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do not disturb

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Everything posted by do not disturb

  1. Grand Admiral did a nice one a while back, take a look... http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?show...&hl=jetfire BTW, why is this not posted in the customs section yet? added: i'm sure if you need some more pics, he'd be willing to help you out.
  2. haha good point!
  3. mind you thats NOT 24cm from head to toe, its from the tip of main guns(in the upright position) to toe. wave did i a very nice job on the sculpt and details but not enough to warrant its ridiculous price tag. i'm waiting for the big one.....no homo.
  4. it doesn't work. you could leave part of the leg armors and part of arm armors on in gerwalk mode, but theres not a single piece of armor you can leave on for fighter mode. how do you not have the GBP armor and still call yourself a valkoholic? you're totally missing out man, you gotta pick up a set soon.
  5. don't worry man, they are yamato releases but they are not macross toys.
  6. yo Scream Man, you need to stop playing and put up some more pics of your custom Yf-19...
  7. i didn't know where i could post theses so... and heres a group shot...
  8. the megahouse ones look so good the CM's ones looke so good which one am i supposed to buy?
  9. oh don't get me wrong, i think the 51 is one mean looking bird but i got that secondhand used POS ivanov so my opinion is biased. i'm sure i'll be suffering form new valk syndrome if/when i get a good one. zero story was meh in everyway. like you said, it would've been better had it been more of a military perspective instead of whatever the heck it was perspective, plus i don't think the wacky subtitles helped. more action scenes would've helped but with a story that bad, i don't think anything could've really saved it. anyway, i ordered the ivanov the other day, hopefully i'll like mine as much as you do.
  10. okay that makes sense. i was looking at the pics of the toys on the other page was like what in the world? i guess they'll get things right if/when the next movie drops. not that i plan on collect these toys, but i can see them being worth quite a bit when the 5-10 year olds of today grow up to be our age. just something to think about.
  11. i guess you're the only one because everybody else i know that owns this toy loves it to death. if its too low quality for your tastes, why not sell it or return it?
  12. the easiest solution is to just swich gunpods around. i have a few gunpods with the straps on, some with them off, i just give them to whoever needs in depending on the mode. note: while all the gunpods are the same, the CF gunpod is slightly different. if you look by the ammo ejection slot, you'll notice the piece inside is brown instead of white like the rest of the gunpods. the CF ones are the onyl one you have to keep track of otherwise a gunpod is a gunpod is a gunpod.
  13. i have yet to see one TF movie toy that looks like it did in the movie. i know its impossible but usually they get it somewhat close to what we see but nothing i've seen is even remotely accurate. the only thing they got right was vehicle mode while robot mode leaves a lot to be desired. i'll stick with the MP toys that interest me. now wheres my MP soundwave!
  14. i'm with you! no transformation = not a good macross toy
  15. just speculating but i'd imagine the battroid only version will be better since they don't have to worry about trying to make anime magic, so to speak. its strictly a poseable figure so they don't have to worry about the transformation sequence or other factor s that enter when you're making a TFable toy.
  16. i tried to tackle the chest lock feature for battroid but there just isn't enough plastic or room to work with. i ended up putting funtac/bluetac(the stuff you use to hang posters) on it and it holds just fine. it doesn't hurt nor damage the toy, its barely visible, and you can take it on/off without a hassle. its not much of a solution but its the only one i could come up with, for now anyway.
  17. eh, i was kind of a scale freak at first but now i'd much rather have them be about/around the same size.
  18. i only have one question for Graham and i'm sure hes allowed to answer it... are the rear tailfins on the forearms removeable?
  19. i'd be more than happy to wait til april 2009 if they get it right the first time. i'd rather have yamato throughly test this toy instead of sending a half assed one into production.
  20. anyone else notice the really cool poseable hands? it sure as hell beats the chicken hands we every other release. i also love the fact that this isn't all gapified. i like the little intake covers but now it doesn't have perfect transformation..... haha, of course i had to b!tch about something, i wouldn't be a MWer otherwise.
  21. charger69 for president! it looks great but whos to say it will be great? as with everything that yamato releases, i'll wait to read the reviews... and of course the 2nd release.
  22. i'd complain but its one less POS of theirs i'd have to own.
  23. where do you get off getting back on topic! way to ruin a good thread! hehe, AFAIK it supposed to be the 1st quarter of 2008.
  24. you state that like you know they're making them.
  25. my penis is too long and skinney in fighter mode. eh, its probably anime magic.
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