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do not disturb

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Everything posted by do not disturb

  1. big mistake, you should've gone for the 1/48's first, then gotten the rest. the 1/60 are plentiful and the prices are way low, same goes for the 1/55 minus the M&M's. don't give up hope, they're still guys out there that aren't trying to rip you off.....entirely.
  2. oh yeah! thats what i'm talking about. it sure beats the vader saber i got 20 years...i still got it. but looking through his site i MUST have one of these. [drools on keyboard] SUPER FRESH!
  3. look at this focker tisinc again... A-HOLE now hes got it up for $275.
  4. thanks man, thats the one! theres these other dudes at buystarwarsstuff.com that make some cool ones too. not movie accurate but they're still pretty bad arse. nevermind, its the same dude. different name same sabers.
  5. a little while back someone posted pics and link to some dude that made some super fresh dope custom light sabers. i tried the search function using "light saber" but every single topic on SW, someone posted something about light sabers. your help would be appreciated thanks!
  6. looks pretty rad but i'll wait til someone picks it up and posts a review. we all know the toynami lottery doesn't pay out.
  7. haha! i came here specifically cause it'll be my 1400th post. lets see what my title is now? BRB. ADDED DAMN! i'm still holding that fools pipe!
  8. everything is do-able but the cockpit might be difficult to do since lego only makes so many different types of windscreens. the sand blue color you chose is cool but lego doesn't have enough pieces in sand blue as of yet cause its still a fairly new color thats been added to the palette. i could make one somewhat similar(different windscreen but same basic design) with a combination of light and dark greys with the dark red highlights but it depends how detailed i make it. i mostly build system scale ships(minifig scale) but if you want UCS scaled(ultra big almost GI joe figure scale), its not only going to take me weeks to build but just by looking at the pics, i know the piece count if going to be well over a 1000 pcs. again, the cockpit would still be a problem...one main reasons i hate lego. added. i'm going to steal this pic and show it to some dudes in my lego community and see what tey come up with for possible building options and a way around that windscreen.
  9. more stuff huh? this ones pretty friggin cool, maybe even theft worthy. i might consdier making your ship out of lego...yeah i'm a lego dork.
  10. i posess the uncanny ability to see (with perfect clarity) 5 minutes into the past. custome color: Olive my battle cry...NOT THE FACE! 93 year old Melvin as their side kick?
  11. i don't simply cause i have no desire to create further competition for my macross habit. yeah which is also true, since it is now starting to get hard to find certain items, but then that will make companies take notice and make more product i hear that but on the flipside of that coin, what if homeboy you told starts collecting vintage macross toys? thats just one more bidder in the auction. you would think with growing demand, a company might start investing more time into macross but its a 20 year old cartoon with a very limited fan base. yamato's really the only game in town at the moment and they're trying their best but they also have other licenses(that aren't 20 years old) to support with a bigger fan base...they can only do so much at once. you got toynami, but they don't count since they sell cheap POS worse than any vintage toy i've seen, worse than any new toy out there. the only thing they got going is the box, and they should've spent that money on making a better toy.
  12. i guess you can repaint the pilot but i believe rohby also made recasts of the pilots so you can easily paint your own. if not, you can always try to trade for it. as far as ID on the cockpit, its just a sticker so its no big deal. if you're good with water decals, you can pick up the takatoys decals at either VE(valkyrie-exchange.com) or TM(tmpanime.com). you have to cut them yourself but it gives you enough decals to do 2 valks, plus it looks like its friggin painted. yamato stickers are kind of suckie, the only ones i put on were the one for the FP's(fastpacks). hope that helps.
  13. you can use Brasso to remove the paint but its a lot easier if you just painted over it.
  14. it certainly can be done. a simple repaint of the markings is basically it. then contact rohby(check my sig for the link) and get yourself a S head. most of the areas you have to paint doesn't rub anything during transformation so you don't need to worry about the paint scraping off. do it up and post a pic.
  15. i don't simply cause i have no desire to create further competition for my macross habit.
  16. its all good fella's, thanks again for the help everyone.
  17. i'll shoot you a PM. thanks dude!
  18. well the link doesn't work. am i missing something cause i assume i'm just copying and pasting the link?
  19. i think a lot of has to do with people coming to the realization that toys have no value other than to themselves and/or to its future owners. i spent grip on my macross collection and wouldn't part with it again(big mistake, still no 11B FP or 21 FP)but thats not to say someone here doesn't feel diffferently. especially now, with some of the 1/48 and all the 1/72 prices hitting an all time high, its a good time to sell if you need some extra loot. also, some members here still go to school and you know they could use the extra cash. i've gotten away from collecting(multiples)but its not me getting away from the hobby, its more of me realizing i can spend the money on more important things.
  20. hey dudes, anyone got the link for the monster paper model? yes i know this has come up before and yes i tried using the search function first but with no luck. thanks in advance.
  21. Hey man, I am in the same boat as you. Rohby is just busy. Give him some time. i'm just super eager is all. i just did a custom kaz the other night and wanted to slap the S head onto it.
  22. everyones getting theres and mine haven't shown up yet.
  23. thanks for all the info trueblueeyes. the battle damage and shortened stacks don't bother me a bit. its either $100 for the japanese version or $30 for the hasbro version....i'm going with the hasbro version. while i'm a avid(macross) box collector, it doesn't matter to me what condition its in. for all i care, you can wrap up the prime box with paper and stick a label on it as i'm going to toss the box anyway. i'd check my local walmart but i can't remember the last time i even saw one, so i'm definitely down for the deal. just let me know, and i'll shoot you some loot! thanks for hooking us up!
  24. i'm sure the real deal is the shiznit but the americanized crap is just that, crap! they pack it full of salt, MSG, saturated oil and other bad stuff i don't need in my body is all. and just because they throw in some veggies doesn't make it healthy either. believe me, theres nothing more i want to eat then some chinese food, theres a place around the corner fro where i live and it always smells banging, i just won't/can't have it in my diet.
  25. does it suck that bad compared to the japanese(i assume takara) version? i mean $30 sounds like a great deal. and not drag this further off topic.... gakken ride armor, 20 years old and still kicks butt.....thats not macross.
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