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Everything posted by zxmagus

  1. You know i really wish HG would remake the whole Robotech saga from scratch fix all it's continuity errors and not mix it self up dealing with bits from the series it was grafted onto, so finally the RT and macross communities can finally get divorced. Eventually this split will probably be so permanent and final that the two groups never talk or respect each other in any way causing an ever increasing dvid between them till they both become 2 armed camps Eventually calling them selves the zentradi and meltrandi and the ensuing conflict gets waged across the stars destroying everything in it's path. My point is that I hope the song sung to end the conflict is not we win win since that song is annoying.
  2. Geeze people not the worst thing to happen in the world. I think 90% of us allready have a DYRL dvd or vhs. I doubt they'll monkey with the story at all since it dosn't mesh with Robotech at all hell DYRL dosn't even mesh with the origional series that well. Allso i don't think dubbing it will cause the planets to collapse into them selves either, no one is making you buy or watch it, who knows HG might acctuly do something right and add something new and great to the RT/macross world.
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