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do not disturb

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Everything posted by do not disturb

  1. while a new scheme(camo) would be cool, but its completely pointless if they're not going to fix the existing problems. i don't think anyone will buy a this POS valk based on the paint job alone. and though i can't speak for everyone, i highly doubt anyone has any desire to spend their money on something thats broken straight from the factory because it looks cool. i mean BMWs look cool but i'm certainly not going to buy one if i know the wheels are gonna fall off. and seriously, how can yamato justify milking the molds for the VF-0 knowing its flaws? sorry but i(and i'm sure many) have no desire of being yamatoed again.
  2. not that particular mecha but in the later episodes of SDF-1 macross(aka robotech), the orguss does make an appearance in the background of a space battle scene. anyway, this is not part of the macross universe in anyway.
  3. nice! thanks for posting the link to the other site, i finally got to see some of the pics taht have been missing. BTW, why is this thread not pinned? its 23 pages of awesomeness.
  4. oh hells no. stop giving them ideas!
  5. LOL!
  6. not anymore. the blue version was on discount a while back but is back to the normal price now. http://www.hlj.com/product/YMT00040
  7. you're obviously suffering from auction fever and/or macross addiction. auction fever is an addiction in itself. my advice is to stop now while you still got some money in your acct. macross addiction also sucks, i myself am a recovering valkoholic. i've gone at least 6 months without purchasing macross toys and i hope to go a little longer. this hobby will suck your wallet dry, then all you'll be left with is a bunch of toys that you stare at a lot....like me. *shamelss plug* if you're looking to purchase some 1/48's(namely M&Ms) and the blue GBP armor, shoot me a PM.
  8. nah, some of the items hes selling are in HK(i.e. the yf-19 that he wants too much money for) and some of it is in NY.... http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...s_promot_widget
  9. it was minimal at best. the big complaint was the crooked gunpod, then there were those who complained about the neck section being too tight. the only thing i know they fixed(according to MW'ers) is the gunpod. added: almost forgot, the rear landing gears did not cant outwards. all you had to do was pull them so they did, not really a problem.
  10. if you're looking to buy from a US vendor its going to cost you more than $215 shipped. try toy-wave.com or HLJ.com while they might be overseas, you'll end up saving a little loot. BTW, just wondering why a dude named bigspender is being such a cheapskate?
  11. ^what he said. i'd definitely ask for more pictures and info before bidding. IIRC there were some officially licensed ones that were released, this not being one of them.
  12. as i said on the previous page.... ....i have a feeling the replacement arms will also suffer from these issues since they come assembled by the factory. they should consider offering all the repleacement pieces disassembled so that we can do it right, instead of relying on yamatos factory worker.
  13. heres an interesting read on yellowing of plastics. its an oldie but a goodie. http://www.vintagecomputing.com/index.php/archives/189
  14. they might be neat because of the size but they lack detail and don't do much else other than stand there. i wouldn't waste my money on those or anything that toynami puts out for that matter.
  15. if i ever purchase the FP set for the 19, i'll install additional magnets. though i haven't seen it, it should be quite simple. _________________________________________________________________________ and speaking of magnets, heres the back holster for the 19. the magnet is installed in the slide section between the upper and lower halves of the 19(the spot where you can seperate the 2 sections) and it does not affect its transformation.
  16. i completely disassemble each of the arms on my 0A and figured out what was causing the breakages. its basically the rubber insert pieces being too thick and/or too much of it within the ball joint of the shoulder as well as the rotating section of the forearm....its even worse here than the shoulder. i removed the shoulder rubber pieces, clean off excess flash, and trimmed the rubber cap down a bit for a cleaner fit...this was pretty easy to do. i then took apart the forearm section only to discover that there was more broken pieces that i could've imagined...grrr! after glueing everything back together, i cleaned up the rubber piece A LOT cause its way too thick for the purpose it serves and for the amount of space that is available. then i took some fine grit sand paper(800) and sanded around the rotating sections(bother inner and outer) as its was not completely semetrical and too tight of a fit even without the rubber o-ring. after making sure everything was fitted properly and looked as it should(no pieces bending or stressing), i assembled everything back together. so far so good but i have a feeling the replacement arms will also suffer from these issues since they come assembled by the factory. they should consider offering all the repleacement pieces disassembled so that we can do it right, instead of relying on yamatos factory worker.
  17. finally there some new pics up. any chance you can get those images on the previous page up?
  18. i'll have an answer for you once i figure out what a VF-21 is.
  19. maybe we'll get a defintiive answer after yamato sells through most of their POS stock.
  20. i'm all for other paint schemes for both the 19 and 21. an LV and all white version for both would make me very happy.
  21. anyone willing to sacrifice perfect transformation for the sake of better proportions should simply go and buy a model kit. removable limbs is teh sucks.
  22. wow this is weak. no biggie, its just more money for me to spend on other things i don't need.
  23. speaking of the chest lock issue, i thought using magnets for this one as well but there doesn't seem to be enough room for it. but then again, i don't hold my valk upside down so it isn't really a problem. you can always use some funtac/blutac to hold it in place for those kind of poses instead of trying to make an unnessary mod. also, i installed a magnet in the back of battroid mode so now i can holster the gunpod on the side of its back. sorry no pic yet. i'll post it tomorrow.
  24. thanks for the nod everyone. i try to have fun with my toys when i can. this is the place where i bought the magnets. they sell a bunch of shapes but i used the disc ones. thin and small is the way to go. http://www.rare-earth-magnets.com/ this is the original thread with the froppy arm mod for the 1/48.. http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?show...t=0&start=0
  25. thats a really good point. i forgot about the GP's being part of the FP's. i don't know dudes but i have a feeling that they'll release this with the FPs only.
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