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do not disturb

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Everything posted by do not disturb

  1. no. the 1J max has always been sold as a super. you can always purchase it and sell off the FP's or slap them on the angel birds if you have one.
  2. well thats my point, its still a 'test shot' while the other 2 companies have taken leaps and bounds in comparison. it really wasn't fair to include them in the poll to begin with but since they're there, i put them in last place. i'm sure when CM's does post some pics of their ride armor, toynami will be bumped down to last, they stay owning last palce.
  3. do not disturb

    SV-51 CF!!!

    they'll probably make the VF-0 brownie eventually and i'm betting a grey SV-51 will be made as well. its just another way for them to milk the molds.
  4. ho ho ho indeed! i've seen some pics of your wife's friends on AP. you should definitely bring me one of those for christmas, i've been a very good boy.....or a naughty boy if thats her thing.
  5. yo santa wannabe, whats up with you and your x-mas delivery? you know theres these businesses that specifically ship out parcels to various locations throughout the country. in otherwords you can give the reindeers the night off and leave your sled in garage. j/k anyway i just got word it was a no go from my florida connect so if you're going there tonight and see one, definitely pick it up for me. even if chowser scoops one, i'll just have 2, no biggie.
  6. thats because of people like me. sometimes i want to buy a bunch of multiples but don't have enough cash in hand, so i end up stashing them in various places throughout the store. i usually stashed lego sets inside the big plastic tubs in housewares.
  7. nah, we're talking about WM(walmart) SS. i asked if a WST SS was ever made is all.
  8. ha, theres too many nice guys here. if its not any trouble, please pick one up for me. OH is closer than both FL and DC areas so shipping would be cheaper. if i end up with more than 1 of them, i'll just dish it off here or ebay. i don't want to stick to anybody.
  9. so far, probably the megahouse because it looks more detailed but i don't know nor own any of the toys they put out. you already know toynami is putting out some substandard, why even bother? CM's looks like they haven't gotten very far, or anywhere for that matter.
  10. emajnthis, i'm gonna contact my dude today and i'll let you know ASAP. i'm just guessing but he probably hasn't had much luck finding otherwise i would've heard from him by now. anyway, let me confirm with him first and i'll let you know. eriku, let me know whenever, i'm in no rush. thanks to everyone for all the info. my TF knowledge is that of the 80's cartoon, nothing beyond it.
  11. cool dude, please let me know. chowser, thats exactly what i was planning on doing. i own the WST/MP prime, WST/MP megs and looking to pick up WST/MP SS. hopefully my connect comes through with the walmart SS cause the nearest walmart is literally HOURS away from me.
  12. sorry for the stupid question but is/was there a WST starscream? i saw one thats clear and another that looked gobot-ish but wasn't certain if either fell into the actual WST line.
  13. do not disturb

    SV-51 CF!!!

    i was thinking but why the heck would there be a brownie SV-51? wouldn't it make more sense if there was a brownie VF-0?
  14. i picked up my megs at LAFtoys. it had the plug which i pulled off the second i got it. it doesn't really matter where you get it as long as you get it. seriously, its awesome in every way. as far as paint removal, you guys should've gone with brasso or the chameleon paint remover. i've used both for paint removal on a few of my 1/48's(and other toys) and neither has harmed or altered the plastic whatsoever. a quick search under "paint removal" in the modification section will give you the links to the stuff i'm talking about. here are the links... http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?show...l=paint+removal http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?show...ameleon+remover
  15. pre-b!tchin at its finest!
  16. normal boobies are cuddly and scrumptious but metal boobies are sharp and pointy and so not edible.
  17. so worth it. i don't even collect TFs but picked this(as well as MP OP) up anyway. its probably one of the most complex toys i've played with next to the konig monster. its not the best "toy" but its a really great display piece. its probably the best $100 i've spent on a toy in quite a while.
  18. ha! it didn't take you long to post this here from the FS section. it looks so much better panel lined. i have 3 of these and i have yet to even sticker/panel line one of them....damn i'm lazy. nice pics either way. can't get enough CF goodness.
  19. hells yeah! i'm tired of paying out the ass for this stuff. i mean vendors making a profit is one thing but charging me an a$$hole tax because i live in the US is another. i think it would be in yamato best interest to have their own retail site. cut out all the middlemen/distributors and keep the profits for themselves. and whos hating on the YF-21? everyone grab your pitch forks and nooses, we got a witch hunt on our hands.
  20. haha no need to explain, i was totally joking with ya dude, hehe. i hoping it'll be cheaper too but i doubt it since the same thing happens with every new macross release. HLJ will put up some astronomical pre-order price, a lot of people will bite without a second thought, then every vendor who lurks here will sell it for about/around the same price regardless of how little it may have actually cost them. with that said, i don't think i'll be picking up the YF-21 nor the VF-11B until a year or more after its been released, if at all. let all the vendors sit on the stock and sweat it out til they can't take it anymore. if its one thing i've learned from this hobby, never buy a 1st release, everything ends up on sale eventually, and they always make more(except the LV1). anyway, the 21 does look pretty sleek in the commercial. i'm a sucker for this stuff but not so much so that i'm willing to pay $$$ to be yamato's test dummy.
  21. ha! maybe on planet Lonewolf but here on planet earth, yamato is taking everyone to the cleaners.
  22. looking good, real good.
  23. ^ curses no! my eyes...my eyes are bleeding! i don't know whats worse, robots with beasts or robots with humanoid faces....or ones with both. *insert puking emoticon here*
  24. i don't know the model but the pink valk with breasts, the one from mac 7. its frickin horrible in every way.
  25. a post like this needs to be followed with a "no homo"
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