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do not disturb

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Everything posted by do not disturb

  1. well as far as cost, i don't think they'd be that expensive. 1, because 3 of the 4 destroids have the same exact legs, so that takes the cost factor down a notch. 2, in 1/60 scale, they'd be relatively small. in most cases, small = less money 3, its not that difficult(from what i understand) to make a non-transforming toy....look at all the ones out there. unlike the 1/48, these don't require a team of rocket scientists to get them produced, just some skilled sculpters diecast....i like diecast but been disliking it less and less since paint chips do suck. even if you barely play with a diecast toy, somehow it always manages to find a way to chip. look at the yf-19, how many people got chips on the small tailfins on the legs? probably all of us. it should only be diecast if it needs to be(super fragile parts) and the rest in ABS.
  2. you know whats crazy? this MPC thread is 101 pages long, of which 99 pages are peoples problems, complaints and horror stories of their experience with this product.....yet people keep buying them. sorry dudes, i just find it really funny when you know something is a total POS yet people still scrounge up the money to buy it.
  3. alrighty then! someones got some anger management issues.
  4. Nah, as long as they give me a Garland, I say SCREW the Destroids *Ducks thrown chair* you want to die young? as far as packaging in pairs, i'm just thinking if they sold them individually, they'll run out of tomahawks(or whatevers most popular) before anything else. then the market will be saturated with a bunch of defenders and spartans that nobody is going to pay retail for. by packing them in pairs, it lets them sell 2 in one shot, yamato makes more money and it also cuts down cost of shipping for us guys in the US. i mean, the spartan is probably my least favorite but if yamato or whoever starts putting out destroids, i know i'm going to buy them all, as well as most everyone here....we all got a little completist bug in us. eh, what do i know? i'm just throwing some ideas out.
  5. hey dudes, someones got 2 of these on ebay though theres no way of knowing if either is complete. maybe its worth a bid or 2 if it stays cheap. SDF Playset x2 edit: poor grammer
  6. my latest collection pic, not really everything i got but what i took a pic of.
  7. yup pretty much. i just got my max rau and i'm all psyched on it. yeah i have the red rau but it still looks great displayed next to it. i also just got all the mission gashpons toys last night and i'm totally hooked on them too....the gashapons are way cool. i gotta get me some more!!! i don't think peoples buying has slowed down as much as the macross releases have slowed down. perhaps if there was something new on the horizon(outside of the koeing or craptastic MPCs) it would get everyone excited again but at the current pace companies are releasing macross toys, its a total snooze fest and nobody wants to party.
  8. why don't you check out the TOY SECTION off the homepage....it has just about every new macross item to date.
  9. so i know this topic has come up time and time again but i was thinking.... why doesn't yamato(or some other Co.) make them and sell them as sets of 2. one of the arguements before was it wouldn't profitable for them to do individual releases since they don't TF or do much of anything. most people said they'd pay $40-$50 per destroid, so standing in yamato shoes, why not release them in sets? like the tomahawk and phalax together and sell them for $100 or something? wouldn't it be profitable then? i mean, you gotta buy 2 even if you just want 1. anyhow, i don't know if any of this makes sense but i figured it wouldn't hurt to get a discussion going.
  10. theres only one problem with your plan.... call me silly, but how exactly would it be our company?
  11. LOL, that's an oxymoron.
  12. no reason for this to be a remake, it'll never be better than the original. why can't hollywood come up with something original for a change? last original movie i saw was SAW and that ain't saying much.
  13. I LOVE IT!!!!! those stinkin bastiches should've been shot!
  14. theres better machines out there that do the same thing with better results, just add another "0" at the end of that 25K and its all yours.
  15. pretty much just summed up my post. i'll wait for the PC version
  16. i've been trying to keep up with the jones's so to speak but i haven't(well sort of) let it get out of hand. i mostly collect the 1/60 line since most everything in the line is relatively cheap, and also the most complete out of the other toy lines/scales. i love my 1/48's but they take up way too much space and lets not forget about the boxes. i'll probably get rid of a few just because. i have a couple of 1/55's for nostalgia sake but it wouldn't kill me to let them go and i got rid of all of my vintage stuff cause it wasn't worth trying to complete the collection...it never friggin ends. i don't think i'll ever sell everything, but i definitely need to slow my roll on future toy purchases, its getting out of hand and my spare bedroom is looking like a toy store now.
  17. good advice but there ain't nothing like the real thing baby! hey thats a song.
  18. that shiets looking even more craptastic now! i guess its cool looking at it from CID's perspective but it ain't for me. good luck dudes!
  19. we realize that but were talking about that ship being "morphed" into the headhunter. kind of like the new JSF(jedi starfighter) that anakins piloting....kind looks like a cross between the JSF from epi2 and a tie from the OT. i think its rather cool how lucas is going about introducing new ships. i can't wait to see what the y-wing going to look like....brand new that is.
  20. Think about that, and how the whole Star Wars story pans out. You've actually answered your own question. I think the problem is that people tend to think that the Force is actually good or that it actually picks a side when it comes the Sith and Jedi. I have the feeling that is more neutral. What better way to balance it then to take out both sides. its not necessarily good guys vs. bad guys, the force is within each jedi or sith. i see it as a innner struggle within each individual. as far as who brings back balance? its vader. the whole SW saga is based on the rise and fall of darth vader, told through the eyes of the droids(3po and r2)as they are the only constant in each of the films.
  21. you can always take apart the chest plate for the VE and VT and bend the metal glide plate a bit. thats what i did and i no longer have to lowerer the LG's or force anything, it TFs smooth.
  22. theres a few that pop up here once in a blue moon and theres always atleast one on ebay. no one has any idea how many of these were made at all. we've all been wondering about that one for a long time but no official word.
  23. i owned this toy as a kid and it was mostly(95%) plastic. i got it just before i turned 10 and moved out of brooklyn. it was a really cool toy but it was kind bleh. i always wanted the lion voltron but no one ever wanted to trade me.
  24. just watched the trailer since its working. you fanboys are all nuts, the new SW movie is going to RAWK!
  25. the new lego sets are gonna rock! thanks for the pics and the link!
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