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Agent ONE

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Everything posted by Agent ONE

  1. This is the Conan that should have been. I would rather have an older arnold, than anyone else.
  2. The visuals are nice! Acting seems to be a joke The music is unbelievable bad I was and am bothered by the lack of physical stature of the actor, but the world is tired of steroid athletes, so its a change I can understand and largely I'm past it. The visuals are good enough for me to read the reviews, I haven't seen anything to make me buy a tshirt and wait in line on opening day.
  3. HAHAHA... Just started watching LaBlue Girl. This is unbelievable. How did I not see this till now!?! This is the most offensive thing of all time, yet totally hilarious. I wouldn't call it bad at all, certainly has a more interesting story than lots of anime.
  4. I would have preferred him captured, this way he is a martyr.
  5. That is Vin diesel is an amazing actor. A true thespian. Paul Walker is also an amazing actor. Completely unappreciated in his time he did this mob movie recently, forgot the name but it was totally bad ass.
  6. I'm so irritated that Obama will be the one taking credit for this.
  7. HAHA, Dude I was seriously curious. And this is Macross World, which gives me the right to state my case about Macross 7, its not "tentacle sex world." If I find Tentacle sex to be offensive, I would save all of my negative comments for “tentacle sex world”
  8. In M7 threads I used to read about anime with tentacle sex (which somehow relates to m7 I guess). Can someone recommend a show or movie that has tentacle sex? I don't know what it is aside from the obvious and it sounds hilarious.
  9. Me neither. Even if its bad it will be good. I actually found Mylene and the furbie to be ok, it was the whole indoctrinating children into weakness and gender-neutralism that I had a problem with. (for the record, I have never made this statement before. Some similar statements, but never this one therefore I am offering something new to the discussion of Macross 7)
  10. Do RIP threads get locked after 24 hours or something? I feel like some survive, and some get locked right away. Is there a consistent policy?
  11. I like the Fast series, at least the first one and the most recent one.. Ghost Train's words are hilarious though.
  12. I think in the sequels he will go all jedi on us. The lack of Sam taking his Father's place, and seeing Tron live totally leave openings for sequels.
  13. It will never exist in any form like that.
  14. "burried" by you and Keith (who nobody listens to) just do a search on "boondocks Racist" I am not the only one who feels this way. the show is all about "fuk white people' I dated an angry minority for years, I am sick of that sh!t.
  15. Its being done by the Boondocks guy, who is a total racist. The show will be nothing like the movie. I predict this will succeed but for all the wrong reasons.
  16. Stay Hungry was WAY worse than Hercules in New York.
  17. The show never made sense to me. There were like 10 living self-aware beings living on an entire planet, and they just had to fight to determine the ruler... Like there wasn't enough room for them all?!
  18. Snarf Snarf
  19. Looks like a miata with a body kit.
  20. Hilarious video, but whoever picked the music should have their dick cut off. Worst music ever.
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