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do not disturb

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Everything posted by do not disturb

  1. i think this holiday season is bringing out the worst in sellers. they gotta make that money and they feel no remorse for the people they screw over. its totally a numbers game right now, the more sales, the more money, who cares about a few unhappy customers, i gots to get paid!
  2. but it'll force you into buying them and thats fits right into yamato's agenda, making money. if they release them one at a time, a few of them might end up being shelf warmers. if you do a 2-pack, everyone is SOFL and we'd have no choice but to buy both just to get the one. its a no brainer. it'd be more likely they'd lose money on a single project/toy...*cough* q-rau *cough*
  3. they look nice, definitely nicer than i thought they would, but they still don't transform. maybe when they come out and a few of you guys strike some poses, i might be lured into picking these up.
  4. i said many times over, if yamato were to package a regult varient and any one destroid, it'll guarantee sales for both toys. every now and then, they can release a different regult varient with a different destroid until ll 4 are made(though i think theres only 3 regult varients?) and since neither regult nor destroid in transformable, they can still price the 2-pack the same as their $200 valk releases....cha-ching! i'm giving you free business advice yamato! 2-pack = guaranteed sale of both
  5. unfortunately no. i messed with it last night to see if it could hold some other valks but no, nothing, nadda, zip, zlich, nix.... the stand in itself is pretty nice, it works well even with its simple design, you can achieve a lot of different angles, and i'm sure it was pretty cheap to produce plus its free! yamato should've made these stands from the get go instead of making that over-priced/over-engineered DYRL stand.
  6. sorry eugimon, we should probably stop bringing that up. i'd go with HLJ but i've pretty much shunned every overseas vendor from here on in(unless Neova/anthony comes back). its just not worth the hassle of dealing with the madness to save a few bucks.
  7. Graham, how do you feel about this? could you bring it up at your next meeting at yamato or shoot them an email?
  8. aren't people still waiting for their preorders for ivanov's from HLJ? it would make sense to take advantage of the whopping 5% but HLJ takes way too long to ship preorders, too hard to communicate with, and super slow in general. i'd rather buy it from a stateside vendor or physical store and i'll probably end up getting it before you!
  9. i picked this up from a stateside vendor and its the first time i didn't get excited over a valk i purchased. i opened it last night, looked at for all of a minute and that was it. i know this sounds silly but after all the drama trying to aquire one, its tainted and soured any kind of love i could've had for it. i'll probably end up selling it after one transformation, thats if i even bother transforming it.
  10. thats makes sense to some degree. i have certain toys i haven't opened just because i know if i do, the price will drop. the way yamato is doing it, its a free for all for anyone and everyone to sell some janky used POS as new. not to say that seals prevent toys from breaking(stuff happens that we can't control and theres no such thing as perfection) but it'll certainly keep the dishonest sellers in check. if these were $50, i'd wouldn't give 2 sh!ts but these are high priced collectibles, i want some sense of security that the item i purchased was untampered with.
  11. as strange as it is, its a poll. i didn't expect it to be completely one sided. one thing for sure, theres 3 members people need to look out for.
  12. please note i'm talking about a "tamper proof seal", not just some piece of tape over the side.
  13. why can't this be a poll? either i'm an idiot or the poll function doesn't work. edit: alright i must be an idiot cause i just figured it out.
  14. in light of my recent experience with toy-wave, who else thinks yamato should start sealing their boxes? its seems more and more sellers are selling return/damaged stock as new and sealing their boxes would help prevent it from happening. maybe its not a big deal to everyone but its a big deal to me and perhaps graham could pass this along at his next meeting with them.
  15. thank you sir! the brown one was the one i was looking buy.
  16. forums i frequent... macrossworld - i post the most here animepunch - i post every once in a while slap(skateboard MB) - i rarely pose, i mostly just lurk i don't post much these days outside of MW.
  17. i'm sure its been answered but have these newer version been fixed as far as the shoulder and such? i've been contemplating getting one for a while now but wanted to make sure the newer releases aren't lemons.
  18. the LV1 was my very 1st 1/48 and it still one of my favorites. as far as production numbers for it, its a question for the ages. its been asked dozens of times and yamato has never answered it.
  19. 22,890 yen = 203.79 usd the asking price is a bit ridiculous unless it comes with the fold booster and the FPs. $203 for just the 21....its dope but i think i'll pass.
  20. haha, i'm on 22 hours myself. they don't call my hood "the home of the haze" for nothing. i just noticed all the emoticons here with stoner eyes.
  21. thats the booster that they needed on the VF-11B to keep up with the YF-19 and YF-21. edit: well it was originally, before it was switched to cock shots.
  22. haha, so thats you spell that. looks like i won't be getting mine by this weekend. whenever i have something shipped from TX to NY or vise versa, its like my package travels through the twilight zone and makes a pit stop at the bermuda triangle. i haven't figured out why but it takes longer to get stuff to and from TX than any other state...sometimes a country.
  23. i know the fold booster will fit, they learned not to make features/accessories unless it fits each of their releases. the 2 times they screwed up were the FP-less 1/60 VF-1's(i'm still waiting on those ) and the DYRL display stand since both the SV-51 and upcoming YF-21 come with the black display stand.
  24. if there was such a thing as "the worst" in this hobby, that would be it. i too have a new purchase on the way, i'm hoping to get it by the weekend but i doubt it.
  25. my guess is that there will be 2 releases. 1st will be the QC ridden one without any of the cool accessories. yamato knows the impatient people will still buy a bad one, they always do. 2nd will be the fixed version with all the bells and whistles. thats the one i'll be holding out for.
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