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Agent ONE

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Everything posted by Agent ONE

  1. Yeah well, thats like your opinion man HAHA. Do you remember when I was planning on fighting Godmedia to the death, while completely naked, covered in baby oil wearing only a viking helmet?
  2. Looks better without its skin
  3. HAHA, it was fine man. Didn't whip it out, but it was fine. This is my rating scale of SCI-FI films w/ this film included: Total pooch screw ---------------------------- Eh -------------------------------- OMG BEST MOVIE EVER 1 ---------- 2 ------------ 3 -------------- 4 -- 5 ------------ 6 ---------------- 7 ---- 8 ------ 9 1. Battlefield Earth 2. Any LOTR movie 3. Star Trek the Motion Picture 4. Transfmers 2 5. Battle: LA 6. Any Terminator film other than 1 7. Terminator 8. Predator 9. TIE: SW ep3 ROTS / SW ep 5 ESB Does that help?
  4. No, he was using HGH, which is not a steroid. He was caught bringing it into Australia. That trailer looks so bad, I am wondering if this film will go to straight to video.
  5. Saw it. Entertaining.
  6. I know lots of guys that have track cars. The street legality of this thing, is more to get it to and from the track.
  7. Great example. That show is an abomination now. When I was a kid I was all about it.
  8. Right, two more seasons and a movie means we will have to wait ~ 6 years for that. I freakin hate how slow they are in producing this show.
  9. No kidding. The trailer looks horrible.
  10. LOL, that show was so fun when I was a kid. I have a feeling it has ZERO re-watchability.
  11. Cars wasn't bad, but still the weakest of the pixar movies. This one looks worse. I don't like hillbilly humor, stupid people irritate me, and the hillbilly thing is just a symbol of a group that should just be put to sleep. ...and a toilet joke... ha.. ha.. ha... Wow, is that how low they have to go now? I didn't see any gimmicks like this in UP.
  12. LOL LOTR is the most boring movie series ever made.. Maximum turbo extreme lame. The Hobbit is faster paced? Great so is reading federal tax code.
  13. It does look anime. Love it. Way too over the top for me.
  14. Exactly.. Naked Prey on the other hand. That was a serious film, that just happened to be terrible.
  15. Hilarious video, totally entertaining. Bob Sap is a bodybuilder though. Totally different kind of training. Tons of meaningless size. BJ Penn could beat Bob Sap. Still, they wouldn't have weight classes if skill were everything. It should also be noted that CroCop is my size which is just about how big and powerful a human can be and still have speed. (Others like this: Tyson, Hollyfield, Velasques...). Sap is too big to be any kind of fighter.
  16. Alright I have read everyone's comments. Maybe I am too tough on him, and Dana White is correct, he is the first guy to cross train, but still, the may is overrated. BL is famous, because he was the first. Thats it. Also on the topic of size and strength. Guys, I partake in MMA for recreation. I am big, I know what happens when I contact with guys that are more skilled than me but small... The go down like rag dolls. I was sparing in pads with a Wing Chun black belt a few months ago (I am Krav level3/5) and though the guy is faster than I am, and landed some hits, they did little to slow me down. I hit him hard enough to make him drop for 5 min. So much for the wicked Wing Chun. The guy was 150lbs 5'10, I am 6ft 220.
  17. All alleged. IMO, just BS made up by fans. We will never know though. If that were true, there wouldn't be weight classes.
  18. We are going to have to agree, to disagree. Ponder this: 1. BL would have to gain probably 50 lbs to even make the minimum weight class. He has the bodymass of a 10 year old girl. 2. He is fast because he is so light, which looks great on camera, but not practical in actual fighting (do not argue with this, if this weren't true then weight classes wouldn't exist) 3. BL movies sped up the camera! Its not real time, they showed the fighting scenes faster to make it more impressive. Watch Sean Connery in an old Bond movie, he has lightening fast speed too, because if increased camera speed. BL is a great ACTOR in action films, nothing more. Following your line of logic, is Arnold the greatest swordsman to ever live because of his showing in Conan?
  19. The way he fights is for show. Nothing he ever did has been effective in MMA. MMA has shown the world that most effective martial art in the cage/ring is american wrestling.
  20. This is true. Thread title: This is in NO WAY true.
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