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do not disturb

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Everything posted by do not disturb

  1. i don't have a problem with fixing/tweaking stuff, i actually like it to some degree. but i have a problem when it can't be fixed and i'm expected to pay to have faulty parts replaced.
  2. 2nd release for me. even if the reviews are positive for the 1st releases, it doesn't mean it won't get worse a couple of weeks later. afterall, there were positive reviews for the very first 1/48.
  3. heres what the gunpod looks like when disassembled. i left the magnet loose inside so it can adjust itself where i installed the magnet in the forearm attached to left arm attached underneath the shield and last but not least, the leg holster
  4. ummm....when the heck has yamato released so many different valks(not a bunch of repaints) in that short of a time? how about never.
  5. but the real question is, will it play great?
  6. outside of some of the myspace-esque features, me likey.
  7. with the power of magnets, i was able to make it so that the gunpod can attach to either forearm. i split the 19s GP open using a razor and put a magnet inside. then i installed magnets within each of the forearms, inside where the hands flip in. it works like a charm but still needs a little tweaking....maybe some smaller magnets? another cool thing i found after the fact, because theres already magnets inside the leg of the 19, the GP can now be attached to leg like its a holster. sorry i don't have any pics yet but i can't find my memory stick anywhere.
  8. looks tight but i'll wait for the verdict to come in.
  9. haha, your arch enemy! i have no plans of waiting for BoBs review, because there won't be a review, hes not crazy enough to buy a 1st release. if he does somehow break down and buy the first release, i'll lose all respect for the man, especially after all the complaining hes done about yamato...you hear me BoB! i agree with some of what hes said but not all. i'm not crazy enough to listen to the cries of someone who clearly hates yamato but i know enough of you guys will be reasonable with your reviews/experience with the toy.
  10. theres no such thing as too many CF's.
  11. forget the reviews, i'll wait til the hatefest starts, i'm not getting yamatoed by a review.
  12. $280! hot damn taka just cleaned up!
  13. haha, i did the same mod but i used funtac/blutac. it works just the same AFAIC.
  14. quoted for the truth!
  15. i also worry that when i buy a yamato, that i could be buying someones POS broken one that they switched out. thats why you gotta go with a reliable seller and not some stranger with a decent price on ebay or something. sometimes its worth paying a bit more for peace of mind.
  16. damn, i've been waiting a few days to see your newest progress pics with no luck.
  17. its a matter of taste but from worst to best... angel birds is probably my least favorite. i know a lot of people love this scheme and i guess its okay but the battroid mode is ugly. next would be any of the DYRL valks. the 1S roy is a classic but the rest is kind of meh in the flare dept. from there, all of them are equal but the LV1 and LV2 are probably my favorites since they resemble real fighter paint schemes.
  18. do not disturb


    pretty much. only if they had put half the effort into making the VF-0 as they did for the VF-1, we'd all be down for some some VF-0 goodness but at this point, why plunk down more money for a toy you know they didn't fix, and you know will probably break. these will probably end up at half price on HLJ like some of the other subpar yamato releases.
  19. i just stuck some funtac(aka blue tac) underneath where the gunpod touches the underside of the fighter. simple, easy and requires no effort.
  20. you mean models? buying a yamato is like buying a car where they charge you extra for the tires.
  21. its been repeatedly said over the years by graham as well as many others that yamato doesn't care about the US market. now if thats true and japanese customers haven't complained(as graham stated in the beginning of this thread), why are they offering replacement parts? makes you wonder.....
  22. fact: yamato doesn't care about the US. fact: theres been no reports of QC/design flaw/breakage issues in japan whatsoever according to sources. fact: HLJ is offering replacement parts. conclusion: if yamato doesn't care about the US, and japan has yet to complain about anything, why is yamato offering replacement parts? hmmmm makes you wonder....
  23. lets not forget about the angel birds. i'll be down to purchase whatever yamato makes as long as it doesn't break on its own.
  24. the topic of the title should be... When will Yamato Make "other new valks...that don't break"?
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