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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. hey thanks for those isometrics they should help with proportions very nicely. Datter.. i have never modeled a complete VF just seen a bunch on the web. My current other Fan Project is a starship with some really heavy design borrowings from the classic Mospeda ship the Ickazuchi SFC-7000 but is about 1/2 the size.
  2. considering the plethora of RDF/UN Spacy mecha roaming about i was wondering if anyone has released a Regualt Battle pod Mesh. I have begun work on my own considering that all those "good guys" need some "bad guys to blow up" but man i think that the Regult is outa my league and i am struggling very had to model the Zent. Mecha. It has very complex curves. Any good reference material or pics would be great.. isometric views would be great modeling aid.. i am having difficulty finding a matched set of side/front/top views for use as guides.
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