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do not disturb

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Everything posted by do not disturb

  1. well all i can say is, i hope you're right. i want nothing more than the 0S/ghost right now, probably more so than the SV-51. i know that sounds crazy but, while everyone been waiting for the SV-51, i've been waiting a year to pick up the 0S, i must have 0S!
  2. if its some chemical reaction(i highly doubt it, you saw how tight and sloppy the assembly was in there) awesome!, but i think it was a combination of excess flash, misaligned parts, and crude/rushed assembly at the factory. i want the VF-0S so bad but this shoulder/bicep thing is whats keeping me from taking the plunge....i really love the VF-0 design. i wish i could just get over this issue and deal. i mean, i wouldn't mind so much if it only had the possibility of breaking. at least that way i could buy one, open it up and fix everything that needs fixing.
  3. haha, his name is now a verb.
  4. not bad at all but of the 19 people, how many checked the bicep section for breakages? i'm not trying to annoy you(or anyone else) with this but just because someone can't see it, or refuses to look, doesn't mean its not broken. for someone who doesn't want a lemon(i.e. mr. march), i would think he'd want all info, not just one flawed part that everyone already knows about. i really wish i took some pics while i was repairing the bicep section so i could show you guys how bad it really was. honestly, the shoulder breakage was nothing compared to the bicep breakage.
  5. the shoulder seem to be fine but one thing i want to ask is, are you guys opening up the bicep section as well? i only ask cause when i opened up the biceps on mine, it was far worse than the shoulders, the plastic surrounding it fell apart into 3 seperate pieces.
  6. i'm all for non-canon paint schemes but these seem a bit meh. i don't need yet another VF-1 repaint, i have too may as is. the 19 is 'okay' but if i'm going to buy the same design, i'd rather wait for the skyblue video game version or a LV scheme.
  7. i can't read chinese but it looks like he solved the 1st problem. not that i want to dismantle an expensive toy but it looks fixable which is better than having to replace it. the 2nd problem isn't great but again, i can't read chinese so i don't really know what the extent of the problem is? the 3rd one sucks. i hope that dude(or someone here) disassembles it to see if it can be fixed. most ball joints can be tightened to some degree, i just hope the parts aren't all glued together like the VF-0's.
  8. this is not what i wanted to hear but i'm certainly not jumping on the hate wagon just yet. i'm gonna have to bite my tongue and wait to hear from more members. thanks for your post.
  9. haha, i'm not giving up at all. i'm super psyched on this toy but i'm fighting off my valkoholic addiction like you wouldnt believe. i've been on every etail site i can think of trying to justify its purchase......like many, i too am weak. the toy looks SO beautiful and like many people here, i'm a sucker for airplanes. i hope everyone who took the plunge and threw down their hard earned money for this, gets a perfect flawless one. anyhow, i'm still waiting to see more pics, poses, and reviews in the next coming weeks. i just hope it doesn't get too nit picky like the YF-19 release. and that totally sucks regarding mexican customs but i guess its better safe than sorry.
  10. sorry to bring this up but thinly veiled accusations? does "they" = graham? "us" = MW'ers which includes graham. when "they" equals graham and when "us" excludes the owner of the site, then you can accuse me of something. til then please don't make assumptions about my posts(especially when i posted it wasn't directed at graham right below your post) and please don't drag me into your arguements, i don't appreciate it. if you got a problem with BoB, keep it with Bob, but i've never had a problem with you whatsoever and vise versa. thanks.
  11. when you buy anything in demand when it first comes out, you're always going to pay more than the MSRP. i.e. nintendo wii, PS3, Yf-19, etc. i know these are retailing for $150 in HK so the most i'd be willing to pay right now is $190 shipped for it, even less in a month or 2. i might buy it only after i read multiple reviews from people who have really played with theirs, shoot, people haven't even owned it for 24 hours yet.
  12. ^haha, its cool you don't want to say anything. i got my contacts in HK and i already know we're going to get ripped off on the price, the US fans always get ripped.
  13. haha thanks. now that i know it can stand upright, can it strike a pose? can the head be extended up in fighter mode? and most importantly, how much did it cost you?
  14. one other question for anyone who's TF it into battroid... can it stand on its own?
  15. kind of sucks about the wings not being able to support the weight of the missiles/pods. it looks great so far but i'll have to wait for a review from someone whos brave enough to transform it first. thanks for the pics. one question, can you extend the head out in fighter mode?
  16. haha, your wife must be siked you took over the kitchen with your project.
  17. i've been using acrylics(games workshop) for some time now and haven't had any real issues with it. the only problem with acrylics is how fast it dries....almost too fast. if you need to apply multiple coats to something or need to cover a large area, it definitely helps to thin it down with a little water. its dries fast and thick if you're not careful with the brush but as a general rule, i always thin it down a bit to get one clean smooth coat before going willy nilly on it.
  18. i'm excited to see something new but not excited enough to plunk down my money just yet.
  19. these aren't coming out at all, everyone knows it was a secret ploy by yamato!
  20. looks tight. thanks for posting those pics.
  21. haha, i remember that one when iw as a kid. i could've sworn that delta force had the same thing, flying motorcycle and all.
  22. ^are you thining of delta force? with lee marvin and chuck norris. http://imdb.com/title/tt0090927/ and i agree 2001 is coma inducing. i've tried watching it on several occassions and i have yet to see it the whole way through.
  23. for your i'll give you a i'm not talking about graham, get over yourself.
  24. you gotta love the complete lack of communication and details since they first release of this POS toy. how about you try feeding us some more lies. i'm almost ready to believe you now.
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