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Everything posted by do not disturb
because if you do the buying and selling correctly, you can make your hobby free. i ended up selling off a bunch of my macross collection(almost all of which was 100% profit)to start a skateboard business. i still have quite a few toys that i kept and if need be, i'll sell them to fund another business venture. besides, its only a waste if you don't get anything out of it.
i don't "know it all", most of the stuff that gets posted here is opinion. you asked a question and i answered it based on my opinion. if you don't want anyone answering your questions, don't post it on a public forum. 4 years to sell through 1 production run = not a good product again its my opinion but feel free to make an arguement out it.
because demand went up. how long has it been its it was first released?, sat as a shelf warmer?, put on sale?, then put on clearance? only now, years later did they do a 2nd run and probably a small run at that. as far as the licensing issues, you know where to take that discussion. all i know is its been a question for the ages.
regults would be great but if they're priced similar to the destroids, i don't see why anyone would really buy them. yeah they're cool and it would be the first regult toy since the 80's but $100+ for a non-tramsforming toy....i don't think so. @agent ghq, because they hold the movie license and not the TV license, plus the rau didn't sell all that well. anyone who actually owns this toy knows its not that great. yeah its the only rau toy out but just because its the only one doesn't make it good. only now are people trying to pick them up and those are mostly new collectors that just got into the hobby.
this is great and all but someone better back it up with some valks to scale. or at the very least include some little molded ones considering what this thing is probably going to cost.
they can fix anything and everything but it still doesn't change the fact that its a boring toy. if they made one with a bunch of cool accessories(i don't care if its not true to the anime or not), it might be worth buying again but if they're just going to fix stuff that should've been fixed from the get go, i'll pass. i can't even remember the last time i touched the 19. its become a display shelf warmer, even more so than the konig monster.
the reason why the YF-19 isn't all that is because theres nothing in particular that makes it stand out. the paint scheme is beyond boring, the transformation is way too simple to make it interesting, theres no missiles or any other cool features that take it to the same level of awesomeness as all the other yamato offerings. the only thing they made for it was the stupid fold booster which is more of an eye sore than anything else. the YF-19 is cool in anime but its an epic fail as toy.
so outside of the paint scheme and a slightly different head on VF-22, this is pretty much the same thing as the YF-21. i like the scheme but for me to spend another $200 on the same toy with the same tranformation, i'm gonna pass.
also keep in mind that some overseas sellers(as well as US sellers) are quick to stick it to a US customer. they know it costs a lot of ship something back so they send you a crappy/broken one knowing full well you'll probably just suck it up and deal with it.
so far so good but everyone could be suffering from new valk syndrome. i'm still waiting a good month or so before throwing down the cash....who knows when the reports of broken limbs will be rolling in? this will be my first toy purchase of any kind in a long while and probably my last. i don't care much for the frontier toys and yamato can keep all their repaints. i actually have the valks that a grew up wanting so i'm pretty much done with this expensive ass hobby.
gald to hear the hestshield issue is over but i'm still waiting for more people to get a hold of them and see whats good.
ha! its not secondary email addy, not my main one. maybe i miss all the drama around this guy and hes just a total douchebag? i just think its hard to be civil if everyone is all in your face and trying to attack you. he probably felt like he was wronged in some way getting banned in the first place and i'm sure it didn't help having usual peanut gallery saying how much he sucks or what have you. its hard not to take it personal when that many people are coming at you, and when people start getting personal, thats usually when they lose their cool and i think that was the case for ryno.
i should add, ryno if you're looking at this and want to talk, shoot me an email to ihateskating212@yahoo.com maybe i can relay your thoughts and feelings on the matter, maybe you can make a formal apology and come back one day as a regular member. i think the fact that you got members going to bat for you says a lot about you as well as the community, therefore i feel you owe it to them to explain your actions in some way. just throwing that out thee my man.
i feel you. i know he broke the rules and its clear he wasn't mature enough to handle his 3 day suspension, i get it. i don't expect anyone to read my suggestion and make it happen, it was only a suggestion. i've never attended an MWcon but i hope he makes it out and perhaps some of the other members will have a chance to meet him and realize hes just not that bad of a guy. maybe he'll make a good enough impression and get a second chance. BTW, i'm not backing this guy because hes my homie, i barely know him. we maybe exchanged like 5 PMs during his time here but he seemed nice enough. i just feel whenever a witch hunt starts here, some members are way too quick to jump on the hatewagon.
i forgot, an internet messageboard is serious business!
i wasn't speaking of just the mods, i'm talking about everyone on this planet. nothing said on the intenet should really be taken personally. sometimes people take it personal but in reality, the people who talk crap are usually complete strangers that really have no effect on your life. much like multiple jennifer aniston threads really didn't do anything to ruin anyones life here....though i can't say it wouldn't be annoying. as a wise man once said to me when it comes to posting on a messageboard....why do you even care? since then, posting on a messageboard has been more fun and less retarded.
haha! i eager await BoBs hate review on this one.
if he created that many accounts just to hang here, i'd say he likes this place, and probably more so than the majority of the membership. the guy has always been amped in his posts, PMs and in real life(from those who have met him). granted he broke the rules but at the end of the day, this is a toy/anime forum, why so serious? if he was posting offensive stuff i could understand the ban but him going on posting rampage because he missed this place isn't that bad. he went cold turkey from posting and its obvious he needed to get his fix so to speak. and as a member(not a mod), if you're really spending your days looking for possible fake accounts to report, you really need to get a life. like seriously, your sh!t is just pathetic. its one thing for a mod/admin to do it since its their job/duty but as a member?, i'd say you simply suck at life. i don't get how someone does/says something stupid on the internet and people hold their grudge for years and years and years. its the internet, its great for porn, shopping, and make fun of stuff, none of it needs to be taken to heart. whatevs though, i'm not a mod so i can't really say, i just feel he deserves a real 2nd chance. if he steps out of line in the slightest, show him the exit and ban him for life.
its hard to stay cool/level headed when random people are calling you out left and right. why not just let him post in peace and see where it goes? if you let him back in and he conitues to be a douchebag, just ban him for life. i think he deserves a "real" second chance which he has yet to receive.
maybe i'm just nitpicking here or its just my computer but what with that god awful green color for the gunpod? it doesn't even look like it belongs with the toy.
looks good but i'll wait til more reports come in. wheres hayao kakazaki? that guy always gets the macross releases before anyone else...and cheaper!
this will be my first macross purchase since the release of the YF-21 but one things for sure, i'm not buying it til the 2nd release. they almost always put out a half assed one first, then follow it up with a second one with the fixes.
if someone expresses their dislike of something, you can rest assure someone will show up to push that persons buttons. its the internet, you go online to shop, look at porn, and make fun of people!
i've owned quite a few of them over the years but only have a handful left. i still have them on display but my shelves are sparse since selling off the bulk of my collection, both lego and macross. the new 1/60s 2 seaters have been calling my name but i'm a recovering valkoholic and trying to stay on the wagon.
they should've just slapped "limited" on the box like they did for the LV1, then the price would be justified!