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do not disturb

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Everything posted by do not disturb

  1. LMAO! he so long winded its impossible to reply or even have the attention span to read all the bitchin.
  2. Nah he isn't crazy, you deserve it. You're just an iritation, I'd be happy to think about you having to dig through your own fecees to find your teeth. and i thought i was the only one that thought that.
  3. And don't forget psycho! H call me what nutso, call me psycho.....i'm just a moody ninja! waaaaahhhhhh!
  4. or go to FL and beat down that mechafag~!!!!!!! that would actually be cheaper and i do dislike thieves more than some stupid numbnut on the web. and as far as wrong addresses go, do you forget who i am? i would triple check everything before i got a plane ticket. though i would have to take some sick time so i can arrive a few days early and stalk him. you know, figure out his schedule, when he leaves the house, when he comes home, where he likes to eat, etc, basically, figure out his habits and formulate a pattern, only then would i strike!
  5. dudes, who's voting no? can we be friends.
  6. hello kitty...DAMN! i've been found out....well its actually a bad-batz-maru laptop but whats the difference.
  7. fear teh addiction man and don't hang around here. i started off with one 1/60 VF1J for the memories. then out of nowhere, i got about 20-25 valks. i think i'm going to have to get a second job.
  8. i've flown as far as to cali to resolve some beef....it was over money but beating Hurin senseless would be a vacation in its own right.
  9. thanks Agent One....you're so dreamy.
  10. it almost got back on topic guys. you're right hurin....as usual. now can you stop, and let the topic at hand be the discussion here? thanks.
  11. when removing, make sure you try to keep the backpack even and don't let it wiggle side to side too much when you're trying to take them off. do the the same thing when your putting them on as well and you should be fine. i play with mine all the time(taking armor and and off) and i have yet to break the BP8...... its so sad i'm starting to remember part numbers.
  12. first one huh? i can guarantee it won't be you're last. welcome to macrossworld.
  13. Ya so am I. I keep seeing these long windbag 10 paragraph posts about how right each one of them is. Can we please lose the endless squabble & get back to the real topic at hand?! Btw, good eye Graham, Timberwolf!!! I didn't even notice the missing 30mm anti-mecha cannon, mounted under the chest block until the pic was posted. How could Yamato miss that? been trying to, but i keep getting harassed....sorry. either way, its a prototype so nothing is for sure just yet. i'm just waiting to see the end product with all the bells and whistles it can handle. hopefully they'll get things "accurate" but even it they don't this is the only monster toy thats going to be released since the 80's....and i'm almost positive it'll better than the matchbox/takatoku versions.
  14. Hurin, how about this, since you got so much beef with me, why don't we meet up? i'm CALLING YOU OUT, so you got 2 choices... 1. meet me like a real man and we'll get this squared away once and for all. PM me with your home address, i got some vacation time coming up, so i'll take that time to come and visit you. 2. continue to hide behind your computer and prove to me and everyone else on MW that you're nothing but a little bee-otch. so whats it gonna be? until you pick one, i really don't have much more to say to you.
  15. NICE! congrats.
  16. some more good and valid points Dr Clay. i can't seem to say this enough without dumbass bringing it up again and again... this is a free country people so please feel free to post whatever you want.... oh, just as long as you don't disagree with anyone.
  17. heres the S
  18. hurin, well if that ain't the bitch calling the hobag, slurm! i dont know what is? i got one thing to say to you... GO GET LAID! you're good...yay!, i'm bad...boooo! but still you're ugly! BTW, now i know what agent one was talking about when he said "all the girlie men in the toy forum". back on topic....if it could only stay on topic, i still eagerly await this toys release. yeah i feel the main cannons are a bit short but its a prototype and the pictures could be just bad pictures. regardless, it sure beats yamato releasing another VF so i'm happy about it. hopefully they'll add on some other cool features along the way....hopefully. as far as pricing, i should've said, these boards help retailers/etailers(not yamato) set prices and they all frequent these boards. can anyone honestly say a retailer in japan is asking $120 for 1/48? who would buy it from them when they could go to TRU and get it for $90 or less? as dr. clay pointed out, the sticker price and the actual price are completely different. i use to go to a shop around my way and he had everything priced really high. i.e. he had non FP 1/60's listed at $75. i never paid $75, he knew he'd never be able to get $75 but he put the highest possible price so there was some room for negotiating. he expected people to come in and ask for hooks and he prepared himself for it. if i asked about something else, he'd go to ebay or a fan site and set the price according to the "market value". i thought it was kind of f-ed up for him to do that, but i did get stuff at a "fair"(whatever that means) market value. regardless, i ask that everyone, please post the maximum amount you're willing to pay each time something new is in the works.
