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Agent ONE

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Everything posted by Agent ONE

  1. The real problem there is cheapo racks. You should be able to slam fork lifts into those things all day. Awesome video BTW
  2. I am going to buy the new set... 3 copies. I want Lucas to make more money. I think he does a great job.
  3. AAAHAHAHAHA!!! I would like to argue that the new Conan is really ruining the franchise, and the slight edits made to the SW series are generally improvements and a few are awkward. I am sure none of you agree.
  4. WOW. Great thread.
  5. Clone Wars. Other than that, scifi shows are episodic and lack direction. I have really never been excited about any. I watched star trek as a kid, but only because I was bored.
  6. Force ghost of Jar-Jar
  7. I actually didn't believe it was her when she told me. She had to start doing the voice.
  8. OMG fanboy rage is awesome.
  9. Am I the only one that think Lucas is the man, and he keeps making the best movie series even better?
  10. It really should have been. There are some straight to DVD movies that are far better than this thing.
  11. HAHAHA, in two threads.
  12. So does Gredo shoot first? Or Han?
  13. If that line is really out of the books, then the books are not something I am interested in reading. Wow, the Schwarzenegger Conan for me or nothing.
  14. I met that actress in Santa Barbara. She was kinda hot.
  15. Destroyer was horrible, but I disagree. Your bad list should include the dialogue; "I live, I love, I slay" so LAME. How about the fact that Conan couldn't chose a voice, one minute he is having fun and sounding like a surfer, next he has this dark, brooding, raspy voice.
  16. Its not like kill bill comedy blood. Its just bad movie
  17. Nobody even knows this thing is out. I was at my fight gym a few days ago and mentioned it, and people had no clue there was another Conan movie. This thing is obscure as Universal Soldier Regeneration. One bit of awesome was the "go find the key" scene. Honorable mention goes to the catapult scene.
  18. I thought there may have been some shred of material redeemable.
  19. Saw this movie.. If it had been called "Steve the Barbarian" I would think it was just a crummy movie, with porn level acting, but as I feared and expressed earlier in this thread, this tarnishes the name of Conan. Total crap movie. Now we will never have Arnold in the franchise again. So pissed.
  20. You guys are just mentioning crummy shows, not SCI FI shows.
  21. I think the literal translation involves violating the women of your enemies. That is cooler.
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