To most of us, Arnold is the real conan, and the books are junk.
I read the books after I saw the movie. I was seriously disappointed. Flat uninteresting, totally one dimensional character. Sorry if you are a fan.
I'd watch a Doom movie if it were shot from the perspective of the demons. And in the end you find out that "hell" is just a computer virus as the fight takes place in the digital world. The hell would actually be the digital soul of marlon brando that he created from his brain right before death so he could live forever.
There would also be naked chicks everywhere like Duke Nukem... I know naked chicks have no place in Doom, but I just liked that part of Duke Nukem.
*edited for spelling
My favorite Forrest Wittaker film.
Actually Arnold NEVER talked about family values, nor did he ram Jesus down anyones throat. I respected him for that.
Still that said, Arnold was the guy that could rally the moderates to the republicans... Now that he is the bad guy this won't happen. A great deal of Americans see what he did as horrible.
The most spectacular thread resurrection ever...
I was but a child when I started participating in this thread.
Oh and uh... I deleted all those mpegs. I burned them on a dvd and mailed them to someone around here... don't remember who.
I wondered what the deal with the guy with the bow was. Thank you. Is that the actor from Hurt Locker*?
*yeah just looked it up, he was even better in the town.
Hey I ran track in high school. I was the high hurdler, also did the shot and discus. Yeah I know, I can do anything. Strangely enough though I don't remember the full body skintight outfit that I was required to wear for competition.
Wait, so does this mean there will be another hailstorm of bad superhero movies on the horizon? I'm already tired of these films, seriously I don't think I need to see another superhero movie for five years. I'll care what hero it is.
Its one of those movies that I am so disappointed with right out of the gate, I don't even want a DVD rental going on record. I will buy the bootleg on a streetcorner in Hong Kong.
Yeah its fake.
He is still in great shape. He didn't use a body double in T3 and I saw him two years after that.. Still in shape. Now, the man IS 62 so.
I wanted a movie where he played a 62 year old Conan.