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Agent ONE

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Everything posted by Agent ONE

  1. Black Dynamite was a parody/tribute to black cinema in the early 70's.. You can't just swap out the ERA and the RACE and say its the same movie. Following your line of logic, we could say Cheech and Chong, is just the Mexican "Roots."
  2. If I were to make a GI Joe movie, I would recut the old cartoon episodes into a movie, and redub like the "bodymassage" video. It would be two hours of crazyness.
  3. Hey pfunk! Miss ya, you should stop by more often.
  4. The first one was barely watchable. The second one could only be better, but why bother?
  5. Its still more interesting than drag racing.
  6. No, its Admiral Akbar.
  7. The Admiral Akbar costume your dog is wearing. I hate that technology. Every time I see it I scream "ITS A TRAP!!"
  8. True. I really don't eat healthy to live longer. Its about being in better shape. I don't think anything tastes as good as being in shape feels.
  9. Tasty = makes you weak
  10. Dude, so true. I LOVED the first Tron, and I did the same thing before Tron Legacy came out. The irony of Legacy is, you have to really remember Tron the original to really enjoy Legacy.
  11. Using a scarf to create a seal around the helmet to go out and get the tuna. (ep 4 of SDFM) When Max wears a dress (most episodes of Macross7) Every single scene with Basara (Macross 7)
  12. The south is certainly more racist than California. In San Francisco there is almost no such thing as racism. I grew up there, and I always wondered why people made such big deal about it. Then I went to the south. I mean its not like I saw violence or anything, but there are certainly attitudes.
  13. I make engineers sign non-disclosure, non-compete agreements all the time. I tell them, "you work for me and I own your mind" but I usually say it in a way that they laugh. If they develop something, and it doesn't screw up mh business, I tell em to go for it. I actually remember those case studies from business school. That's why I made my post in the first place.
  14. When you work for a company, and you invent something that directly involves your work, the company owns that idea. There are some idiots on the web that do not grasp this. Sort of like, the fact that they are paying you has nothing to do with it. That is NOT what the first TRON was about.
  15. Something more interesting needs to happen. Running and screaming all by itself isn't going to carry this show for another season.
  16. You see him being alive. We could see a sequel.
  17. 3D is stupid and will only be sold to home users if it is being forced down our throats.
  18. You guys with negative comments.. What did you expect. The first one is knida slow paced, and the story was brilliant if you understand it. The Iso programs are self generating, now as a guy that actually writes code and algorithms, I can appreciate that the most complex of algorithms ARE going to ge self contained and generated to a large degree by a computers logic. Do you think Google's algorithm for search was just written with tags as "if, then" statements? I think the two tron movies stand a whole hell of a lot better than the matrix trilogy does. Yes.. The new one makes no sense unless you fully understand the first one. I am surprised they made a sequel that was this exclusive really only for only Tron fans.
  19. Weird, I don't really want or need anything.
  20. I think those things are terrible. They find a nice old car and totally ruin it.
  21. Wow. I will probably see that. Looks totally fun. They made those korny images work
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