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Everything posted by do not disturb
Caught a burglar red-handed in my house!
do not disturb replied to Majestic's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
i really don't like thieves! i'm glad you guys weren't hurt and you caught the SOB....you should've kicked his butt....just a little. me, i got a bat by the front door and i sleep with a sword next to my bed. -
i agree with you on certain points as i'm a big fan of die-cast. yeah the paint might chip time to time but i don't mind since it has some "meat" to it. i know if yamato made a diecast valk in some other scale(1/48 are way heavy as is) i would most certainly buy it....thats why i love my 1/60's. what i'd really like to see is to take the perfect transformation from the 1/48 and incorporate it into a smaller scale valk. yeah i know, yamato needs to pick a scale but if they made them in like 1/100 scale and sold at a reasonable price, i know i'd be buying dups like crazy....i just want a mob of nice valks without going broke and more swooshable.
i here ya, but i know EXO got beef with me, blaine23 might still have it out for me and i don't know about the rest of you guys? but it doesn't really matter. honestly, i try my best to stay away from the guy but its next to impossible when someone is just trying to be a dick to you every chance they get. what can i do? what would you do?
why not just say my name folks. its not like this is a private forum.
yet again, it never ends. latch onto who? i don't know who drad is? i don't know who agent one is? i don't think i've even exchanged a single PM's with these people since i've been here....actually i don't really exchange PM's with anyone here on a regular basis, i keep to myself for the most part. honestly, i don't really care who likes me or not, i just feel no need to be a dick to someone every chance. thats where you and i differ and thats why nobody on these boards has/had/have anything nice to say about you. simply cause you go out of your way to be a dick to people while most people could care less. as far as no one ever complaining about you....you gotta be kidding yourself. the mods/admins don't even want to deal with you, why would they? so they can try responding to a 2 page PM when they asked you to simply chill? so you can go back and forth with them til you drive them nuts? yeah you called a truce, you're right, but you're a dick, and i have no desire to make a truce with you. why would i? so i can be fake and pretend like we're cool when i really know you're a longwinded assbag? sorry fella but nobodies that cool and i don't fake the funk for no one. and BTW, theres more than 3 people that can't stand you, they just have no desire to deal with you. why would they? so you can make yet another long ass post why someone is so wrong and you're so right? most people don't have time for this nonsense, you obviously do. you probably got every post i've ever made saved in your favorites folder just so you can continue to point fingers at me every chance you get....cause thats really grown up. your maturity level is almost non-existent. i know we've never met, but i don't think your more than 15 years old. most would agree.
its really only you hurin, you are the only one here that perpetuate these things, you and you alone. since i've been coming here, all you ever done is start shight with people. am i wrong? remember we had a poll a while back, "who thinks hurin and haterist should take a long walk off a short pier"? did anyone have anything nice to say about you? did anyone back you up? did anyone say, nah man, hurins a cool guy? i wonder why? more importantly, you should be wondering why? i know its the internet and it shouldn't really matter but in a way it does. it should tell you how people perceive you everytime you post. i mean, look at your sig....like your proud of being an a-hole 24/7. please, try to just be nice or atleast decent. i didn't start anything with you....its always just you with the chip on your shoulder. well thats that. i really have nothing more to say. just think about it before you decide to whip out your flamethrower.
Thanks for proving me right. As usual, you've got nothing. Later, H can y'all please not start this thing up again? I second that. i third it but this guys doesn't know when to quit. what can i do about it?
holy a-hole alert. i'm not comparing anything to the LV, all i said was so where am i comparing the two exactly? try taking some read comprehension classes pal. i gave an example of how i gave myself the shaft by not buying another LV(where no comparison was made) and stating how the price of the 1S has risen.....what am i wrong? can you find one for $90? $120? $140? $160? you can't can you? so what have you disproved? absolutely nothing. do you have some solid proof why the 1S will never reach the $300 mark one day? are you a fortune teller? do you have a crystal ball? can you see the future? i didn't think so, so your valid point would be an opinion and not a fact, right? kind of like my opinion which i don't consider a fact hence ending my statement with IMO which stands for "in my opinion". opinion not fact. again, some read comprehension would help. want another? how about they already re-released them. i'd say thats pretty valid reason for them not to release it a 3rd time wouldn't you say? what valk have they released a 3rd time or a 2nd? try none. only the 1A hikaru and the 1S roy were re-released/re-issued, only to fix them, no valk before them, no valk after them. these thing are called patterns, i see the price getting higher and higher, i see how yamato hasn't re-released anything as far as valks go. so these patterns would lead me to believe that a re-release is not likely again IMO. why exactly will there be a 3rd release? you're reasoning is? your proof is? something...anything that would prove your statement? thats right you got none! do you know somehow know what something is going to sell for in a month or even 2 years? what does your crystal ball say? so i ask again, what facts do you have to back up your statement? sorry but i'd follow patterns and trends in the market before the word of a moron who claims he can see into the future. for real now, can someone please ban this a-hole. all this individual does is troll troll and troll.....oh and troll. hes like the skid mark that won't wash out.
members beware TROLL ALERT!
alright someones gotta help me out. i just broke the tailfins part BP6 for my 1S roy. if anyones got a spare ROY tailfin hit me up. i got valk parts to trade or money. please help!
hmmm.... went from $90 to $120 to $140 to $160 and now $175. i guess i have it all wrong.
wait for the re-release and be disappointed. the price will only go higher like everything else thats consider a collectible. i remember when soze was selling LV's for $155 plus shipping and i thought i was way steep and held off on getting my second. now look at me ---> pay $175 now or pay $300 later because a third run is highly unlikely IMO.
got a brand new set for $10 shipped and insured off ebay. i don't know about the editting and censorship? i can't really sit through any of the SW movies without falling asleep. i've seen them way too many times for it to hold my interest...you thank the "movies for guys who like movies" station. i usually pop in a vid or DVD when i can't fall asleep...it works like a charm.
Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith
do not disturb replied to Effect's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
whenever i see "revenge of the" i just think of revenge of the nerds.....thats what i thought this thread was about at first glance. horrible title IMO but hey, its just an opinion. someone said "fall of the jedi" which actually sounds a bit better than revenge of the jedi. the title is almost opposite of what really happens(depending on how you want to perceive it). i guess revenge of the nerds *cough* sith is fitting for the SW fans *cough* nerds. -
yup. i've seen tisinc since i started collecting macross and he always has the highest prices on the net. he uses the ebay "bluebook" to set all his prices. as soon as anything he has get sold for more, his prices follow. i don't get why people have a problem with "scalpers". they're just like sellers only they bought more into a given item that they didn't sell before. tisinc probably bought a buttload of them, sold half and got stuck with the inventory for months. now everyone wants one(or 2) so he raised the price accordingly. what would you do if you had a discontinued item? sell it for a $100 when everyones paying $200?
very good point! i didn't like epi1 but i own the DVD and i got all the SW lego sets associated with it. i liked epi2, got the DVD and got all the SW lego sets as well. i'm sure the same thing will happen when epi3 comes out....even if it completely sucks. but hey, complaining is the next best thing to just bitching ain't it. and i also thought anakin came across "stalkerish" in epi2. when they were discussing obi1 and he started whining about him not being able to enter the trials, i thought anakin was gonna rape amidala! man that would've been a good scene...i wanna see natalie portman get naked, full frontal baby!
*me dying laughing sounds* you're such a jerk! both you guys have some good points but the real point is there is no point. well not until epi3 comes out. lets face it, theres no way to agree which movie is better than which, its like saying the temple of doom was better than raiders of the lost ark. they're both good in there own way but neither of them really sucked sucked.
i couldn't agree more. the mentioning of medichlorians(i couldn't spell it before ) really killed epi1. that was the biggest mistake lucas made IMO. the force was something that had no explaination, either you had it, or you didn't, it suppose to be this mystical unexplainable thing. by adding science to the equation it took the mystery(that didn't need solving) out of the force. if epi3 ends like ESB(how else could it end?) then i know i'll like it...i hate it when the good guys win.
indeed the OT will always be the shiznit when it comes to any of the SW movies. Skull 001 does have a point regarding age and mentality. little kids go crazy for NT toys like the naboo fighter, the AAT and MTT. we(older folks) obivously don't feel the same way since the x-wing will always be fresher than the lameassed naboo fighter as well as the JSF(though i kind of like that one). imagine comparing the AT-AT to the MTT....do i even need to explain this one? well see what happens when it comes out but i don't think the NT will ever be in the same league as the OT....well maybe when the kids who saw epi 1 when they get to be our age. epi 1 sucked(or not so good for you senstive folks), epi2 rocked, and i hope epi 3 leaves me satisfied.
for some reason it reminded me of last nights conan o brien. they drew a picture of a bunch of kids pulling on kerry face like it was silly putty and another pic of Bush figuring the secret code....it was him standing with a bunch of SS guys trying to figure out which bathroom to go in...the ladies or the mens. i was dying, i guess you ahd to be there.
lets just hope he doesn't leave too much of a unreasonable gap story/characters/ships between epi3 and 4....oh and not make it anything like epi1.
i try to think of that way too. first, they got the fancy ships, they go to war, they get lose, they only have so many ships/technology left and have to make due with what they got. basically, if the thing flies and fires, its good enough for the rebels.
A question about panel lines on Hasegawa kits
do not disturb replied to JLYC's topic in The Workshop!
i read a really good tip for doing panels lines just last week. it involved black chalk, water and some dish soap(like dawn). it seemed like its the easiest way without causing too many headaches. i'll see if i can find the thread for you. heres the link to the directions including pics. you can thank stram8777 for bring this little tidbit of info to MW. i can't think of a more goof proof way to do them. PANEL LINES -
for sure, the JSF is way cooler but on the flipside of that coin, i'm glad lucas is going back to more rugged/ridged look for starships....thats really bothered me as far as the NT movies goes....oh and the explaination of meta-whatchamawhosits that all jedi have, like we needed a scientific explaination.
do not disturb replied to fansubs2000's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
try to find a little game store, you can usually trade games there or you can buy new games(just came out) that only got played once for $15-$20. i got 3 spots within 5 blocks of me that i take full advantage of. BTW, $17.99 is an awesome price for a brand new game.