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Everything posted by Mizicke5273

  1. Got mine as well and paid.
  2. I'm getting excited for this release!
  3. You talking to me? IF you like it, I know a guy...........
  4. It's not about the imaginary realism......it's about the imaginary awesomeness of it! It's a hulking valk; loaded for bear!
  5. Got mine today. Just had to set one of them up; I bought the VF-171 CF Armored parts just for this! I snapped a quick cellphone pic, though I'll break out the DSLR over the weekend.
  6. As long as this is a web exclusive, I'm down for two!
  7. I'm excited for it........just realized I have abesolutely no where to put either one though; as I pre-ordered two. So now I need to make some room.
  8. Thanks, just put my order in.
  9. Can these still be purchased?
  10. Wow. Awesome photoshoot of the Plus birds! Very cool poses.
  11. Got my preorder in as well. Ever since I picked up my SP version, I've been wanting another. Not sure if this one will be displayed in figher mode or gerwalk like the SP.
  12. www.nippon-yasan.com - They carry Tamashi web exclusives.
  13. 'Bout dang time. In for 2 at HLJ!
  14. Got my payment request from NY for my two this morning as well. Now, the only big pre-order I have left is for the VF-25S.
  15. Got my first one up and in action! Excellent stand so far! Really happy with it and glad I was able to get in on the first run. Excellent packaging by the way.
  16. I have an SP and I am still eagerly awaiting these. I want more MONSTER!
  17. Instock at HLJ. Gone again. http://www.hlj.com/product/BAN986342/Act
  18. I thought POs for the YF-19 were in September, because by November it was already on it's second or third round of POs.
  19. I just watched that movie tonight while enjoying a nice Davidoff cigar. It was simply hilarious and awesome! I will be buying it on Blu-ray. I had so manybgood laughs from it.
  20. Haven't received any email from NY yet either.
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