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Agent ONE

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Everything posted by Agent ONE

  1. Actually amazingly enough, you are right. Something I find strange. I think everyone is so excited to have a nice new board they are distracted from the trouble they like to cause.
  2. Who's BAD!
  3. That "chompy" mouth looks so fisher Price I could scream... I had more adult looking toys when I was 2.
  4. Hey, thanks. Hey man, no images in sigs.
  5. If we are giving second chances... are we giving thirds also?
  6. Thanks Ralph! I've been playing with it for a while. Lebhead has it featured as his link to MW on Protoculture.com.
  7. 1/60 = 5 pcs. 1/48 = 6 pcs.
  8. maybe a Zeroish look!
  9. Hey I don't follow the Transformers because I think the plotline is lame-ass, but aren't they all supposed to be 80's cars? That is a viper! I don't remember a Viper in the 80's show.
  10. Variable Destroids!? Why discuss this? The VF is variable for a reason... not just to make it look cool, what need would be better served if Destroids turned into something else. Transforming for the sake of transforming is a concept that iritates me.
  11. The only reason I ask is I would love to see a branded Macross World logo in the upper left hand corner of my screen as opposed to this: As that logo is on the MW server is there any to copy over the image!?
  12. B) Cool man... your skills are improving!
  13. I love ya. Let's get drunk (hand out a bottle of Yoshinol to Agent ONE) LOL... So you going to go back to Modding!!?? Or are you going to stay a member?
  14. He didn't turn around his gunpod fast... It is an animation mistake.
  15. No... it was a motorcycle accident. He had just finished doing the voice of Bobby in Macross 7. He and Kawamori were extreemly close.
  16. Hey man! once the old boards are available you can checkout the birthday thread I started for your last birthday!
  17. I am personally well served in my correspondance with other MWers through AIM and MSN.
  18. Everybody loves you!
  19. Is there a verdict on what this thing is going to look like painted?
  20. Awesome! another Bay Area kid! UN Spacy is getting a group of us together... I'll keep you informed.
  21. You'll get over it. Actually it was the JsARCLIGHT II: Electric Boogaloo smack that just tore it for me. I'll always think of you as JsARCLIGHT II.
  22. I think I might have missed something. I can't get to the old forums. I get the "Temporarily Closed" screen.
  23. okay................................ What the hell does that mean!?
  24. lol hopefully that list doesn't include me No, but the board is still young... <_<
  25. I don't know anything about a Tech-Rowboat, or whatever you were talking about... but in Macross there has to be a better answer than "just vanished."
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