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Agent ONE

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Everything posted by Agent ONE

  1. Techies prefer android, but the decision is emotional. Android is lacking MANY things that the ios has.
  2. Garbage cell phones that mimic the iphone. They are such a joke.. Not even close, but I hear non-tech people brag all the time about how good their droid is (or whatever) and they just have no idea.
  3. Thats awesome.
  4. That movie sucked. It was weird, but forced weird. Like the director said "we are going to make a movie that is crazy weird, it will be so weird that kids will think its good because its so weird."
  5. Loved Black Dynamite... Really didn't care for Blood and Bone. That asian guy was JarJar Binks. Michael Jai White was WAY over acting in this. There were a few good fight scenes, but other than that, eh. I would have given it a D.
  6. RIGHT! I am SO satisfied when I watch I watch the 2D version of a movie that had a 3D release. I feel like I am sticking it to the man.
  7. No it doesn't. Its just annoying. I have been to a all the recent 3D movies, and all I walked away with was knowing they took an extra 5 bucks from me. I agree it may be more expensive to produce (though I think they charge a handsome margin) but I don't want the feature. It in NO way adds to any aspect of the story OR visuals. I could watch any 3D movie without the feature and enjoy it just as much.
  8. 3D was stupid in the 70's 3D is stupid now
  9. AAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!! OMG WTF!!! As bad as the pontiac aztek
  10. Dear Nissan, Your performance cars deliver amazing performance at half the price of cars that perform equally (Both the GTR and 370). You should really hire others to handle the aesthetics however. Your cars are unattractive, and borderline annoying to look at, which is why until you fix this problem, I won't be buying one. Thank you, A1
  11. Cyborg hasn't aged that bad. This movie is terrible now.
  12. Wait, the black guy ISN'T Montel Williams!!??
  13. love the show. Didn't realize a thread about would really just be a firearms thread. LOL
  14. yes the Living Daylights. Also driven in, IMO the best bond, On her Majesty's Secret Service.
  15. I know what you are saying, I just don't think AM gets the deserved respect in this department.
  16. LOL, I traded my lotus in for a Range Rover. Giving the RR to my Dad, and taking his Chevy Tahoe to Chicago. I do like almost all british cars. Lotus - Most fun cars ever Rover - Most beautiful SUVs Aston Martin - The best muscle car of the 70s, the most beautiful coupe today Jaguar - "must come with a free bowl of soup... Looks good on YOU though" Its about even.
  17. Wow, I must be British. I like everything they say, but there are some (most) american cars I don't connect with.
  18. I don't understand why we need an "american" version. Top Gear isn't in French or anything. We can all understand what they are saying.. Any yes, its the hosts. Look at the douche from Motor Trend that does the vignettes. That guy sucks, I wouldn't watch a show with him for anything.
  19. Their customers are indignant, smug, a55holes that think they are of supernatural intelligence. Their customers, or potential customers wouldn't be offended by this message because they are already sure it isn't talking about anything they would do. Even if it does, they aren't aware... Kind of like what the cop says at the beginning of the Walking Dead, "she bitches about global warming all day, and can't ever turn a light off in the house."
  20. I'm ALL ears!
  21. This is a monument to the fact that american automakers have not had a new idea in 35 years.
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