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Agent ONE

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Everything posted by Agent ONE

  1. ... Right. Can't wait for those real space helicopters to be developed.
  2. If you start a Southern Cross fan forum, I promise I will be a regular poster there. I probably will talk about things other than Southern Cross though.
  3. Saw it, it was ok. Would not watch it again. Fits the description of a movie I would really love, as I like the over the top action movies of the 80's, but the last two Expendables films just fell flat to me. I feel like the character development is forced and the acting is disingenuous. When you watch Rambo, you feel what the character feels because the acting is outstanding... Here I feel like they are reading off of cue cards.
  4. If this thread has just regressed to pointing and laughing, then it should be locked. I am here because I love Macross, not because I hate robotech. I don't want any passerby to misunderstand what we do here.
  5. AAAAHAHAHAHAHA.!! Biggest press moment HG has ever had, and its an article about how they are ace-screw-ups. Thats a travesty
  6. Right. That is in no way funny. They are making light of the fact that they are parading a dead guys corpse around which should "guilt" us into supporting. If Kawamori died, would some Japanese production house connected with Macross continually paste his name on things to keep the sales coming in? No... That would be SO disrespectful.
  7. Sarcasm. I think all the Southern Cross fans in the world could fit in a small economy car.
  8. Ah, that... Yes. Beautiful example. Thanks Nash. I get it now.
  9. I like your style, but this thread really doesn't relate to Harmony Gold.
  10. Any fan of an 80's show that still cares about it, will look into the history of its creation. Finding Macross, then realizing that the original work is/was actually better than the 80's show they liked, they will do one of two things: 1. Lose interest or 2. Buy products affiliated with the original Robotech was never going to survive long term. This saga of poor business choices should have concluded 15 years ago. HG is just pounding on a dead horse. Maybe they will finally pack it in after this.
  11. Uh I forgot about that. Each film is from a different perspective. This franchise is so screwed up. IMO, they should have made a sequel that ignores everything except the original. Just rapist, crazy bikers vs. cops in a collapsed government/anarchy society. (the feel of the original could actually happen... In fact it is happening in a few 3rd world countries today actually) This over-the-top desert dwelling ass-less chap/football pad wearing warlords is ridiculous.
  12. If the queen had balls, she would be king. "What ifs" are not a real argument. I noticed that too. I think many of us have grown up a little. Most of the fans from the days when RT was on the air are in their mid 30's now.
  13. I don't think we ever really damaged HG's chances of success in any of their endeavors. The only thing that Macross World has done, is made RT fans aware of how different/better the original work is, thereby organically creating demand for the original.
  14. Maybe there will be more people at the convention than there are visiting their web page.
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