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do not disturb

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Everything posted by do not disturb

  1. a buddy of my built this and thought some of you might like it so... CLICK ME. there good shots of the exterior and interior so fellow AFOL's can get to it.
  2. i'd pay one million dollars but thats beside the fact. if its the same price point as a non-FP valk, yamatos got my money. if its more than that, they can suck it and have their inventory sitting in a warehouse next to the millia q-rau.
  3. i can't seem to say this enough.... DO NOT DICUSS PRICES ON THE BOARDS! if you want to discuss prices, please do it through PM's.
  4. i tried on all the 1/60's i had out and it fit well on all of them. there are 2 reasons why the GBP won't fit on the 1D, VE and VT.... the obvious reason is the heatshield. the 2nd, is cause the chest plates on the 3 mentioned valks are actually thicker that the other valks. look at the thinkness of the chest plate on any valk and compare it to the 1D VE or VT and you'll see what i'm talking about. you can force it on...if you don't mind possibly breaking the little "catch tabs" on the chest armor. anyhow, no problem with slapping on the GBP any of the valks.
  5. i think he meant scotch tape. well thats what i used. just two small pieces on each side to hold the thing shut and it sure beats having to glue it, or slap a skirt on it for that matter.
  6. damn dood, you must've had some serious time on your hands. didn't someone say yamato doesn't frequent these boards? didn't someone say something about the US having little to no fan base? well ut that in your pipe and smoke it! its crazy we put that much money into yamato pockets...speaking in averages of the MSRP but still. yamato if you're out there, you gotta put our guys back in the loop. you see how many of us here are your loyal customers and it wouldn't make sense to keep us out of the loop.
  8. its a little early for that one but i would like to get a more "moveable" hip armor. as it stands now, theres no hip/leg movement what so ever and i'd really like to pose my valks with the legs spread apart.....okay thats sounds bad. but you know what i mean. i took the hip armor off to see what it would look like and it looks a heck of a lot better with the legs spread open a little than it standing straight up at attention but the hip/intake section looks so small in comparison so i threw them back on.
  9. you have to slide it all the way up. i thought i had it locked into place for a while but it should go up quite a bit. when it fully locked into position, it should move around a little. if it doesn't jiggle, then either its not on all the way or you got a really good one.
  10. i know lots of people who need this part. when your ready to go, i'd suggest posting it in the (pinned) spare parts thread at the top of this section. we're charging $10 for the original, so as long as you offer it below that cost, i'm sure many will take advantage of your recast. ncie work.
  11. Hikaru. It's not that difficult. Nice coathanger stand, though. right? i thought he used some space aged materials and suc but a wood base and coat hangers seems simple enough to mak and cost less than a dollar to make.
  12. those are pretty slick, nice job. amke them out of what though? are the rods metal? do they scratch the valk? and th base is made of what? sorry about all the question but those are pretty cool.
  13. Yes I Think is really nice too. The real problem is that i'm not good at all in painting you and me both. if i gotta paint some straight lines, no problem. i just use some masking tape and paint away. but if i gotta paint some weird shaped stuff, theres no way.
  14. don't get me wrong guys, the yamato stand looks real nice and official, i just prefer the tripod ones....seeing as you can get about 3 tripod ones, for the same price of 1 of the yamato stands.
  15. yes, i will be offering them at cost at some point in the near future. i was waiting to see if everyone got their stands from the first batch of orders, then do it again. anyhow, if you're in a rush, just get them from VE or TM. if you're the patient type, you can get them through me. the yamato stand can hold any sized valk but theres a few things to remember.... 1, kind of a rip off for a kit....read number 2. 2, you have to glue it together and paint it(according to HLJ website) 3, $40+ shipping...probably in a giant ass box for no reason other than to piss the US fans off. 4, the plain ol' tripod stands rock!
  16. Haterist How did you take your 1/48 apart like that I like to do some repairs to the rubber ball socket in the let leg joint because it's trying to slip out. Actually fixing the leg rubber ball joint thingie is real easy. The part that attaches to the leg pulls out and has a screw in it. No disassembly of the leg needed really. Where the ball joint piece goes into the leg intake, all you need to do is pry is out a bit with a small screwdriver or something. When I got my second 1S the rubber was all over the place on both sides. I did some poking around and was relieved how simple it was to fix. what he said other than he left out the most important part.... *disclaimer* you can pull the leg off with some force(no prying needed) but i am not responsible if you break you valk. don't sweat it, it takes a little force but i would leave it alone until it starts to become a real problem. its not going anywhere so theres no reason to pull apart anything until you absolutely have to....and i speak from experience. i did it to one of my valks(LV) cause it was driving me nuts. i didn't break anything but after i moved the rubber piece back into position..... i've regreted it ever since. my valks got crazy legs now......like hes doing the forbidden dance *do the huckle buck, do the huckle buck*. alright you gotta be a honeymooners fan to get that one.
  17. you have been served.
  18. ditto... nah nah nah nah, nah nah nah nah, hey hey hey, good bye......
