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Everything posted by gqhaha

  1. gqhaha

    My SD SDF-1

  2. gqhaha

    My SD SDF-1

    sp ver. photos
  3. gqhaha

    My SD SDF-1

    VF-1J has a wrong head . I don't know why .
  4. Add me to the list
  5. if ok,I need 2-3 pc for 1/60,thanks
  6. very nice ,I need 1/60, how to buy this
  7. I feel ver2.0 colour too bright
  8. Queadluun Rau Maximilian Jenius
  9. my macross photo album http://www.gq-photo.com/pp/toy/toy03.htm from 2004-2007
  10. thx
  11. 1/48
  12. gqhaha

    My Collection

    my macross photo Album http://album.pchome.net/?_action=viewAlbum...&dirType=Folder next projet may be VE-1 or VT-1
  13. gqhaha

    My Collection

    OLYMPUS c5050 CANON 350D
  14. gqhaha

    My Collection

  15. gqhaha

    My Collection

  16. gqhaha

    My Collection

  17. gqhaha

    My Collection

  18. help!!!!! the book with VB-6 Monster only tell me stick NO24 NO29 how to stick other? where find these information?
  19. Do u have photo for this q-rau ?? thanks
  20. I buy a 1/60 QUEADLUUN-RAU,but no stickers in this box,??? HELP!
  21. How difference between RED colour and BLUE colour??
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