  19. we're not all in one country~ different laws and cultures may apply. according to some, i'm just telling people what to do. so i turn will do, what those people are telling me do to, by asking people to do what they want to do. does that make sense? basically i got someone telling me to stop telling people what to do, by telling me not to do it. now does that make sense?
  20. thank you kind sir. all good and valid points. everyone please keep posting whatever, i'm not telling anyone to do anything, its a free country so post away folks. i'm not being sarcastic at all, and i'm not saying that sarcastically either. please feel free to post whatever you'd like.
  21. i'll ask my vendor about selling the legs seperately? if he can, i'll offer them here along with the display stands towards the end of the month. or you can always just buy a 6" or 2.5" stand.
  22. blaine23, ummm, no one said yamato runs its business by looking at these boards. those are your words not mine. all i said was, it defintiely can't help and yamato is probably looking at these boards to help them set prices. help is the keyword here. so until you can say for certain, yamato doesn't come here, you really haven't proven a point. as i said before, do what you want, i don't care, its a free country. just like i have the right to "yell" at anyone and say, "hey don't do this". it doesn't mean they have to listen now does it? its their choice to listen or to ignore. i ignore people all the time here, it saves me a lot of drama, might i suggest you try the same thing when you feel the need to be a jerk to me for no reason whatsoever.....you'll sleep better and have more time for fun.
  23. really how do you explain the $120 price tag on the q-rau? we're not in their market? have you even looked at mcpaz's thread? we account for a huge chunk of yamatos products/business. its been discuss before in teh past and we all have come to the conclusion we are exactly they're target audience. to say we don't count is completely ridiculous. believe me, some yamato dudes already copied down the figures from mcpaz thread.... and sithlords got a care package coming to him.
  24. obsessed? you mean when someone tries to deliberately charge me more than something is worth? so if i sold you something for $50, then turned around and sold it to everyone else for $40, you wouldn't bitch? i sell you something, you estimate the shipping is $5, but i tell you its $20, and you live 2 towns away, are you gonna pay me $20? plain and simple, if you don't have a problem with this, then your stinkin rich and shouldn't be posting about how broke or cheap the next man is. its great you got lots of money to burn but thats not the case for everyone. so when someones being "thrifty" its not necessarily because they're cheap, but just poor. parnoid? read the sig man, were not dealing in nickel and dime merchandise, most everything is a high ticket item. if you think $100 is nothing to be paranoid about losing, please send it my way and i guarantee its safe return. weird obsessions? if you mean when someone posts exactly what they're willing to pay? i call that pointing out sheer stupidity not a weird obsession. $120? well thats sort of right but it doesn't have any accessories whatsoever. to me, its nothing but a glorified TFer with a sticker sheet and a box. now don't get me wrong, i think its a really cool toy but not the league/price range of a 1/48. for all we know it could be $80? a special thanks to Nani?! who gets the point i'm trying to make. i'm not forcing my paranoid delusions down people throats, just sharing some basic common sense. and to wolfy, i got a monster right here for only $2000. its the prototype so its actually worth more(you know cause its the original) but since you seem to be such a nice guy with a good head on your shoulders, i'll sell it to you for $1000 shipped? just joshin witcha man, i know you're the new guy. everyone else, as far as pushing my buttons goes, hey go right ahead, its a free country. but when this toy get released for $200+, we'll all remember the a-holes that couldn't keep their mouths shut about the price, won't we. and btw, i already said i'd pay ONE MILLION DOLLARS!
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