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do not disturb

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Everything posted by do not disturb

  1. most of those spectulation threads kill me. all it ever does is get me all worked up for nothing. i would however like to see a 1/60 low-viz in the future. perhaps, yamato will make it seeing as the 1/48 low-viz did so well....or did it? hmmmm ah whatever, i'll wait and see. B)
  2. do not disturb


    a updated list would be fine but you can always go check the usual sellers like twinmoons and VE and check the pre-orders and product updates sections. those guys are usually on top of the game. B) besides if anything new is to come out, its not like there won't be numerous threads here going about it. one for whining, one for complaining, one for bitching and another just for laughs.
  3. do not disturb


    yes, we are the few, the proud... and broke as hell. welcome victim.
  4. yeah man. thanks don't get me wrong though, i don't mind the original hands that much but the sp alpha hands "hold" better. basically, the gunpod doesn't fall off every time i "click" the elbow and i don't have to constantly make sure the arti. hands are holding the gun secure everytime i touch it or move it. not a biggie but its still annoys me. people said it would be too smal but the two sets of hands are almost the identical in size. oh, BTW don't bother trying to get the sp valks hands, they're just too small and you have to cut into the gungrip hand in order to make it hold the gunpod....its just not worth it. i have my 1S rocking them but it doesn't look anywhere as good as the alpha hands i originally had on it.
  5. are you kidding me??? have you ever seen or met tom??? hes got like 8" and 100lbs on my lanky ass. if anything i'd need a foot stool and a bat if i was gonna hit him. agreed tom, i'll edit out my recent posts as well. i apologize to the members here that had to be subjected to this kind of madness....though i'm sure most of you got a kick out of it!
  6. here the last one....this is just to show the size comparison between the 2 hands.....
  7. and another....
  8. and another
  9. and another
  10. heres another
  11. heres a few pics. i kept them small so i don't eat up the server space, if someone wants some larger pics, PM me and i'll shoot them over.
  12. deleted...but left the last part as an example of what results when arguing over the internet and how i can be resolved. anyway this is getting ridiculous....two d**kheads arguing over whos a bigger a-hole is like two chicks talking about whos the bigger b*tch....completely pointless. we agree to disagree and agree to agree on other points and we'll leave it at that....agreed? hope so.
  13. gone?...but why?
  14. deleted just cause i'm a bad!
  15. deleted? what happened to my post?
  16. i hope yamato does make some but thats not to say the originals won't be worth alot more in the future...especially if they are the originals with a nice box, or even more for MISB.
  17. edited out....pretty obvious whats going on here...sorry if you missed out on the fun.
  18. i have to agree with you there. its messed up cause everybody wants their cut. i understand but some people are just selfish and figure, "let the US retailers deal with the inflated prices...as long as i get my money i could care less". i wish this whole retarded lawsuit would be over already that way we'd all get the hook up on the nice price...including the sellers and retailers here in the US. i'm sure they wouldn't mind not having to pay a "inconvience tax" to their hooks in HK and in japan as well as getting hit with ridiculous shipping and customs fees. well this thread is coming to an end. i hope members here will hold their tongue when discussing prices for new upcoming products in the future. and if they can't....atleast lowball the figure. 1/48 1S hikaru, $100 shipped. 1/48 1J w/FP's, $125 shipped. 1/60 1J GBP, $60 shipped. 1/60 monster, $130 shipped. 1/60 q-rau, $100 shipped. 1/60 destroids, $40 shipped, if/when they come out. anything more than that, i'll wait or pass. while i enjoy macross, i don't enjoy it enough to get ripped off because of too many middlemen wanting a piece of the pie. i need a friend in HK/Japan badly. i got the hooks on nike sneakers, stussy clothing, supreme gear, if anyone out in HK or japan are down for trades, hit me up.
  19. i can understand people paying an arm and a leg for a "vintage" toy. if its 20 years old, i expect a high price tag, but new toys shouldn't cost as much as old/vintage/classic toys IMHO. anyhow, people are missing the point.....i'm just trying to say that discussing what prices should be or discussing what we're willing to pay for this or that, doesn't help. you can make the arguement that it doesn't really matter, but all i'm trying to say is, while it might not hurt us, it definitely isn't helping us. imagine walking into a car dealership with your buddy, and start discussing the most you're willing to spend for a toyota camry. the salemen standing around, over hears your conversation. now, what kind of deal do you think you're gonna get from the salemen? especially now, since he KNOWS how much you're willing to spend? this is not rocket science....its common sense. its like playing poker but you're the only one on the table showing all your cards....does that make sense??? estacado06479, i'm not trying to argue with you especially since by your previous statements, you're probably a young buck but the "dont continue, you are wrong". thats a nice one! its right up there with the "your momma" comeback. if you don't have the capacity to make a logical statement/arguement, that pertains to the topic, please don't post again. it seems to me, you don't know much about business, manufacturing and/or economics, so your opinions/statements will now be ignored. B) BTW, you should keep posting exactly what you're willing to pay. i'm sure alot of the sellers here will keep good track of you so they can make some extra money off you. oh, read my signature. you're exactly the reason why i have that there! you've never been more right in your entire life man....seriously, i'm not joking. and have a nice day!
