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do not disturb

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Everything posted by do not disturb

  1. actually the pin was pretty tight, its was a pain in the ass to get out, and even more of a pain in the ass to get in. you gotta use some elbow grease for that sucker. to start, remove the pin with a pair of plyers using twist and turn method. shoot how do i explain this? the BP8 has two tabs where the pin would go through right? placed the pin in by itself and twist and turn the pin. i did this cause the holes for the pins on the BP8 are tight, and "teeth marks" made by the plyers on the pin will sort of sand the resin inside the holes to make it go in a little easier. does that make sense? i did the same for the middle part(dunno what to call it) that the pin would go through as well. once thats done, try and sand the pin a little to get rid of the marks from the plyers(causes friction) to make it go in easier. i used some diamond coated sandpaper since regular sandpaper ain't doing jack to metal. smooth it out til all the plyer marks are gone and take a little extra off for good measure. if you did everything correctly, the pin should go in fairly easily but you might have to bang it in with a hammer or some blunt object. hope this all makes sense? if not, just hit me up or post your questions and i'll do what i can to help.
  2. thanks for the picaroos Neova, can't wait to get mine and be gay-o-rific!
  3. read my sig and click on the link to your solution.
  4. if someones looking for some orguss toys, this is as cheap as it gets. ORGUSS
  5. d'oh! thats what i get for speed(not)reading. LOL! well its still kind of a ridiculous price tag for a HH IMO but atleast now i know it comes with the adapter and a battery. from the screens hots onthe site, it looks like it came do a lot more that justplay games. i'm assuming you can watch movies, play MP3's and take pictures?
  6. looks sweet but its a HH game and the one thing i can't stand about HH games is, why can't they make them so they work with the games you already own? yeah i know it so they can make more money but still. and i don't like how sony sells all these stupid little accessories for grip(hello whats with the $33 AC adapter, can you say $5 at radioshack). you figure with a $200 price tag, they could include it.
  7. i dunno if anyone collects exo-squad toys but theres some guy unloading the entire collection on ebay. i'd get in on the deal but don't have that kind of cash on hand at the moment. EXO-SQUAD
  8. there quite a few shops that still have them in stock but it'll more than likely be re-released. it would be a waste of the molds for them not to, especially if they continue to produce more valks in the future.
  9. this is for the 1/60's and to clarify, its the front right landing gear hatch. i'm working on it sleddogg, i'm working on it.
  10. i gots what you need. pm sent!
  11. thanks for the update. if you speak to him again, please tell him to clean out his inbox here and his hotmail account.
  12. Nice spelling! And you borne same day/same year as my wife BTW.... She tell's me that a lot LOL! i'm not from argentina but my friends are, every sentence they speak begin and end with this phrase and it makes me laugh everytime.
  13. thats a good one! but instead of ferns, i can get the really thing.
  14. yeah it was 15 pieces, i had this toy when i was little but it really wasn't all that. it was actually kind of dull, i would've preferred the lion voltron over this guy but for $25, its not a bad deal at all.
  15. order placed, now i just need to know how to pay?
  16. i think i'm gonna go as either a dunkin donuts manager or a wendys employee. maybe i'll go as an professional a$$hole and spray people with water while its freezing outside.
  17. get some cloth or cotton, paint it red, cover yourself with it, paint your face red too, tie a rope around your head, BAM! you're a used tampon!
  18. i've seen that ebay ID vefore but i don't know who it is. more pwoer to him if he gets it sold for a reasonable price.
  19. i think BBTS has a few of the 1J hikkie(non FP's) left. hes got a 10% off sale so it'll be free shipping and a small discount. check them out. toy-wave still has the super 1J hikkie for $140 last time i checked, so thats worth a look too. BTW, i can't believe a MW'er actually recommended TISINC, the king of the gougers, shill bidder of shill bidders, and the worst CS in the world ever! that guys a cocksucker, i wouldn't buy from him if he was the only game in town.
  20. you mean like the elintseeker yet everybody wants. i don't like the price or the no figure but it sure beats paying $120 for it with a single figure that does nothing, not even stand. besides i thought the figure sets like $30 anyway, so now you get 3 for the price of 1. just trying to be optimistic here.
  21. i gotta come up with something original this year. i went as a tourist last year, funky hawaiian shirt, reallyreally short shorts, black dress socks, black wing tips, a bucket hat, some ugly shades, a camera and some zinc oxide for my nose. i pulled a lot of girls in it(as ridiculous as i looked) so it might be a good idea for you single cats to use this one.
  22. i totally agree, somethings better than nothing. i'll deal with it if its white and try my best to match the color myself. as far as pricing is concerned, just make it a 50% non-refundable deposit. that should get rid of any flakers and encourage/force those who threw down some loot to give up the rest when its finished.
  23. allllllllrighty then! someones needs a beer more than me. yeah i hear and agree with your complaints, believe me, i'm not happy about it either but i'm a retard and my millia-rau is all alone. i guess i don't have to buy it but that might mean yamato cuts off the possibility of making other enemy mecha, so i'm "taking one for the team" so to speak. also, seeing as they already have these molds, i doubt they're going to waste the time and money they invested into them to release all of 2 rau's. i see a green overpriced-chunk-of-immovable-transformable-plastic rau in our near future.
  24. i thought there should be some official announcement since nobody ever checks out the dealer announcement thread. check your CC's to see if yours is on the way! and a review and pics to those who already have them please....and "its blue" is not considered a review.
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