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    NY Area
  • Interests
    Macross - AFOL

moustik747's Achievements

ARMD Deck Swabber

ARMD Deck Swabber (2/15)



  1. French Air Force Rafale B Manufactured by Dassault-Aviation
  2. So, the YF-30 was the Guinea pig !!
  3. That Iron Man look .... Pinkish ... :-)
  4. My Secure link order was cancelled ... Guess I was too late to join the party ... Still need to find one ...
  5. Great ! Thank you very much !
  6. Hello Yeti Any plan to have the 0D adapter back in stock anytime soon ? Thanks !!
  7. In RC, everything can fly as long as you put a powerful engine ! Same in real life in fact, you can make an oil tanker fly as long as you have enough power !!
  8. Damn, I can't put my hand on a UCS Slave I yet !!! Soon, Soon ... Patience, I will have
  9. I don't know how many hours have been put in this project but here is the 1/60 version !!! http://blog.livedoor.jp/sigp226maid/archives/41796386.html
  10. You forgot the Mini-Bar !!!
  11. Except if they forgot to place a PO to Bandai !!!
  12. I offloaded my HLJ warehouse back in July, total was about 250 USD shipped via Fedex. Never paid a single fee, just the 0 USD amount bill from Fedex.
  13. That's what happen after a flight in 0D !
  14. F15E Strike Eagle is due in october-november Just saying ! ;-)
  15. On the bright side, I watched Iron Man 1 - 2 - 3 in a row and I managed to snatch the LEGO exo suit
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