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Agent ONE

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Everything posted by Agent ONE

  1. think u mean someone else Nope. Last post by him that I saw had an image of a fastpack Hikaru Skull logo. It was also a crappy image which made it even more dorky. Nope just checked... same takcyass sig.
  2. OH MY GAWD!!! you guys suck! What the hell is it!!!??? Is actually a ninja, or were you guys kidding?
  3. Ah... Interesting. I wouldn't know that as I never edit. I'll ask Shawn to make it perminantly checked. What the hell is up with you and the edit button? Give it a rest already. Is that important for you to know who said what then changed it? ... I addressed the issue becasue I was asked by Abombz!!
  4. It makes me want to punch people in the face! That has got to be the greatest reply of all time! I picture it coming from some angry drunk! Or maybe from Strongmad! I've been drinkin!.. So what, you can still fight when yrrrr drunk!
  5. think u mean someone else <_< Nope. Last post by him that I saw had an image of a fastpack Hikaru Skull logo. It was also a crappy image which made it even more dorky.
  6. No... I think Shawn is saying that if one wants to he or she can avoid 'sig stupidity' all together by opting out of the whole thing.
  7. Was this just a size issue... IE we were running out of room?
  8. In episode 4 of SDF - Macross, the fold generators in the Macross VANISHED!!!! What happened to them?
  9. I don't like anime!.. so I don't have any idea what that is from, but I admire the amount of work that went into that.
  10. Can I list the people I don't like?... J/k I talk to Kevin (Valk. Xchnage), Abombz!!, JsARCLIGHT, Drad, Emerson, skullone, Godmars (DT/Godzilla) Mods Max, Roy, MMX, and BSU. The list of people who I want to put a cigar out in their eye is just as long.
  11. I prefered JsARCLIGHT II.
  12. I get enough love... I pork lots of chicks. However I am still no closser to knowing what that smilie is!
  13. This is what I am talking about: What is that thing supposed to be!!!!!!!???????
  14. There is a security thread in the feedback section.
  15. Reminds me of the Spice Girls or maybe Banannaramma.
  16. Ah... Interesting. I wouldn't know that as I never edit. I'll ask Shawn to make it perminantly checked.
  17. As I am the evil twin of Roy Focker... It shouldn't be too hard to figure out who I was on the BI (Before Invision) board.
  18. Is that what you did? I ask because I don't think it works correctly.
  19. Well at the moment we are all n00bs.
  20. It makes me want to punch people in the face! HAHAHAHAH edit: LOL edit 2: Muhahahhahahah oooooooooooooooooooooooo.... Looks like that feature just got added! AWESOME! I can now see when all the gutless sissies edit their posts! AHhHHH HA HA HA!!!!!!!!
  21. He will have to do that manually and that will be a pain for the Mods.
  22. I don't miss the avatar title feature... This is such a better board now, it is worth the sacrifice.
  23. Do people really care about that!?
  24. It makes me want to punch people in the face!
  25. Pics in sigs is bad MW Ju-Ju!! Keith will have hair growing out of the palms of his hands!
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