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do not disturb

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Everything posted by do not disturb

  1. just get some fun-tac and put a tiny little ball to hold it shut. it beats doing anything else and it comes off clean...its fun-tac! as for the person that glued theres down.....---->
  2. nah, they haven't made it yet but its on the top of everyones list. i don't think we'll see a new 1/48 release til maybe christmas....maybe. maybe even a DYRL kaz? *crosses fingers* i can't see why not, but yamato has done weird things in the past so you never know? what gonna be the next release? well the answer to that question is in my sig.
  3. indeed its a 1/55 mod'ed GBP, but its still better than the one none of us have. besides, i have no skills/patience when it comes to modifying and scratch building, you gotta be a pro to pull it off nice. if i had a 1/55, i would certainly try and attempt it but it wouldn't have a single moving part. whatevs, its still looks cool but i hope someone goes through the trouble to make one with removeable mini missiles.
  4. i don't know if you own any 1/60's but the battroid mode is about 100 times better. just look at the nose cone, the chest plate, the arms, and the ridiculous chicken hands and you'll see what we're talking about. oh and not to mention the fighter mode is more accurate as well. like i said, i like the 1/48's just the same, but these are just small nitpicks, nothing to write home about. theres 4 camps regarding this topic, 1, the 1/60s are the shiznit, they look more like the line art and a 1/48 will never disgrace my shelves. 2, the 1/48s are the bomb regardless of it porportions because its got perfect trans.(mainly, you don't have to detach the legs) and is more poseable so i gotta sell all my 1/60's to buy more 1/48's 3, i love them both for different reasons. 4, the i don't care cause i need more, more, more!!! you make'em, i'll buy'em. i'm in the 3rd and 4th camp myself. oh and no doubt the 1/48 gerwalk rocks!
  5. i checked out some of the other stuff but i really don't speak/read japanese so all i can do is oooo and ahhhh. something just popped into my head that i thought would be a cool feature...the 1/60 GPB just sits there, i mean, its cool but it just sits there. no real features other than a the little flippy pieces but that ain't much. so i was thinking for the GPB in 1/48 scale, yamato(or people making there own) could make the inside section of the armor vinyl. meaning, they insert a piece of vinyl or something where the missiles are displayed and have it so you can individually put in and take out each missile.....does that make sense? like for the shoulder armor, it wouldn't have to be thick piece of vinyl, just enough to hold the mini missiles in place. yamato wouldn't have to recast them since the FP mini-miss would work fine and the guys who are making them, can also do this and add a little bonus feature to their work. i don't know if any of this makes sense but i think it would be neat.
  6. I second that!!! I really enjoy looking at all of my 1/60's (Q-Rau and GBP included). It's a great line. I believe Billy Wong has done a good job. i third it! while i do like the 1/48 for its perfect trans. the 1/60s look WAY better in every mode....though the 1/48 does have a really nice gerwalk. the criss-crossed leg pegs on the 1/60 gerwalk kind of sucks but i still love them since its the only "complete" line of macross toys out.
  7. looks pretty sweet. too bad the guys probably only making one. oh and whats up with the blocky arm pieces? they're supposed to be rounded. Fulcy(and/or friends is/are also working on making a GBP armor. hopefully he'll be making more than one set too but i doubt it. more than likely, i think yamato will make it eventually, i just hope its sooner than later.
  8. theres someone over in the FS section selling his open MIB 1st edititon 19 for $140 shipped. i really wanted one for a while but for $140....i'd rather buy a 1/48. unfortunately, thats the going price(if you can find one) unless you get lucky with a bad listing on ebay but its kind of rare since most everyone that got one, doesn't want to sell theres....even the dudes with multiples. as far as the 19A, like a retard, i paid some where around $130 plus shipping for it, but i just had to have it and couldn't help myself. i've seen the 19A every once in a while but shipping is from usually from HK, so you can tack on another $20 to whatever the price tag is. slightly off topic but i'm selling mine for $100 plus shipping. if anyone interested, hit me up.
  9. did someone leave this behind?
  10. nice job godzilla-sans! i need to get working on my again, but i've been lazy, over worked and drinking too much lately to get anything done.
  11. well this numbnut PM'ed me yet again, no reason to post it since its the same pointless yip-yap hes been spewing from the first time he posted. BTW, asians are better, just ask your mom, cause i had exact change that day!
  12. now i'm getting PM'ed... no one called you a racist, thats what you called us. as far as my background i am indeed a KOREAN-american. thats right, korean first, i'm proud of my people and i'm proud to be korean, i was born there, and moved here(brooklyn) where i was exposed to many many different people from all over the world hence why i have a diverse group of friends. all my friends are actually from all over, south american, europe, australia, africa, russia, middle east, india, you name a country and i have a friend either living/born there. you don't know who i am, nor do you know who my friends are. oh and i'm fluent in korean, english and spanish, i even speak a little french and some russian, so put that in your pipe and smoke it! i'd say i'm over-cultured if anything, far from what you think of me and my stupid american attitude. please don't chop off my head! EDIT grammer
  13. hehehe no worries >EXO<. VD, dude, you came here insulted everyone(since you didn't single anyone out other than every american on the board) then called us racists and what have you, then said you'd leave, yet you're still here, talking it up on the internet and not just posting, but PM'ing people on top of it. adding new meanings? where have you been? i thought you said you've been coming here for a while? don't you know theres a hidden meaning behind everything and anything anyone here posts....just like this one! and for the record, i am asian(korean) and i have very few, if any asian friends. most of my boys are either black, spanish/latino, or white. i'd say i'm the poster child for anti-racism but who would listen?
  14. this guy supposedly left but hes on the site right now! yo VD, what are you wating for a stand o? didn't someone metnion something about a door and his butt.
  15. when was this? i guess i missed the train?
  16. wow! thats quite the accomplishment. i hope in my lifetime i can take a trip into space or atleast participate in something as cool as launching rockets....rockets are cool!
  17. i watched 7 minutes of it the other night during unbreakable(first time i'd seen it, not bad at all). looks very interesting and i assumed it wasn't scary as most of his movies aren't really scary or what i consider scary....more like a suspense thriller. i'll definitely have to check it out.
  18. deleted, completely pointless, sorry.
  19. thats just like what Max Jenius was saying about SW movies/fans. they all complain about how GL sucks but they still go out and buy the merchandise. as far as the q-rau, sure its a bit pricey but it sure beats nothing.
  20. do not disturb


