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do not disturb

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Everything posted by do not disturb

  1. try the HLJ website, i'm not sure if they still have the parts service going and they're kind of pricey(like $20). you'll get them faster than waiting for someone to part out another 1/48 seeing as they're getting harder to find nowadays.
  2. my list wasn't in any particular order, i just made a list. BTW, reissues wouldn't be considered a 1st release nor a 1st production run, hence called a re-issue. the only 2 valks considered an actually reissue would be the 1A hikkie and 1S roy because they were fixed. the only official re-release is the 1S roy which is due to come out soon and the box will have no velcro. the reason why i kept my 1st version 1S roy box when i sold it was because it had the velcro. it sounds stupid but i like the velcro boxes. kensei, i assume the valks(7) you speak of, were all pre-ordered and purchased when they were 1st released? if not, then that would explain the reason for the no velcro on your boxes. who really knows? maybe yamato puts the velcro on the 1st 1000 pieces out of the factory? i guess we'll have to wait to see if the next new valk release(1S roy doesn't count)comes with velcro to see if my theory has any merit. BTW dudes, i can't believe i started a discussion on velcro, sorry.
  3. yes my brother, we shall scream from the rooftops, i want a CF! i haven't figured out when i'm going to do the CF yet....i need to find me a cheap 1/48 first...hint, hint. i'll probably pick it up and hold it down for a while, wait for yamato to maybe put out the CF. if we don't hear the good word from yamato, then i'll go ahead and make the custom. if and when i get to it, i'll probably do it in a darker brown like the 1/60 TRU CF....don't really like the peachy color of the standard CF. well heres to hoping on the CF so i don't have to make one!
  4. no worries mate, no offense taken. besides, aren't you like the future king of the 1/48's? i'm sure you got a bunch(atleast a case or 2) of 1S roys coming out? why not give it a whirl? i know it isn't cannon with the show but its still a cool custom. if i had picked up more 1A's when they were on sale, i would've probably done a A squad too. i'm thinking about doing another J(did a 1J LV), but next cheap valk i pick up is getting the CF paint job. it doesn't seem like yamato is going to release one so i gotta take matters into my own hands.
  5. i have a theory on this.... only the first production run gets the velcro boxes. each of the 1/48 i preordered or purchased when they were first released, came with velcro boxes. 1S roy, had 3 at one point, 1 w/velcro, 1 w/o. purchased a 1st release w/velcro, sold 1st release, but kept the box. ordered 2 reissues from neova, only asked for 1 box, no velcro. 1S hikaru x 2, both w/velcro, purchased a month or so after release but sellers couldn't move these at first 1A max, velcro. got it late, got lucky, sellers weren't moving these either. 1J hikaru, velcro, owned 2 at one point, both had velcro, purchased both 2 weeks after the release. sold 1 1J M&M's, bought them twice. 1st pair had velcro, both preordered from Neova, then sold them. bought a 2nd pair from VE way later, neither have velcro. 1J super x 3, 1 w/velcro(preordered), 2 w/o picked them up after they were restocked. 1A LV, velcro, bought this the same day it got into the states. is this a conspiracy theory or am i just crazy?
  6. ooooooo, those are cool! i've never even seen these before let alone heard of them? must find more ridiculous toys to spend my money on.....
  7. thanks sithlord. not that it really compares to your super duper MEGA-collection but i gotta eat and stuff. the DYRL stand isn't on a flexi-stand, its justa acrylic riser....can't get enough of those either. kensei, yes thats my custom kaz. 1S...you like? i used a brand new 1S hikaru(paid $110) to make him. silly, yes...a waste, no. to each his own but i love my S squad.
  8. you...me....and the rest of the MW army! i've had mine a preordered since it was first announced as well. hopefully i'll be getting my grubby little hands on one soon.
  9. damn and i thought we here in the states had it bad...the aussies are getting the SHAFT!
  10. dude when i read the title i thought the topic was for a Liam Neisome(sp?) action figure from some movei or something, not a real kid. congrats man.
  11. well they aren't POS, they're actually pretty well built overall. i bought one but its kind of bleh. one thing that really bothers me(and i'm sure everyone else here)is the fact that you can't display valks with the gunpod on in fighter mode nor is there a way for you to display a valk in battroid mode. granted its called a "launch arm" but still... basically, i feel the display stand was built for people who want to display their valks in gerwalk mode ONLY. i say stick with the flexi-tripod-display stands since you can do just about anything with them, they're definitely more fun to play with compared to the DYRL stand thats for sure.
  12. get them all!
  13. why bother with the 1/60 then? just buy the 1/48 VF-1J Super Hikaru(toy-waves got them for $140) and be done with it. i like/love the 1/60's but the 2 don't compare.
  14. now we know what you look like howard! muwahhhhhh
  15. I wouldn't kick her out of bed I would, she has an attitude problem. thats why you pacify her with your.......... i'd stack the 2 of them together and make me a skank sandwich...yum!
  16. ooooooo, thats actually a really good idea. if they packaged 1 destroid with 1 type of regult(i think theres 4 different ones?), that would surely be guarantee sales. i know most of us have a love for the battle pods, probably more so than the destroids. and i know everyone would want to collect all of them...nobodys gonna buy one variant and be happy with it. this would get all 4 destroids sold as well as 4 regults. so 3 of the 4 destroids have the same legs, 4 regults all have the same body and legs, only need to make molds for the variants which should be fairly small, packaged in pairs, 1 destroid and 1 regult, yamato can't lose, they'd be making money hand over fist IMHO.
  17. dude, where the heck are you buying toys from? you might want to check out some of the sellers here cause the price you're paying is completely out of hand!
  18. being a fellow AFOL, that thing rocks!!! what an awesome MOC.
  19. at this point of the macross drought, i would even consider buying super-poseable destroids. come on "inset any company making macross toys" we're dying over here!
  20. what is thy bidding.....my heidi.
  21. theres tons of shops that probably still have them. heres a list of online sources, check'em out and see what you can find. toy-wave.com marciaslocker.com blastotoys.com bigbadtoystore.com animecastle.com HLJ.com valkyrie-exchange.com tmpanime.com ..otherwise know as twinmoons blueforgegames.com angolz.com gundamstoreandmore.com smallblueplanet.com there dozens upon dozens of other dealers out there, but i really haven't been updating my list lately. also try looking around in the "where to buy" section for other vendors, make sure to look at "all" and not just the "last 30 days".
  22. you guys really think the red one is going to be any different from the blue? i highly doubt it....unless they moved the production to a new factory, i don't see these being any better than the first. i'm still waiting for gamestop to mark the blue alpha down to $30-$40 and i'm definitely opening the box right there in the store. BTW, Kevin over at VE said hes picking up his shipment of the red alpha today.
  23. damn it! i still haven't found one on ebay or anywhere else. anyone got a extra kit they want to sell?
  24. yeah it bothered me at first but it grows on you after a day or 2. BTW, thanks Neova, got my rau the other day and totally lovin it!
  25. got picked up a bootleg DVD for $5 last week and i wasn't that impressed with this movie at all. it was funny rather than scary IMHO and sarah michelle can't act her way out of a paper bag which didn't help. was it worth the $5 i spent? proably not since i've only watched it once, but better than spending $10.
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