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Everything posted by waylandcool

  1. That looks really interesting.
  2. That looks cool. Now if we could get a VF-1 Skywarp.......
  3. Welcome to real life, EVERYONE does that. It's not just limited to RT.com, I assure you. Are you referring to the Roy FAST Packs because they never released packs for the Rick MPC? Actually, they're considered Rick fast packs to go with the Skull-01 because Roy was dead before the development of the fast packs was complete. Call me a Macross prude or whatever, but I always think of Roy with Skull 1 and Rick with the 1J. And yes, I'm responding a something a week later. I've been off the net for a while and I'm catching up.
  4. Seen em, broke them and stopped building ships for a while as a result. When I start plastics again, as a precursor to some more expensive customs, I might try a ship or two.
  5. It still looks cool.
  6. Hasagawa isn't the only company that does it. Revell/Monogram has been doing the same thing for the last 30 years especially with their aircraft kits. Every time they release a kit, I check to see if its a rerelease or a new mold. For example, Monogram this year released a early BF 109G with desert markings in 1/32nd scale. Upon examination, its the same plane with a couple of extra parts that they released 15 years ago in their Lone Eagles line as a G-12. The 13.1mm machine gun humps are included with the kit even though they are not needed.
  7. Welcome to real life, EVERYONE does that. It's not just limited to RT.com, I assure you. Are you referring to the Roy FAST Packs because they never released packs for the Rick MPC?
  8. My Yamato's are in their boxes right now but that's due to a display space problem. None are MISB.
  9. I thought the first two MPC's are incapable of mounting FAST Packs. I was told they changed the mold for the VF-1S to incorporate the packs. Also, does it bother anyone that Toynami hasn't showed the 1R MPC with FAST Packs? I will be little annoyed if they don't release them with packs. Here's the pic I was referring to from Page 3.
  10. I thought the first two MPC's are incapable of mounting FAST Packs. I was told they changed the mold for the VF-1S to incorporate the packs. Also, does it bother anyone that Toynami hasn't showed the 1R MPC with FAST Packs? I will be little annoyed if they don't release them with packs.
  11. THey made all that out of one little mistake from by Anime Friend? Pulse autocannon? What kind of crap will they think of next? I just had to laugh at the VFX-4 stats. Battloid Mode and Armament are "classified". I think I can pretty much guess the reason why. Hey, its more plausible then some of the other things they've said in the last few years coughMPChypecough. It least you could kinda see how it would work.
  12. I like the head also. If the Macross purists here have an issue, (which they won't because they usually don't come in to this thread), then that's a shame. I don't care if a toy is Robotech or Macross as long as it's a good toy. If it is, great. If it isn't, I'll flame it to death.
  13. I just might get this one. Hell, I might get two so I can repaint it to the superior scheme that was posted on page 8. I like the red better then the ....... gray that they used.
  14. I was wondering if any one has seen a place to get extra FAST Booster fronts. I was thinking about giving into my strike VF-1S so I can make him a Super from time to time. I wish Yamato had thought of the idea of extra boosters parts before the 1/48th FAST kits.
  15. I like the VF-1S Stirke. No contest there.
  16. Here's another version:
  17. Guys I've got good news and bad news concerning my VF-1 project. Good news: I've now got plenty of time to work on my CG stuff because..... Bad news: I"ll be unemployed in two days. The store I was working at was shut down earlier this month and once the merchandise transfers are done on Tuesday, I'm job hunting. I'm not a happy camper. So expect a few updates fairly soon. Here's where I left off:
  18. At this point, I'd be real surprised if the FAST Pak upgrades showed up. I think that it was a "what if" idea that not enough interest that went over well here but there wasn't enough interest in Japan so they killed the idea. Let's face it, Yamato will go in the direction that the Japanese market dictates, we're just a bonus.
  19. I like both of them. If I had to make a choice, I'd pick number 1.
  20. Me neither. His page must be f***ed up.
  21. This OT excursion is nothing compared to the 2 page discourse Skullone and I had about modern teenagers. We basically got bored with nothing happening so we rambled on. It was all fun and games.
  22. 1/72nd = 0 1/60th = 6 1/48th = 0 With 1 FAST Pack 48th and a few more 60's coming soon.
  23. Its not strange from my viewpoint because I have no quams about hammering people who feel the need to disrespect people for no real reason. While Quad's post was a little melodramatic, Agent ONE's response was to start being a grade school bully. I saw the fight the last time in this thread and I have no desire to see one again.
  24. I have been trying to use Iaconhub now for two weeks and I can't seem to connect. I can open it up through the site just fine but I can't connect to a server. Does anyone have any ideas??????
  25. MW is now drama free.. Lets keep it that way. Lets stop this RIGHT NOW!!!!! This is a message board where people are free to express their opinions. If you don't like a post say I don't agree with you. Do NOT say things like that that only serve to antagonize and annoy. Unless you want to pick a fight with me, which is fine because I can reply in kind. This kind of crap got about 8 people banned back in June so I don't want it to start again. So everybody let's just be friendy and all will be fine.
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