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Agent ONE

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Everything posted by Agent ONE

  1. Has anyone mentioned THIS??: (A MACROSS COMIC BOOK AUTOGRAPHED BY CARL MACEK'S WIFE!!!!?????) WTF!? Can she sign my Return of the Jedi VHS tape also?
  2. You sir, are a man of science. We are on an island surrounded by those of poorer taste and intellect. Let us toast our superiority.
  3. Pretty much. How about Mark Wallberg or Roman Polanski? I am more excited about this than any show to date ever. Mike is awesome. Criminal history is definitely not a plus for the guy, but watch his 2009 documentary... The guy basically grew up a wild animal.
  4. They should go back to flipping low rent commercial real-estate. Also, they could sell Macross toys, models, and DVDs. They own the liscence and the media is already developed. This is a no brainer. RT is dead.
  5. Thats not entirely true. More effort would be put forth to develop Macross if to could be sold into the US. We are the biggest consumers of anime outside of Japan, and we are a much bigger country. If the HG/RT contract had never existed, the chances are high that we would have more/better Macross media and products.
  6. Heh, I always thought the term was in reference to people who only acknowledge SDFM and DYRL+Flashback as the true works of Macross, and see everything else as varying degrees of garbage, be it RT, or M7.... This describes me BTW.
  7. I am going to have to call you later... I have been shaking my head since you sent me this trailer over the weekend. DOES ANYONE AGREE WITH ME?
  8. HG could actually make some money if they dropped RT all together and just started to sell Macross stuff. (I am sure this has been suggested 100 times before, I just don't care enough to read the HG threads.)
  9. WTF... Seriously? You guys think that looks good? There is only one Mad Max movie. All others (including obviously this one) are WAY too over the top with maximum-turbo-extreeme-apocalypse-rock-opera-sh!t.
  10. Play station http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robotech:_Battlecry Better response! and yes so sad when a VG group can outdo a company that solely does animation.
  11. You guys are negative... I want this to happen! I have been emailing people this all day: "please DONATE money to a well established real-estate company on its 6th attempt for a sequel to an 80's cartoon they have the rights to"
  12. Body armor with exposed tits... Movie was totally fun though! Interesting, I just saw this on a United Airlines flight from Chicago to London as an in flight film. Wonder how they stumbled upon Appleseed.
  13. It was pretty bad. The character was completely inconsistent. Half of the time he was a stoic killer, the other time he sounded like Keuanu Reeves in Point Break. He is a good actor, but the writing was horrendous. The plot and visuals were great though.
  14. We could do another Kickstarter to fund a campaign to fund renting the building next door from HG headquarters, and playing the below audio at 500 decibels 24 hours a day.
  15. I just re-looked at the thread start post. " You want a new Robotech series...? then pay us???" Does this irritate anyone? Is it incredibly in poor taste? Not "please help us fund our project" but "pay us" Its like a homeless person screaming at you to give him $20. The thread starter really needs to take a marketing class.
  16. That is an incredible cool image. Bugati was WAY late with the mid engine mount though.
  17. Well said. In a way I am not sure why that HG guy posted the link on MW. We are here for a reason, and it isn't our love for Robotech.
  18. Nothing will be the VF-1 guys. You can fault HG for many things, but the mechs designs are as contrived as everything else in anime today.
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