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do not disturb

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Everything posted by do not disturb

  1. hey Neova! i need another part, its part BP8 it doesn't matter off which valk since they're all basically the same color. let me know if thats do-able. peace
  2. great review, it makes me want to buy 10 of them now. who's the guy that had all the issues with his max? hes the guy that should write the review for sure. people with complaints tend not to say such thing like "its great". instead start a review with "i got the shaft!".
  3. if you check a page back or two, you'll see the complaint thread about the Max so that should fill you in as far as the negatives are concerned. otherwise, perhaps a MW member might write his own review, though it does get repetitive since all the valks are basically the same. i'd do one but i'm waiting on my Max since i bought it a little late so i could get it with the millia. BTW, i don't even know why i bought the M&Ms, they're both kind of ugly but they were calling to me.....BUY ME, BUY ME PLEASE.
  4. he is overseas in HK or somewhere around there? he charges "actual shipping" as far as i know, or atleast since i've been buying from him....hes not a gouger so no worries. if he charges a little too much, he'll either credit your account via paypal or he'll put it towards your next purchase. he does a great job on packaging, and he ships airmail to the states...it'll take a week to get your stuff. if you check the other US e-tailers, they're charging $180 plus shipping. Neova is only $170 shipped. basically, you save $10 and get your stuff quicker than anyone else. well enough butt-kissing , shot him an PM and get things going with him as he'll fill you in on all the details.
  5. i'm getting mine from neova for about $170 shipped. go check out his site.... http://www.geocities.com/valken_exs/ or click on the "spot" in my signature. hes got some good prices and offers a valk replacements parts service on top of that. not to mention he gets everything before the US e-tailers so you'll get your purchases before any of the resellers get in there first shipments. i'm kind of a "gotta have it now" type of guy, if you are too, then give Anthony a shout and i'm sure he'll hook you up lovely.
  6. wallet? what wallet??? all i carry around now is my ID!
  7. Mmmmmm, irony. Mmmmmmmm, EXACTLY!
  8. that can mean only one thing.... MINE IS ON ITS WAY soon anyway from DA MAN(Neova) himself
  9. lets get over it folks....already...a thousand time over.... i think its great and all i care about is that its a durable high quality toy with a reasonable price tag(lets not go there folks). people keep talking about scales like you guys were actually playing with this stuff. who cares if its not to scale with all the other valks? are you making a movie or diorama using all your valks and everything else yamato releases? if you think its a cool toy, its cool, if you don't, thats fine too, but to complain about a toy that hasn't hit the market....its completely f-in pointless! wait, see, hold, then complain, it makes more sense that way and you'll have some "real ammo" to back up your half-assed statements. on a side note, boy it sucks to post in this section...its like frakkin revolving door with the same arguements, from the same people, who over analyze everyones posts....over and over again and again and again and again..... grow the frakk up and argue amongst yourself through PM's since no one here wants to read your pointless repetitive drivel everytime some new comes out..... and for those of you who are planning to rip into me for my post, you're exactly the members i'm talking about so please bitch away and prove me right!
  10. what the heck is that called???? i've thought about this ship but couldn't remember what it really looked like(other than the big ass gun in the front) or what it was called? i must've been 4-5 years old when i saw this cartoon.....what the heck is this ship called??? Ummmm dude thats the yamato... ooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh................ i never put 1 and 1 together...LET ME LIVE! nobody ever really posted a pic of it before and no pics = all words which can't help a guy who couldn't remember what it looked like. where the heck can i get one of those? the cartoon was called battleship yamato? i saw this when i lived in korea when i was just a wee lad and don't remember what it was called...in korean anyway.
  11. what the heck is that called???? i've thought about this ship but couldn't remember what it really looked like(other than the big ass gun in the front) or what it was called? i must've been 4-5 years old when i saw this cartoon.....what the heck is this ship called???
  12. i would've bought a plain old non-transformable monster but seeing as theres a transformable monster coming.... i have no complaints regarding size, molds, technical data or any of that mumbo jumbo. lets get over it folks cause it sure beats nothing.
  13. funny, I wuz gonna say the same thing bout you right back at cha pal!
  14. That Mullett is even more incredible!! i hope the pics was taken back in the days of winger and def leopard otherwise, hes got no excuse for rocking that hair cut. as they say on MAX-X SWEET MULLET!
  15. the jet fire is just plain ugly, not even worthy to be included in this post. the monster on the other hand...
  16. this thing is totally awesome!!! i love SW though it would've been a lot cooler if it was made out of lego. but i still want one.
  17. First tip: Don't ever use that word. At least, not within earshot of any females. Or, quite possibly on MW. are you talking about my use of "maternal qualities"? i think most men look for that kind of thing when they jump into a relationship...well that and some in-depth discussions about "what they're thinking", right after sex. and thanks for pointing that out to me by quoting it and drawing more attention to it. actually the P word isn't as bad as the C word.....as in, hi my name is "mike hunt".
  18. you know, thats my problem too. i just want to meet a nice girl my age(28) but the only girls that are interested in me are all mad young. while most people would say that isn't a bad thing, i'm kind of tired of having the same conversations about school, shopping, other girls, and all the other stupid crap girls like to talk about. i need me an intelligent woman with conversational abilities, maternal qualities, and uhhh, don't forget pussy! it also doesn't help that i look like i'm 18. yes, sex beats toys...well other than one member here who admitted to "making love" to his valks.
  19. here here! you'd figure it would make for better business if they release a non-vf toy inbetween each VF release. like a destroid or battle pod or something? come on yamato smarten up and listen to the fans....for once.
  20. i'm so LMAO thats a good one! hehehe
  21. theres a hater in the house. BTW i got 25 low-viz's sitting right next to me too. okay for real dude, you're talking the talk, now lets see you walk the walk....since some folks gotta see to believe....though i believe ya.
  22. first off, if you're talking about the fictional future, i doubt they'll be and teflon ball bearings or any of that madness. hello free floating, friction free gyroscope that surround by a force field generated buy it own spin. the more it spins the more power it generates. does this make sense? it seems a more logical example as opposed to ball bearings....keeping in mind this is all fake and therefore could be.
  23. sorry double post
  24. yes you clearly have some issues to work on. and what is the point of having 7 of the same valk? i can sort of understand 4 of them, 1 MISB, 1 in battroid, 1 grewalk, 1 in fighter mode, but 7??? i just hope you don't have any kids you gotta send to college...or feed for that matter.
  25. the display case will include a fan with a doo-hickie that emits smoke to give it the "in-flight look".
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