  20. actually you said so, i don't see "japan" in your post at all. i know it doesn't cost as much in japan but most of us here are from the US....i think? oh, no one said anything about charging COST, i just said it, if it costs $15- $20 to make and what you would charge if you were the manufacturer. BTW, "you want reality.........i am reality"
  21. you got that right pal!!! its kind of funky and i believe it'll get worse next summer....its the humidity that'll kill ya! i just try to avoid touching the "painted" or "spooged" areas. the next low-viz i get, i'm probably going to remove all that crap and have it be grey. B)
  22. well i'm glad to see some people understand what i'm saying. heres an example, say you were "XYZ" company that makes macross toys. a 1/48 only cost you about $15- $20 to produce, not including R&D but just the total cost of the actual product and the box for arguements sake. and remember these are made in CHINA and not the US. you had plans of selling it for $50 or so wholesale but then you find your way to macrossworld and everybody and their mother says they'd be willing to pay $200- for it. what would you charge a wholesaler then? i doubt $50 right? more like $100 now, right? you'd be stupid not to wouldn't you? what would you do as a manufacturer? make less money than the retailers, or sell them for what people are willing to pay and rake in the lootcakes? come on people, its really simple and it has nothing to do with supply and demand(retailers excuse for ripping you off), more to do with $$$ and cents. you can sit there and say, "well its really for the japanese market and not for US sales....lets be realistic. while there might be SOME people in japan down for macross, i KNOW there are people here that are down with robotech. you can say they aren't the same thing, but in essence they really are. when i first started searching for robotech/macross toys, i had no idea what macross was at all. i went on ebay and typed in robotech and found what i found (MPC ). it was only after some time i noticed the word macross in some of the ebay listings and only then, i found the honey pot. i'm sure i'm not the only one here that had this experience. and to tell you the truth, i still didn't know what macross was until i found my way here.....long after buying crap on ebay. anyway, i feel discussing prices, especially here hurts us more than helps us. if you can't understand that, then you must be really wealthy, or your parents got the ill bank roll. estacado06479, ooooo, i wanna flame you so bad but i will chill and be an adult. B) realize, that comments like yours is EXACTLY why macross toys stay expensive. you might live at home, don't pay no rent and your folks are really rich, OR you got your own place and you're the doctor who discover viagra and making crazy money..... i really don't know. but i believe you're the first person to say macross toys aren't that expensive to begin with.
  23. i can see your point there...thats what most of us do when we're trying to get rid of something but don't know what its worth. i know the first place to check is ebay....unfortunately. <_<
  24. perhaps MSRP was the wrong term, i should've just say price point. the fact is, discussing how much we're willing to pay for something, even though it might not make a difference, it DEFINITELY DOES NOT HELP US IN ANY WAY. thats my point. and for those of you that wanna use the supply and demand arguement....i'll use the "its all relative" arguement cause thats how ridiculous it is. that could be said for everything, just like the "its all relative" arguement. supply and demand will be one of the reason for the downfall of the US. as well as other factors that i won't go into. we practically started that policy, or atleast took it to another level. many countries of tired of hearing it and will eventually come and take it from us...you'll see.
  25. okay heres the deal.... WHY must people here discuss prices of upcoming product and cost of future products? when someone posts here on MW that they are willing to pay $150- for something and other members agree, yamato will read it here and surely sell it for $150 even though they were going to sell it for $100-. do you people understand what i'm saying? i'm not saying this is a fact but it doesn't help us in any way at all. it lets yamato KNOW what fans are willing to spend and they'll charge as much as they can for it. so why set the price point for yamato? in doing so, you and you alone are setting the "price point" for yamato. if we were all to say, "hey, i'd only pay $100 for a 1/48" from the very beginning, perhaps yamato wouldn't be selling them for $150 now. do you catch my drift? i just find it totally idiotic that people state what they are willing to pay....if anything low ball the cost, not post the maximum amount you're willing to spend...this is NOT an auction. you're not helping yourself, you're not helping members, you're ONLY helping yamato make more money off us. do you feel me? once again, its a case of self-fulfilling prophecy, so i say again... WHY MUST WE DOOM OURSELVES INTO PAYING MORE BY STATING WHAT WE'RE WILLING TO PAY?
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