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do not disturb

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Everything posted by do not disturb

  1. bah! i don't care about the tailfins, the tailfins can be recasted in the correct size. my real concern is that price tag and what would make it worse if it was actually a good toy, then i'd have actually buy it for their ridiculous asking price.
  2. yeah! what he said! i guess thats another one of those useless posts.
  3. this isn't paranoia, this is the truth. if its macross/robotech related, anyone working for a company producing macross toys should be obligated to visit this place. afterall, it would be in their best interest to hear what the fans have to say about their products and such. this is paranoia. i don't know if you ran across Hurin yet but hes pretty good about keeping these types of things in check. i have yet to see one spam post in this place saying how my penis will grow 8". this is paranoia and as stated above, Hurin would keep that in check as well. if someone goes through the trouble to create 2 accounts just so they can "win", they got more pressing issues to deal with. besides theres no winner of an arguement on the internet, just two losers. sorry i had to address this but it was strictly for my own enjoyment.
  4. its no secret that a lot of the community here are lurkers, but lurking is tough when you gotta log-in to see pics, therefore forcing people to register. the sheer number of macross related images on this site is unreal and as much as i enjoy a good discussion, you can't fully enjoy this site if you can't look at pics.
  5. the main problem with toynamis alpha releases are the fit and finish. if they had at least made an effort in that regard, these toys would still be bad, just not that bad. of course excluded the voltron as thats a fair good toy.
  6. yes! custom valk, custom box, a custom i want to own.
  7. i've been a macross II survivor for so long, i should've been dead by now. yeah these aren't the best toys out but they are the best toys for those on a budget. broken out the box = toynami
  8. you are not alone. http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?show...=24154&st=0
  9. the shoulder is a bit weird. the shoulder pads/blades seems to be in the way, restricting movement of the arms. the secret is to release the shoulder pads(whatever you want to call it). if you take a look into the shoulder pad, you can see theres a hinge inside of it. it looks like it doesnt move but it does. once you release it(by pull the shoulder pad down 90 degrees), push the shoulder pad back up and lock it into somewhat the same position. if you do it correctly, it will create 1-2mm of space between the fuselage and the shoulder joint so that the shoulder pad/blade isn't rubbing up against the fuselage. hope that helps and make sense.
  10. so i made it a point to watch this last night and as i guessed, it was totally stupid. using time travel in a show provides a convienent explaination of the unexplainable, basically it lets them make up random stuff as they go along, hence lame. unless the actress playing sarah connor goes full frontal, this show isn't worth watching IMO.
  11. i'd love nothing more but from what i can gather, it would require new molds for the wings, the backpack, tailfins, legs and a bunch of other things i'm probably leaving out. if only there was a good way for them to milk the molds for the 0D...
  12. i missed this but by the sounds of it, i didn't miss much.
  13. i hope this post is sarcastic....
  14. if you push the head laser all the way down(towards the back of the head), it pushes the neck cover piece out a little. you gotta twist, lift, and push a little and it'll sit flush. i have the same problem with my 1st ed. 19 time to time.
  15. haha, no prob doodler7, i've been in need of a good slapping on occassion as well. kicker773, you definitely need to get that in check buddy. you should spend your time and effort making more cool customs instead buying multiples of the same valk.
  16. every part from every lego line is up there and new parts are added all the time. at first, the program is a big ole pain in the butt, but once you start getting the hang of it, its no different than any other computer program. Fly4victory, did a pretty quick job creating the feet and as they say, practice makes perfect.
  17. yeah but they suck so bad that no one in their right mind would try to pull the switcharoo and expect to get away with it. have you ever tried to repack a twist tied toy? its nearly impossible! i'm all for twist ties(even though i despise them) or whatever other countermeasures if it means getting an unmolested toy, thats really my biggest and only concern.
  18. doodler7, 2 more? clearly you're suffering from new valk syndrome. i get like that every time i buy a new valk but it wears off after a couple of days.
  19. yeah but doing exchanges will cost both of you guys time and money and honestly, there is no "good one" when it comes to this toy design. the only way you'd get a good one is to lower your standards of what is acceptable. i own all 4 toynami alphas and theres not one of them that i even consider "decent", let alone acceptable.
  20. i like joel but i'd ask for the return. the nice guy thing you can do is, instead of asking for your money back, just tell him you'll take it as a store credit and use it some time down the road, at least that way money isn't coming out of his pocket. i'm sure he'd appreciate it and probably more inclined to help you out when you really down and out.
  21. don't get me wrong, i'm not knockin people for liking them, i know everyone has different tastes. its just that i'd rather taste my own diarrhea than own one of these hideous looking things. i know thats extreme but i heard diarrhea can be pretty tasty if it prepared correctly!
  22. which means they're not really limited..hehehe. i'm sure we'll see these very same valks in 5 years. in any case, i'm still not buying these gawdy looking things. i'd rather spend my money on better repaints....or newer macross toys.
  23. but the LV was limited and stated so on the box itself. also consider at that point, fans weren't really used to the 1/48 price tag so people really had to pick and choose which ones they wanted. the LV1 came out after the 1A hikaru, 1A max and 1S roy, and most people tried to pick those up before picking up a non-canon valk. people didn't really buy the LV1 until yamato had a dry spell between releases and peoples valkoholism kicked in. if these 25th anni. valks were actually limited and stated so on the box, i might have picked them up, but considering how yamato just re-releases stuff on a whim, these could be re-released for the 30th anni.
  24. considering they got the indiana license which no 6-10 year old has any concept of and have probably never seen the movies, it could happen. lego is starting to realize a majority of their "fans"(different from their target audience) are adults and not children. clearly indiana jones was not picked up in order to target kids. how many kids would even sit through raiders of the lost ark nowadays?, or temple of doom? they'd just say the movie is dated, complain how completely unreal it is, and simply change the channel. as far as complex models, how about UCS MF? at $500 with 5000+ pieces its certainly not 6-10 year old boys, its strictly for the adults as is most of their SW line. i forsee macross lego in the near future. all the other companies(large and small) see how yamato has made a killing off the license and they're just now starting to pick it up hoping to do the same. lego has more than enough money to pick up the license, the only problem would be the HG/BW bullshight. also, SK, mr macross himself, helped designed the exo force line so they could just as easily talk to him about doing some macross sets in the future.
  25. i chose 100 years just because a 1000 is too long and too much change would be hard to deal with. it would suck if i woke up and didn't know how to use the 3 sea shells...
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