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do not disturb

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Everything posted by do not disturb

  1. it could just be a isolated incident? its the VF-1S hikaru which was the 1st 1/100 valk released. perhaps they fixed the latter releases, but i don't know since i didn't bother picking up ther others after handling the 1S hikaru. don't get me worng, it still holds together, it doesn't fall apart with the slightest breeze or anything, its just that most of the pegs inserts are cracked/split with very minimal handling on my part.
  2. i didn't want to start a new topic... i got to playing with my 1/100 valk the other night for the first time in a long time and realized a lot of the joints were lose. so i started disasembling it only to find out that most of the peg inserts are cracked/split. put another slash in the W column for toynami...and by W i mean WORST.
  3. do not disturb

    SV-51 CF!!!

    i never said CF nor did i mention it being in the anime, but okay. a digi-camo tan would be cool but the pinkish tan color is not asethically pleasing in my eyes. i'd go darker with it or do some other paint scheme that isn't so hideous.
  4. i'm glad its doesn't have the skinney leg design like the 1/72. the light up head is stupid(toynami proved it) and the batteries will eventually leak/corrode over time. it'll especially suck for those who are MISB collectors.
  5. do you have a good before/after shot of your SS?
  6. thank you sirs! i'm gonna see if i could find it but i quick search on ebay says, gougers have already raided the stock at most walmarts.....so gay.
  7. go here. http://www.anymoon.com/blog/ he has comparison shots of just about everything.
  8. sorry i'm clueless to TF news but the MP SS(cartoon colors) is being sold in the states for $50? i was hating on this when it was $100 but for $50 it may be worth it.
  9. this is the most perfectest analogy. i have my reserves about this one as well as any/all other companies with the macross license. it seems that mediocrity is contagious.
  10. whoever sees it, make sure to record it and put it up on youtube.
  11. do not disturb

    SV-51 CF!!!

    dude, someone in the FS section is selling the combo set for $175 shipped(con US)... http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=24166
  12. quoted for the truth! anyway, nice mod! i'll try my hand at this one fo sho!
  13. do not disturb

    SV-51 CF!!!

    they should've made this in a grey scheme instead of the stupid tan, then people would actually consider buying it. yamato never fails to amazes me. they put out something completely ugly and retarded(i.e. 25th anni valks) yet somehow people still line up to buy them.
  14. haha, serves you pesky canadians right! j/k i don't get customs fees? you like something... you pay for the item... you pay to have item shipped... then you have to pay to take it home with you... thats so wrong in so many ways.
  15. i saw it in ebay(i didn't add it to my wacth list) a little while ago for about $160 shipped. if it was $100, i would've bought it myself. $190 pfft! the new one is more accurate and still costs less. your local shop sux.
  16. do not disturb

    SV-51 CF!!!

    if they released just one version, then yes. repaints is whats killing this hobby for me. repaints of a timeless valk like the VF-1 is cool but these others(mac+/0 valks)don't deserve a repaint IMO.
  17. the price on the 1st release has dropped about $20+ or so which is good news, but i'm waiting to pick it up for $100 shipped since that what i feel its worth.
  18. do not disturb

    SV-51 CF!!!

    so uninteresting and so unoriginal, my left nut has more flavor... i've lost a great deal of interest in macross toys lately. the only thing that would get me excited at this point would be destroids or a legitmate sized SDF-1.
  19. ha! it read like you guys had your lawyers draw it up. i would gone with something simple like we ain't responsible for nothing up in this piece sucka! and ended it there. but hey, you gotta cover all your bases.
  20. what he said.
  21. ha! it makes no difference. if you purchase a yamato, you gotta completely take it apart, clean up it, mod/tweak it in some way, then reassemble it yourself. thats the only way their(newer)toys don't break.
  22. no one in there right mind should pay $65 + $18(shipping)for the strike part sets...no one. if you hang out over at the FS section, you'll almost always find a set for $50 or so. granted its "used" but these don't really suffer loose joints or parts wear.
  23. don't feel bad dood, i broke the same exact part within days of owning it. while its a cool little feature, the pivoting seat is way too tight and the pilots feet are totally in the way.
  24. enjoy! i just don't care about being a completist or keeping up with the jones's anymore. i did when i first got into this hobby and truth be told, i couldn't spend my money fast enough but i'm so over it now. it really has nothing to do with money because even if i was a millionaire(ala lordkungfu), i still wouldn't waste my money on a lot of this stuff. to each his own.
  25. haha, thanks for the mention guys but i haven't bothered to get the FP's for this and don't really have any plans of doing so. with shipping it ends up being $50+ for 4 pieces of plastic with a battery-less lightup pen...sorry but i don't think so. in any case, theres only 1 magnet for the leg attachment which is the reason why it doesn't hold so well. i've dismantled the leg before just to see what could be done, but without knowing what the inside of the leg FP looks like its kind of pointless. i'm also unsure what kind of magnets yamato used for the leg and leg armors but being as cheap as they are, i doubt they used the high/strength quality ones(neodymium-iron-boron).
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