  19. its called valkoholism. when theres nothing to buy, you get heebie-jeebies, you start to feel antsy(sp?) and you begin convincing yourself you should buy another. not because you need one, not even because you want one but because you have to have another one. i can see why some people might think the price might go on these...they probably will at some point. i think the prices would be greater if it said "robotech" on the box IMO, just because of the strong US fan base...well atleast on MW. all i can say is, you got know when to hold'em, know when to fold'em.... because just like bandai, yamato could reissues these 10-20 years down the road. right now, it seems most toy companies are following this trend because most of the cool toys came out back in the early 80's and those who were kids then, now have the disposable income to buy toys.
  20. just got mine today, thanks Neova! okay some thing to keep in mind.... i'm at work today so i haven't had a chance to slap the armor on a valk yet but i did open the box. first off, the hands are RETARDED. the armor itself has a nice weight and the quality of plastic seems to be nice. i noticed some paint marks here and there but nothing to get huffy about. i don't know the deal with the crotch armor since i haven't put mine on but i did pull it apart and i see what graham was talking about. though mine is pretty tight, i can understand why he has a valid complaint. with heavy play, i don't see those skinney little pegs holding up for too long. they are sure to break after sometime especially if it takes a "desk dive" to the floor. my only real complaint is with the leg armor. its cool that all the hatches open but couldn't they have made it so it stays closed? don't get me wrong, they don't open with the slightest breeze or anything like that but a little "catch tab" or something would've been nice. other than that, i don't see anything wrong with the armor...yet. all i can say is, it sure beats paying $200+ for the only other GBP armor thats out there. i'd suggest everyone pick up atleast one set, even if you dislike the 1/60's. well, unless you have the 1/55 GBP, then theres no reason to pick this up. **added** alright so i slapped them badboys on and now i know exactly what graham was talking about. the only solution is to make it so the nose cones doesn't rotate/pivot, or glue the piece together so it never falls off. indeed this is far from poseable. you can make it take a "step" but thats it. oh and you can sort of move the arms. no matter, cause it sure does beat the GP armor i didn't have. unpopular opinion but, i think we might have been better off with a superposable GBP.
  21. well if you do get some kind of instructions going, that would be super dope! the RBR was on sale for $80 a while back. so i picked up two, one for display, one for parts. i haven't gotten the discovery shuttle yet, i'm kind of regreting it now. i saw a bunch of them on clearance at Target for $12.41(or some ridiculously low price) but for some reason, that set didn't find its way into my cart. if target restocks them, i'm definitely picking up a few....i love those white curved pieces and i think you get a boat load of them with the set. anyhow, you got brickshelf or MOC pages account or something? wouldn't mind seeing some of your other MOCs.
  22. hey man, i PM'ed you with all the details but i guess you got a "pop-up" blocker going. check your inbox here on MW and all the info is there. anyhow, its $5 for the part, plus $2.50 shipping anywhere in the world.
  23. i don't think it had anything to do with the q-rau, i just think they have more interesting/profitable prospects lined up for the future(aka scopedog, though i have no interest, people here are psyched on this one). they can only produce x amount of toys per year and putting all their eggs in one basket, so to speak, and going full throttle with the 1/60 monster was/is just a crap shoot....investment wise. you might want 3 but you're one of the few that said they'd even buy one. i think this one is right up there with the 1/60 FP kit, the YF-19 w/FPs, and another run of the LV's. besides, wishful thinking only make the macross addiction worse....you'll just end up buying multiples of stuff because theres nothing to buy.
  24. i think it hit the back burner due to the size and cost of production....oh and the lack of interest. very few, if any, were willing to pay the $300+ price tag or even have the space to display such a large piece....its was almost the size of a small coffee table. forget about shipping costs to the states, it would be over a $100 easy....and imagine if it arrived broken! anyhow, i don't think its going to get made, and if it does, it'll have a hefty price tag and made in limited numbers. this is all just my opinion though.
  25. if you're willing, i'd go out and purchase the SW RBR(rebel blockcade runner)or the Discovery space shuttle, which are both great white parts packs. if you're willing to go grey, i'd get the SW ISD(imperial star destroyer) for the ubber quanity of the original grey bricks. and maybe an AT-AT or AT-TE, they both got a nice variety of pieces as well. or just hit bricklink and get a bunch of plates and long bricks and remove the smaller brick all together. also realize the interior of the structure can't be seen, so you can easily replace those pieces with off colors like blue, red, green, etc. i wish i could actually hold this thing, then it would really get things stirring. got play to build you know what i mean?. i noticed the arm articulation and figured you went technic on those but sometimes "fixed" technic gears/pieces have a little more "grip" than the average brick. you might even want to grab some piston parts and try your luck with those. have you tired using any of the bionicle pieces? the all have a few ball joints parts and such, though i don't think one of those can support too much weight but a few of them might? don't go smaller, otherwise you're going to rebuild you're near perfect S head. also you'll just make it a pain in the ass for yourself. you mgiht consider borrowing the foundrydx design for the legs and increase the stud count in each direction and replace which every pieces accordingly for the articulation you desire. i was joking, about that. no one in there right mind would try making instruction for such a large MOC. i guess you can always take a pic, toss it into a lego program and get a rough idea what needs to be done but thats no fun. you got build til your fingers hurt and you can't sleep cause the creative juices are overflowing in your mind...even when you got your eyes closed. anyhow, great job none the less, yours is by far the biggest/nicest one i've seen, EVER! i can't see what else you come up with during the summer. i need to get building myself. i've had builders block for a while and can't seem to get motivated.
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