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Agent ONE

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Everything posted by Agent ONE

  1. Runts, are always more driven later in life. I read somewhere about how the vast majority of extremely successful people, were bullied when young. I am theorizing the first trailers, were test footage, just so marketers could get audience reactions... Most people (I am assuming) gave the same feedback we did here on MW, therefore reformatted the movie.
  2. Its like a completely different film!!!!
  3. Well, if thats what you want to learn, go for it. I suppose we just have different tastes.
  4. I'm over a year into it, and I love it. You are right about it not being an art though. It is just for hurting and killing people. Nothing else. I always thought the beauty, balance, and discipline of martial arts was a waste of time. I'm already a great athlete, with amazing balance, no increase my killing power.
  5. I can't tell if you are serious, or joking.
  6. LOL, not sure if this was a worthy reason to dig up this thread, but its funny.
  7. Is there a link to this strange and wonderful film?
  8. Keith actually didn't pick up your sarcasm, and agrees to hate America. I liked the movie. There were a few korny party, but not enough to piss me off.
  9. I don't think so. LSD is a pain to make IIRC. The kids are cooking meth now. Much healthier.
  10. Squirrels would scramble under my Lotus and live, but not often... Whats more impressive is at high speeds, these cars drop maybe an additional inch. When I would look at pictures people took of me driving ~130 the car looked far lower than standing still.
  11. You guys have it all wrong, if a Robotech film is done, they will just redub an existing movie (probably like Robot Jox), then splice it into another movie (probably like Home Alone). The characters will do the normal things, but will keep talking about a mysterious energy source. It will be great.
  12. Where are BSU and 1stBorder? Those guys would miss work to discuss southern cross on MW (BSU rolling on the floor laughing about how bad it is). Southern Cross suffers from more than just bad character design. It has a poor story, poor dialogue (bad in original, and laughable in RT), ridiculous mechanized designs, no point, and no real end... Other than that, its great.
  13. Wow, that makes Black Dynamite look like Avatar.
  14. I am shocked you would directly address the correlation made here. Basically nexxstrait is saying they are "gaying-up" conan, just like they "gayed-up" macrsoss, just to spite me. You really want to show your support for this comment?
  15. Watch all three seasons. There are instances of anikin torturing prisoners to get information, and even a commitment to the dark side to avoid his vision of the future (he was tricked by someone). Anikin doesn't become dark, he has moments of extreme dark, then he goes back to being a nice guy. He is an erratic thinker, even up to the moment of his death, think about it.
  16. So hilarious/random
  17. Yeah, yeah.. Wear a macross shirt, but also wear a viking helmet and a pink feather boa.. That way when we all go see the movie, it will be easy to pick you out.
  18. Thats what it looks like though. sifi TV crap
  19. Eh, 3D is an annoying distraction, and a useless upcharge.
  20. Fire someone over that!? I dunno. Be pissed off, yes, cut pay, reprimand, force a public apology, but end someone's job. Seems excessive.
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