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Everything posted by waylandcool

  1. I might get two, one weathered, and one not. As if I need an excuse to buy more stuff
  2. 114: The textures look awesome on that model. Keep up the good work. DB: I'm really impressed at the speed your model is coming together at. I wish I could say the same for mine. Wolf: I didn't want to say that the SDF-1 is background because that would imply that it wasn't good enough to be in the front of the shot. Doc: Your sample is what I thought it would look like.
  3. It looks really good guys. Having not seen the anime, I can only judge by how the model looks but in my uninformed opinion, it looks good.
  4. The intent is to do a mass composite shot of 3D Macross models that members of our little community have created. The plan rigt now is to set our models with Wolf 13's SDF-1 Macross as the centerpiece. If I am wrong, let me know. BTW: I was mutmp1, I changed my nick to waylandcool because that is my name everwhere else. Just an FYI
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