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Hattori Hanzo

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ARMD Deck Swabber

ARMD Deck Swabber (2/15)



  1. Custom VF 1-S Red Roses http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=21282
  2. Thanks for the kind words. I was a little scared to spend $130 plus just to dismantle it and paint it, but I'm happy with the results. I originally had planned to have more black accents which explains the head and hands, but liked it this way more. The paint scheme is 2 cans of Testors Flat Gull Gray spray, and dry brushed Gunship gray for "weathering". I also hand painted the panel lines with Gunship gray, which IMO looks better than using markers. Once again thanks for your comments and I cant wait to make another.
  3. My first real custom 1/48th VF-1S. I've admired all the customs from other MW'ers and tried my hand at it. All I need now is an airbrush and some talent and I'll try some more. Let me know what you think.
  4. My small collection. Sorry for links, I can't seem to add attachments. http://new.photos.yahoo.com/whargoul44/alb...8804142440270/0 http://new.photos.yahoo.com/whargoul44/alb...8804142450098/1 http://new.photos.yahoo.com/whargoul44/alb...8804142463802/2 http://new.photos.yahoo.com/whargoul44/alb...8804142463848/3 http://new.photos.yahoo.com/whargoul44/alb...8804142472934/4 http://new.photos.yahoo.com/whargoul44/alb...8804142473028/5
  5. [quote (wolfx @ Jun 27 2004, 03:21 AM) I thought the constructicons were made on earth?] The Constructicons were created on earth in the final episode of season 1 entitled heavy metal war. Later in season 2 we see the constructicons and omega supreme on cybertron of the past when they were friends. Obviously there were some editorial issues with the scripts back in the day. The stunticons and the combaticons were both made on earth by megatron and starscream respectively. Wait a minute, when the hell did this become a G1 cartoon thread. BTW I have been thinking about a 1/48th Jetfire but the $ issue is holding me back.
  6. I believe it was dark ghost grey.
  7. The J Posse Biotch!
  8. Don't mess with Roy!
  9. Staring down the barrel.
  10. I saw the yellow missle pod on the VF-1S 'Blue Roses 002' Strike Valk custom by Anasazi37 and thought I'd give it a shot. It looked so sweet I did the red too and it matches Hikaru perfectly. I figured in my own little macross universe the different colors signaled different armament on the missles: red= high explosive, yellow =cluster etc. Mostly it looks cool.
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