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do not disturb

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Everything posted by do not disturb

  1. cool man, let me know if you find some info...maybe i can ebay it and get some loot for other things.....
  2. thanks dudes. i'm not the customizing type, but this one was needed since the floppy arm thing was driving me nuts. the arms stay up during display for the most part but if you touch it....well you know. once you figure out what you gotta do, the whole process takes about 10 minutes from start to finish. i did my 1J hikaru and 1S roy for now with more on the way. Kin, i guess i could make the arm armors attach without the clips but i'm not about to cut off the clips to see if it works. as far as the rest of the armor, i don't think it would stay on all that well if i used the magnets only. if you got some armor that really loose, you can always give it a try but i don't know if it would help your cause.
  3. heres a pic of the table with the lights off...Berol?
  4. damn it, i'm playing posting catchup. nah, not everything. i put away anything i had doubles of regardless of scale. i left the 1/60 1J hikaru and roy for the upcoming GBPs. everytime yamato makes a new 1/48, the 1/60 version of it have been finding their way back into the boxes. when i get the spiral display, i'll bust them out again and give them a permanent home somewhere? i have a couple of 1/55 and other random stuff but i don't really collect the bandai's and i've sort of given up on collecting vintage stuff. *added* i'm always adding stuff so my displays change all the time...well any time i get a new macross toy. its kind of a pain since everytime i get anything new, i have to change everything around. its cool though, i have a lot of fun with it.
  5. $1800 for this table? maybe i should ask the old man about it....if its $1800, thats 10 valks with FP's.
  6. the arms stay in pretty tight w/o the FP's....i guess you could install the magnet in the arms themselves but i was worried about it getting in the way of the flip out hands. its tight enough in there to begin with so i opted for the arm armor. FYI, do not glue down the magnets until the very end. first use a piece of tape to hold the magnets in position. when you're 100% sure its lined perfectly, then go ahead with the glue.
  7. they're actually made of acrylic (lucite). we had some lying around where i work which i also had to make mine. i have a few catalogs from various vendors that make standard and custom acrylic pieces, i thought about selling some here but wasn't sure what the reaction would be. hopefully i'll be picking up this really cool spiral staircase design for my 1/60......man is it SWEET! *added* i guess if enough people are interested, i can find them cheap, i'll sell them here.
  8. dunno? it was a gift from one of my dads artist friends....then i made it mine!
  9. heres a pic of my most recent display....its kind of dark but i thought it looked cool.
  10. heres the last one assembled.... the power of magnets at work.
  11. the best part about this was i only had to mod one leg. i guess i could do both legs but the magnetic force might keep the arms pulled towards opposite legs and cause the gunpod to fall off....does that make sense? anyway the link in the 2nd post is where i got the magnets. just be sure to get the thinnest and smallest ones you can get.
  12. and here its is holding on for dear life.
  13. heres a shot of the disassembly...the littel silver things are the magnets.
  14. i think they lowered the price cause the $120 they were asking for was a bit steep. its fine for those in the japanese market but i believe that the lack of sales in the US might have caused the price drop. the no figure might have something to do with it but i hoping they inlcuded the figure in the end and keep the price low. either way, i can't see me picking one of these up anyway, its just ugly IMHO and i rather save for 2 green versions instead of getting the max and 1 TV ver....but thats just me. i foresee a green q-rau in the near future. they already spent the money on the molds and its not like they were going to stop with the millia and max....they'll pump out as many as the molds allow....just like the valks.
  15. the magnets worked! it doesn't matter if i hold the valk by 1 leg, or even split the legs apart....the arms stay in position in fighter mode. its rather simple, the only hard part was getting the 2 magnets in line with each other but once you got that figured out, all you have to do is reassemble everything and you're done. i put 1 magnet inside the leg(inner calf) and put 1 magnet in the arm armor and that was it. if someone needs pics, i'll post them, otherwise i'm gonna be modding out the rest of my 1/48. BTW, who knew that toynami actually had an idea that might have worked.
  16. AWESOME!
  17. i hope its not the fruity pastel purple color...man that thing is UG-LY!
  18. if you need to paint a straight line, remove the tailfin, and just use some masking tape and that should keep you from painting anything that you don't want painted. matching the colors. like the dude posted above this, just use whatever black paint you got and match the "gloss" afterward. or like everyone else said....F-IT! i use citadel paints(warhammer paint). i like it a lot!
  19. they say its coming out in mid May but i can say for certain it'll be out before christmas. ....i think?
  20. Actually, I think the TV Fastpacks look pretty good on it. There a lil' more low key than the DYRL fastpacks. you got that right pal! i bought a spare TV FP kit from Neova. the dark blue FP's(DYRL) makes it look cheap and stands out too much IMHO. the TV FP blend a little better. i got another FP kit coming so i might take a crack at making a LV FP.
  21. its a generic pilot so he/she can be who ever you want them to be. also the helmet sculpt is different from everyone elses, it actually looks like a real pilots helmet. the purpose, dunno? to play with it i guess. the FP's is completely up to you. technically its not suppose to have them but whatevs. i slap them on in battroid mode but take them off for fighter mode.
  22. same here. thats a first for a 1/48, definitely worthy of the MW WWWMY archives.
  23. just an FYI but bigbadtoystore is giving a 10% discount on all in stock items til thursday. it includes everything but pre-order items...even the vintage section has been discounted. i just picked up a FP kit for 52.69 shipped! not bad...not bad at all.
  24. do not disturb


    good point gobotfool. look folks anyone can do whatever they want with their stuff. as much as i disliked the MPC's i did think the light up head was a cool gimmick(if it had been done correctly). its not movie/TV accurate but still a cool little feature IMO. some of us are getting bored with looking at our valks and want to do something fun with them. same reason why people are oil washing their valks and creating a weathered look for their valks. i don't remember seeing weathered valks in macross or robotech, so whats up with that BS? exactly, its stupid. so who gives a rats ass, let people do what they want to do and stop acting like the "thought police" and let it go. BTW i'm still looking for the little leather terminator jacket.
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