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do not disturb

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Everything posted by do not disturb

  1. this coming from the likes of "the" sithlord.
  2. Hey man! Go get CoD: United Offensive! It has all the "more realistic" combat of Call of Duty. . . but the expansion adds vehicles. And they are authentic vehicles. T-34 and Sherman tanks. . . light trucks and jeeps. Tiger heavy tanks. It's a blast. Cruising around in a jeep with two other passengers (one manning the MG and the other mounting his own light deployable MG from the passenger seat) is a helluva good time. And, then of course, you and I could shoot each other. . . figuratively. H i get to shoot you? i'm getting the game today. j/j COD?, haven't heard of it yet, since i let most of my gamer friends buy them, then i come over to borrow/copy them. i'll ses if my boys picked it up and maybe we'll finally get to meet on the battlefield mono-a-mono.
  3. alrighty then, where do i sign up. i would say if you could match the existing color of the FPs or close to it, it would be best for everyone. that way people don't have to paint at all or atleast keep the painting to minimum. don't get me wrong, i like the grey but if i have to paint the existing FP's and the TH armor, thats just a lot of work for a not-so-great-at-painting-anything guy like myself. i'm sure most here would agree, since most of us are far from wmcheng, devin, kurt, youself or any of our other skilled model painters here.
  4. so wait and buy it when it goes on sale or clearance. that way if you don't like it, you won't feel totally ripped off. thats what i'm doing. yeah i want to see a nice crisp clean version of SW but i still don't want to pay $40 if its all screwed up in other aspects. believe me, theres gonna be plenty of these DVD's floating around and they'll end in some close out store of some sort in the next few months.
  5. yeah but BF1942 rocks! i mostly like it because you get to ride in armored vehicles and airplanes that actually existed in the war. from my experience, game console FP games kind of suck. it takes too much time to look, aim and shoot unlike PC where it just point and shoot. plus console games don't have a quick save option so what they end up doing is splitting up what would be 1 level on PC, into 3 or 4 ala max payne and hitman, thus making the game far too easy. i only buy console games that anyone can toss in and play, like tekken tag, racing games, things of that nature. that way when friends come over they can easily figure out the controls and we can all have fun....nothing worse than watching someone play a console game that you don't know how to play. anything beyond that i just buy the PC version.
  6. $250-$300 sounds a bit high but i understand what you're saying, but if there were higher production numbers, the price would drop, no? i'm not saying anything in the 1000's but atleast a 100 or more? if you go ahead with this project, i think you should do a non-refundable "half the money up front" type of pre-order. 1, so you can cover the costs upfront and 2, cause anyone who flakes loses their deposit so you don't take a loss on all the materials and such. if you have any extra armor sets, you can always offer them here(or ebay) at a higher mark up(they don't pre-order, they don't get preferred pricing ). obviously this deal isn't for everyone(those who are broke) but if someone was honestly interested, they shouldn't have a problem forking over half the dough and being patient until its done. i can't speak for everyone but i wouldn't have a problem with it as long as the finished product is delivered......eventually. some QQ, would that $250 price tag include the price of the FP's? or would we have to provide those? or would you just make you're own? would you do it in the grey or match the color of the existing FP armor? or leave it raw and have us paint it?
  7. an AFOL are you? i have atleast 3 of every SW set made, 1 for display, 1 for parts and 1 to keep MISB, 3 is the magic number.
  8. i'll get the PC version. i like console games but this sounds like it would be far better on PC.
  9. absolutely! i just have to get in my "lego zone", when it gets too cold outside and no one wants to do anything, thats when i start building stuff. the weather is still nice out so i haven't started yet other than building a general shape, jotting down some ideas and setting some parts aside that i know i'm going to need. building lego models is very time consuming, well for me anyway cause i can never make up my mind.
  10. exactly. and its not like anyone is going to start 5 projects at once. i figure this poll is to figure out what would be the most wanted and the easiest one to do. i mean, i'd like some 2 seaters but the work involved is ridiculous. plus if yamato released them, everyone would bail on the project and people would cancel their orders. its f-ed up, but thats what would happen and it wouldn't be fair to captain america or anyone else who's going to put work into this project. IMHO, the TH will never be made by yamato so its a good canidate for the project. people who want it, will pay for it and won't flake out because yamato will never make it. so far 21 people said TH plus 36 who said they'd buy them all so that makes atleast 57 people that would be down to get a set. just some thoughts.
  11. i'm a lego maniac! i've made a bunch of custom minifigs too, like superman and most recently i made cyclops....he came out sweet!
  12. fixed the pic, click the link to see the rest of my retarded lego collection...and thats barely half of it. HOLY CRAP! I'm surprised you don't have a Lego Death Star to hold all those guys! ;P But seriously, how did you get so many single figures?! And the Legio of Cobra figures is insane too. Gotta love it. i've been waiting for lego to release one forever! you can buy individual lego figs over at BRICKLINK its a good source for lego anything, theres over 2000 brick shops from around the world that set up there online stores there. good stuff!
  13. Indeed Yeah, yeah, I know. But not everyone wants a Thunder Hammer. whatcha talkin about willis!?! i want them all but sounds like the TH is a definitely possible since it would require the least amount to work to an existing valk.
  14. fixed the pic, click the link to see the rest of my retarded lego collection...and thats barely half of it.
  15. ummm, that would be me fool! heres that pic.... and the link to my entire collection... CLICK ME BIATCH!
  16. shes a cutie! congrats man. one day i'll take the leap of faith....one day.
  17. his cobra collection totally ROCKS! i've never see so many in my life, simply awesome! i have an army of valkyries, i guess i need to get a life too.
  18. heres a close up of the S recast. it took a little sanding but all in all, its buttery as hell.
  19. wondering how i got those green arrows on the head so perfect, heres my secret...
  20. heres another where you can see more of the markings..
  21. heres another shot of my 1S kaz with a real S head.
  22. same here. i'm chillin out on macross for a while. i got the max-rau coming and the koeing, after that i'm back on the lego wagon. my toy habits rotate depending on the weather.
  23. VF-1S LV? Copy cat! I was going to that! Oh well. I just have to make mine better than yours. well i have to swap the heads with my one LV, while you got 9 to work with, basically you can have 3 of each on display in every mode with every head.....damn you suck! i wish i had just 2 more so i can have 3 LV's with each head to display.
  24. no words just
  25. what a bunch of morons, it almost lucas-esque.
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