    Backups? That sounds like a plan. especially you godzilla. i only got a handful of 1/48's left, you got a boat load and i'd imagine you'd want to pick up quite a few. i might even pick up another set of TV hands if rohby's still making them?
  21. do not disturb


    well hes got my money for sure. i don't really need it but its good to have a few as a backup just in case. awesome work yet again rohby, can't wait til you get them ready to go!
  22. yeah dude, not beatin him up was kind of hippie but understandable under the circumstances. me i would've been beatin him til the cops carrested me, but thats just me. one time, me and a couple of guys that i skate with were headed back to his apartment to chill. so we're walking into the foyer(sp?) of his build when we see this dude carrying his PS2 out with a bunch of other stuff. we knew it was his cause it was covered in skate stickers...kind of hard to miss. so my friends like, "hey man, you throwing that out? i'll buy it off you?" just to see his response. then THWACK! hes hit the dude over the head with his skateboard. his buddy makes a run for it and manages to basically knock us down, along with his friend like a bunch of bowling pins and gets away. the other guys is still kind of daze but fought his way out on the street. from there, we beat his ass down to a bloody pulp. i'm talking like 6 skaters(all over 25) going to town on this fool. somehow he manages to get up and makes a run for it, when another friend of ours pulls up in a minivan. so a couple of us jump in and chase after the guy. in the van was a nice cement cinder block(essential to have a couple if you skate and got a car) so we get ahead of him and my friend(who was getting robbed) slides the door open and smashes the the guy in the chest with it. this guy was looking back to see if we were chasing after him on foot, but didn't realize we were in the van. so he falls like a ton of bricks and my friend then picked up the block again and smached him over the head with it, it broke into dust, while the rest of us are putting da boots to this bastard. now the friends we left behind had called the cops to tell them what went down, safe to say they didn't show(what else is new with the NYPD) and we managed to flag downa cop that was driving by. he walked up, saw us, saw him, asked what happened, then said "good, you saved us a bunch of work" funny then but not so funny when you really think about it. turns out the guys(thieves) were doing construction in apartment next door and they made a hole(knock down the wall) into his apartment. well i don't know what happened to the guy who got away but the guy that didn't is probably a cripple maybe even brain dead...the cinder block to the head was a bit over the top even by my standards but its safe to say, none of us like thieves.
  23. a most well thought out post...long but good. we expect alot becasue we pay alot. my first 1/48 was worth ever penny of the $135 i shelled out for it. as i bought more and more, i felt like i was being ripped off cause of painting issues, QC problems,...but i think alot of that had to do with me buying the same toy(vf-1's) at the same price while nothing was being changed. either way its a good post and agree.
  24. i'm all over it like a cheap suit! PM sent!
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