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do not disturb

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Everything posted by do not disturb

  1. well it didn't take very long for sqidd to turn into a full blown addict.
  2. go check anymoon.com jenius has comparsion shots of just about every macross toy made.
  3. i kind of miss those customs. i was thinking about it making another set but there no more super 1J hikkies out there unless i go FP-less with them. it was such an ordeal to get everything TV canon on those. i had to buy 4 valks(2 TV valks, 1 CF valk, and 1A valk) just to make the 2 of them. not to mention the pain staking process of removing all the paint and aquiring that TV max pilot was no joke...i think i paid $25 for him or something ridiculous. back on topic... if yamato were to release them, i would probably do a small production run to see if an additional run i warranted. or they could also ask HLJ to put up a pre-order to get a feel for the demand and see if the interest is really there.
  4. back from the grave! my tally has changed considerably. i'll update it when i get my totals together
  5. not quite true... i've seen the hayao selling for a little less than normal but they did a smaller production run the angel birds so the price on those is still up there($150ish). i'm with eugimon and jenius, i dumped the DYRL scheme because it so bland/boring. i was concentrating on the TV valks but then i sold my custom TV max and ben, and more recently the M&Ms. i'm just all VF-1'ed out. plus with all the new releases and their unreasonably high price tag, it was either buy more of the same or buy more of a variety....i chose variety.
  6. not likely. while the hardcore fans might recognize the TV valks, the everyday fan will not. they made the DYRL kakazaki because people kept saying they'd buy it(like people keep saying about the TV max and kakzaki) but when it all came down to it, they turned out to be shelf warmers.
  7. i can't remember who exactly but someone ever at the RT site linked me to this place because i was asking about the best valk toy and the RT mods weren't having any yamato talk on the boards at the time. from there, i met up with tom64ss and he took me to a anime shop around us(back when he lived in NJ)packed full of yammies. years have passed since, and thousands of dollars later i'm still here.
  8. all hail chief-dork-wannabe! yes mighty ruler of dorkdom, we will obey your every command. i only have like 3 sets of missiles on hand, the rest are packed away in there boxes. i just stay using the same ones over and over so i can keep the others ones new. i mean why wear them out when you don't have to.
  9. haha, its dorky enough i got them toys displayed to begin with, but i'd be entering a whole new realm of dorkdom if i went through that much trouble to display them. its still a pretty cool idea but i just can't bring myself to that level.
  10. i hadn't seen the CM's pics til today but as i predicted, toynami has fallen to last place in the poll.
  11. got around to messing with the SS last night and theres only 2 things that bother me... 1. the damn canopy doesn't close all the way, theres just a giant ass gap inbetween the canopy. 2. the airbrake part thingy doesn't sit flush in fighter mode. for $50 its a great toy and beats out a lot of the other $50 toys i've come across. for $100 its really not so great since i know theres better toys out there for $100.
  12. i got my WM SS today, thanks to chowser! i haven't had time to play with it yet but it looks pretty cool from what i can tell.
  13. theres a member here sells the minmay guard scheme, both as stickers and waterslide decals. i'm not sure if hes still doing them but they definitely do exist.
  14. haha, calm down dude. you're not the only one who mentioned it(or any other difficult scheme) you just happen to be the last one that posted is all. besides, you haven't been here long enough that i would actually give you a hard time. my post was directed to the long standing members that feel a need to post their wishlist in every thread regardless of the topic title. i.e. the title of this thread is, "are you sick of the VF-1 yet?" its not the "what would yamato have to make for you to not be sick of the VF-1 yet" thread. anyway back to your regular scheduled programming.
  15. i love how people keep bringing up these really hard schemes for yamato to make. you realize what would happen if yamato actual did a minmay guard and f-ed up the tampo printing on them? imagine you paid $35 to have it shipped from HK only to find out the printing is all jacked, so now you gotta pay another $35 to ship it back and get it replaced with a good one.....thats if you get a good one the second time around. honestly, there'd be a straight riot up in this piece.
  16. while it still holds a place in my heart, i've been over the VF-1 design for a while. i haven't bought any new VF-1 toys since they released the 1/48 and i probably never will. its cool but its just not cool enough that i want to own every scale/varient that exists.
  17. i'll be skipping these. the thing that makes these toys so cool is the fact that they transform. when you take that part out of the equation, you're left with gundams. added: come to think of it, this may be a way for yamato to finally release destroids and enemy mecha. while i'm skipping the valks, i'll pick them up the other stuff if its made.
  18. in the spirit of thread derailment, anyone catch the knicks game last night? no matter if its 3, 5, or 20 all i can say is destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids! destroids!
  19. maybe its just me but i dislike the cone head thing going on with the SV-51.
  20. holy frijoles! if there was a custom of the year, this would be it.
  21. i buy and sell various things(toys, collectibles, skateboards) to try to keep my toy addiction as free as possible.
  22. i guess if you're going to pick one, you might as well go with the one that stands out the most. i plan on picking up the ivanov only, i feel this valk designs doesn't deserve multiple purchases. the VF-1 is classic, the SV-51...not so much.
  23. let me think..... 1. destroids..... 2. destroids..... 3. ummm destroids!
  24. too bad you won't get it for 3-4 weeks via EMS from those fools. anyway, i saw the pics and i'll be skiping this one for sure. the paint scheme is just too ugly for me to own.
  25. all valks come with the DYRL style hands, the tiny ones you speak of. only TV valks(the 1J's and CF) come with the TV hands. people have sold recast of the TV hands as well as the DYRL hands(fixed posed). you can find them in the FS section if they're still in available.
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