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Agent ONE

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Everything posted by Agent ONE

  1. Yes, I had no expectations for Avatar, but expected the 4th (produced) SW film to be as awesome as Jesus and Superman shining my shoes. I was disappointed.
  2. So glad I backed this film. It was AWESOME!!!!
  3. Loud as hell, no power steering. One of the valets at my building in Chicago is not strong enough to steer it. I love the thing. So fun.
  4. Avatar was a remake of dances with wolves. Not at all the same thing as Laurence of Arabia. LOA was a true story about a British spy who unified the tribes of arab regions to fight other muslim who were were allied with Germany.
  5. The gunmetal grey. The car is amazing. The entire interior (walls, floor, just about everything) is carbon fiber.
  6. I did it. I traded in my 911 C4 S for the Alpha Romeo 4C. Test car I have ever owned, Even better than my Lotus, and you guys know how I felt about that.
  7. This movie was great. Even my GF who is far too you young to appreciate the vintageness said that other than the old/bad special effects, the movie had fine acting, and the plot was great, totally fun.
  8. The only exception I can find is painting a car with black bedliner. Not porous, and basically indestructible. Looks good on offroad vehicles.
  9. Matte black is porous also, therefore it takes fingerprints like stainless steel. Always looks treble. Kinda like how a DeLorean always looks dirty.
  10. Uh... That almost makes me cry. Those two should not fight.
  11. I ripped and trimmed the song out of the video... It is my new favorite song. PM me with your email address if you want me to email you the file. Any of you, even Keith.
  12. No kidding, I emailed that to just about everyone.
  13. The first one was an incredible film The second one was a bad 80's movie, with no relationship to the first and I found mildly disappointing, and insulting to the first. The third one, was a ridiculous action comedy that I wish I could unsee. THERE IS ONLY ONE MAD MAX MOVIE TO ME. This trailer looks like the second one plus the matrix, more than anything. I will see because I like DT, and I can tell he is excited. But Duke, expect the phone to ring when I am done. Either way we will need to discuss.
  14. I missed this comment back in 11. Yes, he was an amazing artist. I will go even further. If Martial arts is truly an ART, then BL was the man, but if Martial arts is about fighting, then he lived in a day when no fighter was tested like today, so we will never know.
  15. I thought the Next Generation was a comedy show. It was like, lets make a space show with zero action and then laugh at the fans... HAHAHAHA.
  16. Wow, that trailer makes it look even more terrible than the other one, which was already terrible.
  17. Looks like war without any serious violence or graphic scenes. I want bladerunner grim in my Sci-Fi. We are really missing that lately.
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