes! i'm all about the non-canon paint schemes.
  20. i would imagine it had something to do with the "is yamato too greedy" thread going as long as it did. most companies don't like that kind of thing being discussed so openly. those kind of threads should be in a hidden section that isn't viewable to the general public.
  21. with all these mights and maybes, i'm so glad i skipped on these. i'll wait to purchase these when complaints aren't pooring in from around the globe. the 1A being on sale at HLJ is hilarious! valkyrie toys are so plentiful that no one is going to settle for a subpar version of anything, completest or otherwise. people finally started voicing their opinions with their wallets, i'm kind of stoked to say the least.
  22. meh none right now i'm an assman.
  23. maybe i'm alone here but i'm just not that impressed. the toy seems so transform-ish(poseabilitywise) that its like a step back in time. so far nothing i've read/seen really makes me want to own this toy. *shrug*
  24. overly sensitive members on MW? who would've of thunk it! i wonz da interweb!
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