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do not disturb

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Everything posted by do not disturb

  1. yet another great offering from rohby-sans. put me down for 2 please!
  2. did anyone check out the top list of war movies? they don't even have "The Guns of Navarone" on there but somehow "Three Kings" made the list....utterly ridiculous.
  3. nope, still not tired of it, great work once again kurt...and biddings up to $240+.
  4. you gotta be kidding me?!?!?, zoolander was mad funny! perhaps cause i'm not an ambi-turner myself, i felt for the guy.
  5. seeing as gymkata made it on to the list, they left out "Only the Strong"..... wah nah nah neh, wah nah nah neh wah nah..... and how did Cobra make it on the list....you're the disease, i'm the cure...
  6. the key words there are "weren't that bad", meaning they weren't that good either. eh, the cup half empty, the cups half full, but IMO, toynami's cup has been empty from the get go. no paint probs, i think you're one of the few if not the only.
  7. more like if the beta comes out. when word gets out like it already has? everyone is going to wait to buy them cheap....just like a majority of people who held off on paying $80. i have yet to read one review where someones says its worth the $80 price tag. besides, for most people, it only takes owning 1 MPC to know you're not getting your moneys worth. and i highly doubt any of the future releases will get better, they didn't get better for the VF's. they said they would, but saying and doing are not the same thing. the jack archer is no better than the rick hunter, they're both equally craptastic!
  8. not even so much as hot, but just older. newer collectors have to realize they shouldn't bother keeping up with the jones's, instead get the older stuff first and catch up with the newer stuff later on. remember those $89- 1A max's? i would suggest those who don't have one yet, to pick it up before this one reaches some ridiculous price, if it hasn't already.
  9. it totally sucks you broke your alpha especially since you haven't even had it for a week, not to mention, its not like you're a little kid that abuses his toys. so you take it apart at all? did you try goo-gone or acetone(sp?) to remove/dissolve the glue? perhaps that might be the ticket. i'm not sure this isn't the safest/smartest thing to do but its worth a shot. or buy new one and glue the piece back on the old one (maybe open) and leave it in battroid mode or something.
  10. and people thought i was crazy for not wanting to pay full retail for this POS. sometimes its good to be patient.
  11. personally, i'd rather have some new valks then re-releases of the old. maybe a few years down the line a re-release would be cool but now, i'd prefer yamato going forward rather than backward. just my 2 cents.
  12. I fear the day star trek vs star wars makes it into theaters. i'm waiting for robocop VS. the terminator myself or better yet, what about gremlins VS. critters.
  13. yeah that part is kind of confusing. i've gotten in on other preorders and basically the seller take your info first but doesn't charge the amount until the products are actually ready to be shipped out. the way i'm reading it is, he wants me to pay for the item now, yet he doesn't have it nor has an "official" release date for. first rule i learned when buying something, you got no product, you get no money. for all i/we know, the release date could be pushed back to sometime in 2005. i mean, a week or two in advance is fine, but 3 months is unheard of. BTW, $60 for shipping!?!?! where the heck are you? i think he estimating the shipping based on a guestimate of the actual weight plus the guaranteed over-sized box that yamato like to use(i hate them for this). it might be alot less in the end if the box and packaging is smaller than what he's guessing.
  14. nice!! how much will be the shipping for it though? I guess eve if it's 20, it'll still be under 150! Shipping thru EMS/Speed Post won't be cheap, but hey, that thing is heavy and will be roughly as much shipping if you EMS them from like HLJ. By regular mail is cheaper, but the chance that it is lost during shipment and wait weeks for it is something I'd rather not take. But always buy insureance, even sent with EMS doesn't guarantee the parcel will be safe! Postmen in the Netherlands often act like third-world thugs and stole my last year's shipment of Valk-goodies. i just got my invoice from toy-wave and it comes to $159.50! that includes, air parcel shipping, insurance and the 4% paypal fee. what i don't get is, he wants me to pay for the item now, when its not coming out til november. i know Ken's a good guy but i'm certainly not willing to send anyone money in august for a product that might come out in november. that just ain't right. end of september cool, middle of august not cool.
  15. tisinc has them for $225! so we can expect him to raise the price even higher as the days go by. by christmas this buttcrack might ask $300.
  16. just an FYI incase anyone hasn't noticed, toy-wave has got a preorder special up for the koeing for $120 for the first 10 Mw'ers. i believe i'm the 3rd.
  17. that can't be the largest, the largest was smoked by me.
  18. sorry to hear that man. hope the best for you and your loved ones.
  19. i thought the LV was from mac 0? you know way too much about macross. i didn't even think of the angel birds or any of the "background" valks as i like to call them...clearly i'm no fanboy. BTW, nice link. but theres no 1/76 scale GBP's....the ones that have the flip down heads and the seats come up. i remember seeing a couple of pics a while back and i saw a 1J max GBP on ebay once, never seen one since.
  20. indeed. i thought it was going to be a pain in the butt, but its fairly simple to take apart and put back together....just do one side at a time a remember where all the screws go. seriously, theres only 2 different type/size of screws to begin with, a flat head which is the smaller and if IIRC, there only 4 of them and they fasten the front and rear chest plates. the rest are all "round" headed which are all the same size so it doesn't really matter if you don't remember where they go as long as you dont' have any left when you're finished. besides, you'll never know if you can put it back together, if you don't take it apart first.
  21. no, they haven't made the CF(cannon fodder aka brownie shown in both DYRL and robotech) nor the kaz(ben dixon from robotech but seen in DYRL with green markings). they haven't made the 1D(the 2 seater rick gets stuck in when he meets minmay in robotech, the one with the really ugly head) nor the super ostrich(2 seater hikaru aka rick and minmay fly around in DYRL) or the elintseeker(2 seater which they show for about 3 second in DYRL, the one with the big radar dish on the top). oh and the LV is from mac 0. this is a list of the non made 1/48 valks. yamato made most of them in 1/60 scale but no green kaz. sorry for all the () but i assume you're fairly new so i figured i should be as descriptive as possible. when will all this be coming out will probably be your next question, well the answer to that is, no one knows nothing.
  22. i think its a pretty sweet bootleg for $10. i don't know what else it comes with but you definitely get the gunpod, and if you get the missiles and arm clip for the gun, it ain't that bad, oh and not to mention the sweet blue windshield.
  23. like everything else thats been remade/re-released, yes its likely. the 1/55 GBP use to sell for $250 or something ridiculous. since the 1/60 gbp release, some people have picked up the 1/55 GBP for about $120 or so, which ain't bad in my book. fearyaks, don't you know, i'm mister negativo around here and if it ain't negative, its atleast borderline hateful.
  24. i can't see why not? the flexi displays hold just about everything you could imagine so i dont' see it being a problem.
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